What is the last untouched bastion of western society?

i would say Russia is the last truly white nation standing

>none, if any, roma
>muslims almost exclusive to caucasus
>family values
>no rothschild bank
>learned communism didn't work & unlike leftists, doesn't cling to an ideology proven to fail



>>muslims almost exclusive to caucasus

Pic releated. They also have a shit ton of corruption, poverty and AIDS.

slav > anglo


Burger have you heard of the cold war?

yes, and while the USSR fell, the neo-USSR now manifests itself in DC. Modern Russia is now closer to 'America' than America is

A first generation slav in America standing next to an average native is a stark contrast of whiteness, though. The American and his black Italian eyes, not-so-distant African and Semite cousins, muddled Germano-Anglo-Nordic blood, inability to tolerate lactose, is easily discernable from a pure northern slav with bright eyes, snowlike skin, and love for milk fresh from the udders

That said, OP has no idea what he's talking about with his silly shill memes. There's a reason Russia has had a brain drain problem where its best and brightest pure slavs now work for AT&T, Microsoft, our feds, etc

Italians and other southern europeans are white, you fucking kike.

>Family values
>Higher divorce rate than EU
>Enormous suicide rate
>Rampant alcoholism
>Only ten percent of Russian Christians regularly attend church
>Drugs and krokodil

I never even said they weren't, dumb faggot, and even if I did, it's irrelevant to the point being made. You think mediterraneans are all white but slavic people aren't? Dumbass.

Nice anti-American meme you have saved to your hard drive there, though. Cuck.

All europeans are white, moron. When did I discredit slavs? I'm not going to ruin this already shit thread by saying I'm part polish or whatever but slavs are white.

>muslims almost exclusive to caucasus
I've got some bad news for you...

Look at what you replied to in the first place and who you sided with, you braindead mouthbreather. Holy shit you are dumb.


Its not Russia
Russia is cool in its own way, but it aint a bastion of western civilization by any means.

I'm Italian you subhuman.

Roman Empire > americunt chimpire

A violent fate awaits you and the rest of your nigger ridden country.

The Amish.

Uh, mate, I don't think you understand what western nations are.
This, Africa-tier corruption, violence and AIDS.

none: they don't exist. Russia is merely less marred

russians: white, christian, have a history connected with that of other europeans, speak an indo-european language, etc.
the idea that russia isnt exactly western but they are not really eastern either, and the dichotomy is somethinf that cold war boomers made up

No you retards, Africa is the last white nation standing.

>Russia is closer to us today
>literally led by an ex-KGB operative

>muslims almost exclusive to caucasus
you're delusional, it's like saying niggers almost exclusive to Africa. Mountain niggers is blight of all big cities.
>no rothschild bank
Banks are being killed every day, we will soon only have one bank left - sberbank, making banking sphere a government of monopoly
>learned communism didn't work & unlike leftists, doesn't cling to an ideology proven to fail
Everything Putin been doing for the last decade is rebooting the USSR. Those burgers who still call us commies will soon be correct again.

you're a russiaboo, mate. the place is fucked beyond comprehension. It's on par with south american countries, just a bigger version of them (the shitty ones)

>the neo-USSR now manifests itself in DC

Uh buddy, the neo-USSR is Russia. Every single one of their recent wars has been to aid their old Soviet sphere of influence. They're just LARPing as nationalists out to help sovereign nations and of course Sup Forums falls for it because anything is better than Western jew media.


>Those burgers who still call us commies will soon be correct again.
Old Communism at least had moral obligation of social protection (twisted communistic but still). Neo Russian communism is hybrid of no rights of communism and exploitation of capitalism. If you are poor it is your own fault, oh wait is even treachery as you pay less taxes (of course super rich in Russia should not pay less taxes than poor).

>he bought into goverment TV images of gold clad priests
I say it was complete cultural shock when Russians where exposed to western media. When you see in movies Americans praying before meal, going to church every Sunday and having Christmas. You looked like hardcore religious fanatics, one step away from totally cartoonish arabs. Russian faith is body cross, insurance just in case, and no influence on your drunken life whatsoever. No Russian knows a single prayer. Communism killed faith in Russia for real.