Last year I was very left and lately ive become more and more right, should I be scared of this change?

Last year I was very left and lately ive become more and more right, should I be scared of this change?

Embrace it, user. Just stay below the horizontal axis, and we'll get along just fine ;)

Only if you don't start drifting upward as well. ;-)

Anywhere outside a 4x4 square in the middle is an insane radicalist

join ussss....
(Although, I'm not all that different from you, still)

I hate Authoritarians, so Im fine on that part

It depends. Make sure you learn economics. Without it, you could get into some bad ideology.

Yeah, it means you have brain cancer.

No, it's a completely natural part of growing up.

Just a few years ago I was deep in green territory, now I'm a center-right libertarian. Its natural for changes to happen as you educate yourself on subjects you previously knew nothing about.


>make sure you learn economics
>austrian economics
Lol no, just read a textbook. Austrian economics is the intelligent design of economics - good for trolling but nothing else

economics is the intelligent design of economics
ignore economics economists are all retards and scammers, the market is one huge insider scam.

yeah its called growing up and being in contact with reality. Also biological determinism is 50-80% correct, and as your brain reaches full development somewhere between 24-27, people become far more right wing. (i.e. working off how the world is, and adapting your view to it vs ethereal idealism.)

no, this graph is just how to become a domestic terrorist

t. Trailer dweller

basically this is ideal politics. Inside the black box. And yes that includes anti-degeneracy, anti-immigration, race realism, etc. But it also includes universal health care, mixed market economy, respect for culture and tradition, and tolerance for benign difference, and more or less individual autonomy.

>mixed market economy

uh, no, statist cuck.

>look mom, I called him a statist again!

Buzzword that could mean anything from sex orgies to piercings
I'm against immigration because I think its bad for 3rd world countries to loose their best and brightest citizens to nations that have less of a need for them. As for the ones already here I could give less of a shit as long as they are integrating themselves and their families.
>universal health care
Causes healthcare costs to skyrocket and limits supply, creating bottlenecks in the system and rising prices in the long-term
>mixed market economy
Socialism-lite that results in market distortions, monopolies, and lowered productivity.

my mom is a communist nostalgic desu

this is me should i change it

Universal healthcare doesn't cause prices to skyrocket silly
> what is bulk purchasing power?

>thinks you can bulk buy a individualistic process like services from a doctor on your specific body with a condition not every9ne has.

You literally can its being done even now to great success in many countries.

please i asked question

Except that bulk purchasing is effectively nill if government foots the bill, therefore removing companies incentives to control costs. Even a private option could reduce this problem, but in Canada private health care is more or less non-existent.

You do realize you are claiming that your own government is paying outrageously when you are paying less than half of what we do per capita?

The problems with your system can largely be blamed on artificial limits of supply, thanks to doctors controlling how many new doctors can enter into the profession, and state health agencies which control who can enter into the market. If you eliminated these two problems and mandated an actual pricing scheme (as was done with cars back in the 1960s), your system would probably be better than ours.

You sound like me.
I was a hardcore Marxist, and hated Capitalism.
Eventually, though, I realised that Capitalism and Communism are both two sides of the same Shekel of Materialism.
"Technological Slavery" by Ted Kaczynski
"Revolt Against the Modern World" by Julius Evola.
Listen to Jordan Peterson lectures.
Read the recent translation of "200 Years Together" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsn.
Finally, watch "he Greatest Story Never Told" by Dennis Wise.
Godspeed, user!

>Think that graph is right wing
Fuck off to Reddit you communist faggot

It's hardly a valid test if you keep re-taking it, user.

It gets way worse. I now consider myself a social conservative.