ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong

ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong

She did nothing wrong, all the way to the bitter end.

>removing scum
not like this

>policy to remove scum
>eventualy turned into policy to remove lazy and annoying people

he should have just kept killing actual criminals. everything beyond that was just because he is quite arrogant about how rightous he is.

Literally the protagonist painted as villain

I don't understand why Ougi would tell her

Scared NEET detected. Why don't you shape up?

Nothing wrong if you exclude trusting Araragi.





True, he was doing the right thing in the long run.

However, in the short term, none of the girls he turned into magical girls were bad either. I think he could've gone about it in a different way and achieved the same goals. The main problem is that there wasn't really any bad force in the universe, so people thought they either had to side with Kyubey or side with Madoka et. al. Unfortunately in this case, both groups were the good guys, just with different perspectives.


actual protagonist of part 7


It's a queen's duty.


When he revealed that he had no qualms about knowingly destroying humanity is when you should have viewed him as a villain



What is one race compared to saving universe from heat-death caused by increasing entropy?

Kyubey is acting for the benefit of the universe as a whole. Like I said, it depends on which scale you look at. If you consider his actions from a human perspective, he can be seen as evil. If you look at his actions from a universe-wide perspective, he is doing something that will save the entire universe. I understand that it seems despicable if you look at things from a human's point of view, but I'm just saying he isn't actually the villain. It seems like you either need to side with Madoka or you side with Kyubey, but in reality you can side with both. The girls should be glad they were chosen to keep the universe alive indefinitely, even if it means their destruction.

It's simply the way the universe works, to avoid complete destruction, sacrifices must be made. I'm not happy it has to be like that, but I can see why it needs to be done.

Is this a thinly disguised "characters who have done everything wrong" thread?

>pic extremely related if so

Why? It's the fate of a universe versus a single species. Maybe we wouldn't like it because we're humans but that doesn't make the QBs evil, if we're being objective about it.

Shit, they can't even into empathy, it's an illness to their kind. Their actions are amoral rather than immoral.

Ribbons did everything wrong. She should have spiked Reina's water bottle.

>I understand that it seems despicable if you look at things from a human's point of view

Gee, it's not like we're humans or anything

Pretty much. Want to point out that in the end of the series, Madoka finds a compromise. Magical girls still help to save the universe, albeit a little less efficiently, while the human race gets to stick around and magical girls live with less DESPAIR, although they still get their souls displaced, live tough lives, and eventually die.

>Gee, it's not like we're humans or anything

uh, oh yeah. haha!

Not a thing

My cat wakes me up with load meowing at 4 am if he's hungry

Cats can be pretty evil

Well... there was that one thing

and that other thing