ITT: Shit everyone convinced you to watch and it was shit


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Did you watch the series beforehand OP?


Series was great.

Didn't really enjoy the last 40 minutes of the film.

What didn't you like about it?
Explain user

Pic related


One Punch Man (the joke gets old after episode 3)

Kill la Kill

Sword Art Online

Elfen Lied

>Too stupid to understand it
>Automatic response is to call it shit

Maybe you should stop being friends with normalfags.

I'm actually inclined to agree. Should've never made the films for plotfags.


exact same thoughts as every single title you listed is entry level garbage

so i really enjoyed the parts that are rooted in reality

and even the abstract parts of nge was pretty cool because you knew it wasn't rooted in the real world, it had a surreal feel BECAUSE it was in shinjis head.

but then the end of EoE was 40 minutes of an abstract imagery that seemed like it was teeming with symbolism that was pretty much irrelevant. It was abstract and disjointed when the world was ending but it was what was really happening. The visuals didn't do much for me.

also Asuka's
line made no sense and of course after looking into it Anno says he wants people to interpret for themselves

fuck you anno, tell a story or don't, don't make things purposefully obtuse for no other reason but to have watchers imagine for themselves.


if im going to criticize Eva and wade through drones like you then I might as well have fun with it.

the only thing that's shit here is your thread fag

nice response.

thanks nigger

I don't think you didn't like it.
It's abstract, but the nerds at evageeks have actually taken the time to pick out all the symbols and have come up with some good explanations of what the ending meant, if you read a bit and maybe rewatch some of it, let it digest, you'll probably like the ending

But in a way (and I don't want to sound pretentious), the reason why these threads still exist, and why people watch eva is because it's left to interpretation

So triggered

How exactly would you visually demonstrate someone's consciousness transcending to divinity (or near it, at least) without some abstraction?

>tell a story or dont
He did. "Disgusting" was the least dissembled, least obfuscated dialogue perhaps in all of fucking cinema history. How can you honestly look at Asuka and Shinji and the events that had just transpired, and find anything at all about her choosing that word to be remotely confusing, obtuse, or even subtle?

>left to interpretation
There's not really a lot to interpret. The reason why these threads and such discussions outside Sup Forums still exist is because Evangelion is almost always the first interaction with something that isn't unabashedly, violently obvious for the person watching for the first time.

Because it is so well known and it's so monolithic, it's frequently one of the first anime that a person may watch. Considering what else exists in the medium, it's probably very unlikely they've encountered anything like it.

At some point, I believe someone involved in the creation of Eva said that it would always be "the newest anime ever made", exactly because of the reasons I stated above.

It is quite literally a matter of being out of one's depth and ignorant. It is, no shit, 2deep4u for most people who watch it for the first time.


anno literally said it was up for interpretation himself.

also because the line has been translated different ways.

disgusting was one of them
i feel sick was another one so some people thought that meant morning sickness.

the interpretations can go on

perhaps. I just found the series to do really well with abstraction and the movie seemed to suffer on the whole transformation scene.

i will definitely rewatch it at some point.

>implying this isnt bait
>TTGL and even Kill la Kill
>disliking something because its popular
"i browse le Sup Forums i only lik refined animus hehe"

This garbage

Black Lagoon
I get told I'm baiting every time, though.


Fucking GOD DAMN IT!

I was pretty unhappy with this movie until a couple months after I watched it, when the traumatic scenes faded and the good parts of the movie became more significant in my mind.

Traumatic is overstating it, but I was fairly underageb& when I watched it and I didn't have a whole lot to compare it to.

I could never tell someone to watch it off the cusp and think that they would really enjoy the overall experience.

ayylmao; agree with everything here except TTGL and Kill la Kill which I have not seen.

Most recently I have dropped watching re;zero after realizing (far too late) that it's super cringe dogshit with a MC more unlikable than Shinji

I also couldn't finish the first episode of No Game No Life

oh and everyone faps to Steins;Gate but it's wayyy 2slow4me familio; no desire to watch further than episode 1

This gay and dated shit. Liberal Arts fags shouldn't be allowed to write space operas. Set your gay-ass history fanfics in fruity medieval fantasy worlds like Martin did, fuccbois.

t.turbo rebbit pleb

>Hey user you should Eureka Seven it's amazing and there's a sequel coming out
Did not like it
Still watched AO and it was fucking worse

But LoGH is Reddit:the Anime, you fuccboi. It's a typical Redditors choice: find something 'vintage' and 'obscure', but still with a sizeable following, and preted to like it, so you fit in as a 'patrician' and can participate in 'sophisticated oldfag' circlejerks.

>thinly veiled recommendation thread
>Sup Forums convincing people to watch anything

Not this time, OP.


Well, That one show, I forget it's name now, but it had the two brothers but one was evil and it seemed like it was going to be a cool cat and mouse game like death note but around episode 7 it turned into Dragon Ball Z instead of the creepy vibe it had before. The evil brother started giving monologues and stuff and the good brother had to harness the power of yen or something stupid like that by holding wine.

First time I've seen a show start strong and turn bad after five episodes. Usually it's the opposite, that a show takes a bit to get going and then gets better.

Jojo never stops coming

Cod Geass

It was an okay show to pass time but every time Suzaku got screentime it turned into absolute garbage.

I stuck with it due to its reputation alone, hoping for things to get better but they never did.

I only got through S1 and even though I know there's a S2 I'm not going to watch it. Assuming they both die there is a much better ending in my opinion.

Sup Forums the most civilised place on the internet

Sup Forums is pretty damn civil

You shut the fuck up about e7. It was amazing

Lucky Star
Yuru Yuri
Hidamari Sketch
Every iyashikei with an all female cast ever

I think the genre just isn't for you.

Is this faggot for real?

It's fine with a gender dynamic. Minami-ke has a similar formula, and it's one of my favourite shows.



I love every parody of this op. This fucking sax remix. Dark souls one is also pretty creative

This shit here, I even watched >80 episodes 'cause people tell it gets better, well it didn't for me.
Should have watched a couple of actually good series instead of wasting my time with that boring crap.

Almost inclined to do a full length four minute video. It'd be a lot of Seinfeld trawling cause of so many quick cuts though.

>someday I know you will be awakened

That could coincide with Kramer waking up in the river. Make the 'cunning boy' Newman instead of kaworu. Hmmmm

I don't know if you could really cross eva with seinfeld. They don't have many similiar scenes

lol this retard.

I can some up Eva in one word. It's a show about NOTHING

Kill yourself moefag

>literally the only two shows to have stupid masturbation plots



>Elfen Lied
How anyone can like that tripe, I do not understand

What if I told you that everything is nothing


Fucking Sup Forums made an elaborate ruse to declare it "the anime of the year" just to poke fun at the lists of other sites and I got coaxed into the snafu when I believed that and watched its first session hoping that it would turn good at any moment

It didn't

>"i don't like it, therefore its shit"

Fuck off with ya

*applauds* Damn straight.

It IS really fun to talk about, even years later, though. Good series tend to be that way, so it isn't unique in that regard.

The phrase is "kimochi warui", which in Japanese means... a number of things. The closest literal translation I can think of is "feel bad" and that misses a lot of the context.

Yes, it's sometimes used by women who have morning sickness. But it's mostly just "ugh." To take a modern example, in Re:zero (sorry, nothing about the quality of the series, I'm just talking about a line of dialogue!) the protagonist says it to himself over and over, while pretending to be happy-go-lucky to his compatriots. He doesn't mean he feels physically ill, though even in English we use phrases like "I'm sick of this" to mean things other than literal physical illness.

The protagonist in that show uses it to mean he feels horrible, like he-just-got-tortured-to-death-and-now-that-he's-reset-has-no-idea-how-to-fix-it-and-prevent-his-death-and-the-deaths-of-everyone-he-cares-about-horrible.

But yes, sure, Asuka's words can be up to interpretation. But damn it, it's pretty obvious, the way it's said with such quiet loathing, that it's one of the coldest reactions ever recorded, and if you hear someone say that to you in real life you probably aren't going to be friends afterward, you dig?

>hey user you should check out this brilliant anime called No Game No Life

never listen to normalfags

jesus fucking christ, fuck off with haste


It's okay, I have ADHD too

Steins gate was a bore fest
Rezero was too autistic
GiTS was a cheap deus ex ripoff
Yamato 2199 was too fucking predictable w/ copouts
Moe shows general are shit


Art style is fucking atrocious and Im not into homo erotic lel so random bullshit.

>needing ADHD to hate Baccano

Yeah, who could have problems with a semi-serious mobster flick going completely retarded and bringing in magic and eternal life

>hating Yamato
Really shit taste user

Whats bad about it? Cringe?

Stardust Crusaders
What an awful piece of shit compared to the OVA

Is this bait: the thread?

>>Kill la Kill
Fucking this. The production values are terrible, the story is all over the place, the power ranking system is shit and the twists are so hamfisted it is obvious they didnt plan it out at all.

>b-but the production value being shit was intentional
Yeah just like you pretend to be retarded rather than being fucking retarded

>the story is all over the place
what the fuck does that even mean you retard

That the story is terribly written and jumps from plotline to plotline with minimal connection or use. Use meaning the use of story to achieve what the writer sets out to do.

EoE is a shit movie, it's only good for the visuals/animation.

You are such a stupid idiot. It's also glaringly obvious you're new, and chose not to lurk before posting.

Nobody seems to give two shits about it now even though it was "the new Eva"

>use of story to achieve what the writer sets out to do
no fucking shit

This, amongst other series that Sup Forums decides is AOTY, like Haruhi.

Also Texhnolyze.

>use of story to achieve what the writer sets out to do
no fucking shit

muv luv
ALL of the sol's aside from nichijou
everything magical girl aside from madoka

so i decided to try out some of the popular stuff because there must be a reason why it is popular.

evangelion was nice , so was ttgl and especially klk. SAO was a massive gray area since being entertaining on a superficial level, the MC was an archetype of a mary sue and soon made many outcomes very predictable.
REEEE:zero is quite interesting in that we have a human character without any advantages aside from respawing trying to overcome both his own negative traits and the problems thrown at him. no SAO 2.0 to be seen here. now show me an Sup Forumsnon who do much better in subaru's position.

since i stopped trusting Sup Forumsnons blindly on anime recommendations , i grew to enjoy a lot more of different stuff.

What if I told you it all comes tumbling down?

What if I told you it all returns to nothing and it just keeps letting me down?