Kyoanusfags will defend this QUALITY

>kyoanusfags will defend this QUALITY

How do they live themselves, having to choke down such shit animation?

Other urls found in this thread:

How about the actual size of the eye?

>Sidemout is QUALITY
>Lol anus

>sidemouth not QUALITY

Did you just time travel from 1933?

Here's some plastic explosives to put under Hitler's car; now before you go back remember to eat your vegetables you can live long enough to kill Osama bin Laden and tell Miyu Matsuki's parents to get her vaccinated.

>comparing 2d to 3d
Side mouth isn't quality because it is intended to be that way. That's doesn't mean it doesn't look silly and stupid; but that doesn't make it quality.

>killing Hitler
>not 1930

You had one job, user. Well, actually two, but still.

Why the fuck would I want to kill Hitler?

Opinion discarded.

>If I don't like it it means is QUALIFY

Your new is showing.

>not 1917, long before he had bodyguards

Because he was part Jewish.

Meanwhile at Shaft circa 2009+7

>Needs to look for a 7 year old show to even find KyoAni QUALITY

Sidemouth IS QUALITY. They can't be fucked to draw a proper mouth so they do the sidemouth bullshit.

But thanks for letting us know OP is objectively right.

>This is a movie

This is why you should only talk about things you understand like gamer gate or console wars.

Sidemouth can often be a stylistic choice depending on the character designs, like Nichijou for example

This guy is right you don't know what quality is.

Sure. But it's totally fucking Quality when they also draw the fucking lips in a completely different place, like in the OP.

Nope. It is an stylistic choice. You are mixing your dislike for the animators/director choice and quality.

But seriously lurk more. I also hate most of Kyoani's shows but that doesn't mean I am going to spam ramdom buzzwords in bait threads.


The lips are not stylistic in the least. Look at those bumps on the side of her face and tell me that doesn't look out of place when you see it next to another mouth. Does she have two mouths?

Is not an stylistic choice because I think it doesn't look good.

It do looks silly but that doesn't make it quality and is not the first time that someone uses the side mouth like that. Again this is something you should know if you just lurk more.

Whatever. If you think it's acceptable in animation to do this, then I hope you stay far away form the business.

>If I don't like it animators should stop doing.

I bet you sign online petitions.

>Stay away from the business.

But user I am going to be the first and most successful gaijin animator in Japan.

It doesn't matter if you think that is acceptable or not. Side mouth in anime/manga nothing new it as existed before you were even born and is never going to disappear. You just have to deal with it.

I love threads where the OP tries to pretend KyoAni has bad animation.

KinoAni aren't the only studio that does sidemouth. There's nothing wrong with it either.

>does sidemouth
did sidemouth ages ago*

Anti-sidemouth fags are autistic


Sidemouth in of itself isn't necessarily bad, but it's really criminal in this particular show because they also draw lips facing to the side.

Don't care how much of a kyoani fan you are, you have to admit twomouth is shit.

Slanderous lie made up by you know who

Why would THEY want to claim him as one of their own? It'd be like blacks claiming Nathan Bedford Forrest was part black.

If it's such a shit scene, why is it so influential?

>It's another shaftfags vs kyoamifags episode.

You have autism

what about this

I wonder what would it be like to have those kind of teeth. Now that I think about it what's the purpose of having so many individual teeth?

>faces lined up in cascading profile
It's like when Apple tried to patent a rectangle with rounded edges.

The QUALITY isn't just in the side mouth, it's in the fact that the side mouth exists along with clearly defined lips on the front of the face, which appear to be closed. It doesn't look like she has her mouth on the side of the face. Even stranger, it looks like she has a big, gaping hole on her cheek. Maybe even a second mouth that exists at the same time as her "real" mouth on the front.

So if one gets fucked, the others don't. You can still have a usable mouth after the fact.

>forced quality

You've got to kill Hitler to stop him from killing Hitler.

This always looked slightly off to me.

They are not human
Don't you know that?

>being literally so new to anime that you still get bothered by sidemouths
Thanks for the laugh, OP.
Next time you'll be complaining about shiny skin as well.

Sidemouth is fucking terrible and unrealistic, so is anime eyes.

wtf i hate anime now