Will we ever get an anime about computer programming?

Will we ever get an anime about computer programming?

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yeah and will it be like what New Game is for game development


Stella no Mahou next season.

Oh you mean the most boring human activity since watching grass grow? No, OP, I don't think we will.

post all your pic related


post that one trap manga edit

New Game?

Don't talk about things you haven't read or watched.


But codding is boring user, nobody would watch.

Battle Programmer Shirase was about programming. Kind of.


post more SICP

boku no pico is good


This. I mean, it has both pair programming AND lewd typing!

Subete ga F turned out to be more about programming than I expected. Also some sick Game of Life patterns and Lisp code in the ED.



Definitely. The show was aesthetic as fuck, just a shame the story was pretty meh.

That's why the code should be commented, dummy. Who cares about about abbreviating function names if it's clearly stated what the functions do.

Yeah, but my biggest take away from that show was that it turned me into a 2d lolicon back in my mid teens.

And maybe an interest in vintage electronics and computing.

It turned me onto Isabelle Adjani

>That's why the code should be commented, dummy. Who cares about about abbreviating function names if it's clearly stated what the functions do.

Buddy no. The only reason for short program and function names is because you're working in FORTRAN and don't have the choice. Comment is just a longer word for lie.

I think the loli love story ended up being the focal point

It was completely innocent. She was his cousin.

l-lewd typing?

Hopefully so that you special snowflake faggots will finally shut up.

Reminds me of APCS where half the time, my partner took fucking forever to solve the problem because they never paid attention to the lecture and they never figured out how to use Google and I had to go back and fix their terrible formatting so our grade didn't get fucked up.


Qualidea Code was supposed to be about it - Code of Quality.

Subete ga F ni naru featured a genius computer scientist as the villain

Didn't Angel Beats do the same

I want to teach Ruuko how to use computers

I'm not sure Angel Beats even counts.

>Be teen hobby programmer
>Watch Battle Programmer Shirase thinking it's about programming
>Loli fanservice/teasing everywhere
>Now I'm a hopeless lolicon

At least I know exactly at what point my life self-destructed, that's some relief at least.

That ED tho

>That's why the code should be commented, dummy. Who cares about about abbreviating function names if it's clearly stated what the functions do.
>somebody actually believes this


and it gets better

if only Software Engineering was really like this...

Pair programming with typical coders only leads to brustling.


>tfw you fell for the CS meme

I want to BE Nagato Yuki.

Fuck, you made me remember that I have to read the whole K&R manual for next monday.

pfft, nothing to it. It is a very thin volume.

KyoAni could make it fun.

That's cool and all, but I want a series about Math, Psychology, philosophy and people trying to get their masters, phds, MDs and JDs and all those other degrees out there in academia.

Just like real life.

>Just like real life.

I want to teach Ruuko how to do dirty things

Where is this from? Sounds neat


>computer programming
Why not the superior patch programming?

>Who cares about about abbreviating function names if it's clearly stated what the functions do.



>That's why the code should be commented, dummy. Who cares about about abbreviating function names if it's clearly stated what the functions do.

t. frontend dev

Hopefully never.



Japs can't program so never.

I wish someone would say this about my code. Or say anything about it. Or just speak to me.



>Will we ever get an anime about computer programming?

Years ago there was the series "Battle Programmer Shirase"


Rather than an anime about CS, why not a manga? I'll write up a quick plot.

Okay so the premise will go like this:

Boy is entering second year of high school. Formerly all girls school, but birth rate yada yada. Doesn't get along well with women so he decides to learn CS becasuse CS is historically almost exclusively male. He finds out there's a CS club, but to his dismay he finds that the club is exclusively female and is missing a member so it will shutdown if he doesn't join. He decides to try it out for a week because the plot demands it. Wacky antics occur. He learns that The club members are all super lewd and worse at programming than he is. Wacky antics end up with him in a perpetual state of blackmail with a new reason every couple weeks. He has to keep going.

This high school shit writes itself. The only problem would be making the coding jokes relatable to a wide enough audience.


Self documenting code nigger, go educate yourself

There is a GNU/Linux manga.


I don't like it.

I have a different idea that's totally not a ripoff, I swear.

Imagine. A shy girl decides to open a coding club. Nobody really joins for a while. The club was open because a bunch of people were registered on paper.

But then you transfer in. You don't really know anything, and really, you just wanted a quiet room where you could read your shitty light novels. So you end up in the Computer Club, it being in the literature club's room and all.

There, one meganekko is sitting under a blanket tapping away at the keys. You arriving managed to surprise her, but ends up mustering enough strength to convince you to join her club.

So, you spend your school days growing to love both coding, and the shy girl you met in this clubroom.

While all this is happening, perhaps there's some other antics, like the shy girl's rather active friend egging you on, things like that.


I like your idea better. There are a million variations of the school setting and I just went with the first one that came to mind. While mine would be a generic harem coding comedy yours would be a more subdued romantic coding drama.

I could see drama coming up later over magenekko's lack of social life and overall shyness.

That does sound good. I also imagine there could be more theme-related drama, perhaps something about her potential being noticed, her being invited to some foreign university, or being offered internships, or something like that, and the way the two will approach the possibility of being separated.

It's funny how there is every kind of subject used as a theme for manga but in the end it's all the same generic garbage.

At least ubunchu was released before canonical became retarded


I wonder if a slow-paced comfy series like this can even be adapted as an anime.



This is my fetish.



W-wait what


keep going user


>Programming while crossdressing


I don't think programming works like that.

I really need a source on that user, image search gives me nothing.

Not quite the same thing but there's that one manga about competitive overclocking

Why bother finding the manga if you can't fucking read anyway?

>babby's first attempt at insulting

Text is fake anyway.



>me. at work. everyday.


Every time I have to look at code written by Indian contractors

Spics don't comment their code at all?


Regardless, no they don't, or if they do its really broken English. A really common fault is something doing what it was meant to but in an entirely awful way

What about an anime about programming where the cute girls are the languages?