THIS. It's time

THIS. It's time.

Other urls found in this thread:

>We value money more than people
Yes. And?

If we valued people more than money, we'd keep those borders closed even tigther because no one wants violent cunts unwilling to assimilate flooding into their home, save for various lobbyists hoping to make a quick buck.

But think of the violent rapists. They're people too.

My people > Money >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mud people

>We know we're worthless so lets destroy the concept of value
>but keep using your value to gib us money

This. A thousand times this.

No amount of twisting the words will make people change their views.

that's unironically the opposite.

>We need immigration control, we can't just have open access to our welfare system
>Alright, fine, I'm also against open immigration because I don't want to lose our culture

What do people such as the author think would happen to infrastructure across Western Europe if there was no immigration laws? Don't they get that concepts like national health services can't exist without border control. What do they think is going to happen to schools and housing with a never evening influx of people into countries that can't possibly sustain them? What happens when the food runs out and the water stops running?

I agree. Let's all move to Africa and build a new superpower.


It's literally the opposite.

But I don't expect a Negro to understand it

What happened to "immigrants are good for the economy"?

I dont consider foreigners people.

>migrates to get money
>migration controls are capitalistic
pick one

>google it
>not only is it real, but the "editor pick" comments are all supportive, meanwhile actual comments below are all negative

Yet these fucks lock their own doors at night.

How bout that socialist modernist art. Much deep many level


They want the migrants to tax them among other things like cheap labour. They are literally putting money before people and propagandizing it (mostly to women) as saving women and children fleeing from war.

One example (in the UK at least) is because they fucked up the pension schemes and there are not enough young people to cover the cost. They should have invested the money the current pensioners put into the system, they didn't, they spent it expecting the next generation to cover the cost.

The author of that article is a cuck to a woman who believed the saving women and children bullshit.

Theyre losing control of the narrative if the comments are negative. But yes I see your point.

>Utopian thinking

Niggers and reality , people

it is if it's controlled for actual skilled labour that fills in shortfalls of a nations job sector but mass immigration is not good for an economy for the most part


they have it the wrong way round.

>utopian thinking
I've played enough stellaris to know that it literally never works

Money cant buy everything cunt. Think of the poor saffas, they can only buy plane tickets to escape yet there is no where to run to

They're good when you actually need cheap unskilled labor when you're not quite a fully developed first world nation and got buildings to build and factories to run. If you're a a fully developed nation then the unskilled labor goes straight to welfare.

You should never take skilled labor because you should be training your own citizens to raise to that position. It's important that natives feel like they can move up and not just get outsourced.

Oh, and no niggers. It's never worth it to take anybody who will not assimilate.

Oh oh

Someone post the video of the American boomer with the balls and containers demonstrating the futility of attempting to help the 3rd world through immigration.

>muh native feels
if there is a shortfall in an important industry that drastically needs to be addressed now it's pretty stupid not to while it takes decades to train up a native workforce

To make money you need to be presentable, reliable and somewhat hard-working.

To make a person you need to fuck your low-IQ wife in your Nigerian strawhut and wait for her to push out her twelfth kid.

>let's import people who have proven they have bad religion/culture
>they bring their religion/culture with them and force it down our throats

What could go wrong?


>utopian thinking

The irony is that ending immigration control will guarantee a dystopia

The purpose of the nation is to serve the nation, not fucking "industry." Go bash your teeth out on a table corner.

Make money with my people. Fuck mudmen, and bugmen.

They want migrants to buy consumer products and borrow money. Those niggers wont pay tax

We're already there bud

Fuck off, we are full.

It will guarantee a utopia. An islamic utopia.

>impoverishing and lowering the quality of life of people within your nation
>serving the nation

very nice mental gymnastics there, you get gold


not stopping it and sending them all back will have a similar effect matey, albeit slower.

what a fucking nigger

the day of the rope can't come soon enough

t. tanned german who doesn't wanna share gibs

>not four years at most for most jobs
>being such a nigger that you can't plan ahead
>valuing foreigners above natives

I didn't know abbos had internet. No wonder you'd sell your own people because muh industry.

In their country sure

>let's all live in a multicultural paradise free of hate!
Ok, I guess we can try...
>they start advocating for your extinction as soon as they get in

Why did I have to be born now.


>to beat the Jew you must become one

/thread and /thread forever

Every day we get closer towards making Children of Men a reality.

>most top tier jobs take 10+ years of university
>huge attritional drop out rates
>being so retarded as to risk economic collapse leaving you open to outside threats

your school system is worse than I thought or you're a nigger either one

>Unlimited immigration doesnt lower the quality of life of people within your nation
Go huff some diesel you sub-human.

read the thread first, I never endorsed unlimited immigration you fucking mongoloid meme flagger

Buttblasted Sub-human confirmed.
Thanks for the keks


>economic collapse because we don't have enough Poo software engineers


oh you

Literally why I went into accounting.

pity, you'll be replaced by automated accountants soon, they're phasing out people at my mates accountancy firm as we speak

>automated accountants


Literally teach a model to move money around when needed and poof, no need for humans

You won't immediately get an AI to come in and start doing all the work an accountant does. It can't do that quite yet. But it can do 50% of the work an accountant does, meaning the firm will let 50% of its staff go. Automation doesn't necessarily imply the entire job will will be replaced; some things are still very tricky for AI, but many things are trivial.

>but many things are trivial
What are they going to do when near-perfect high volume trading bots become available to anyone with a laptop?

We're actually ahead of schedule.

He's right. Of course rural and suburban retards deny this very basic truth, but I wouldn't expect anything else from low IQ eneducated rednecks

You're trying too hard

I guess we'll find out if the emperor has clothes.

Heh. Hope it gets there soon.

The Queen > Money > Niggers


Entirely incorrect. This best thing for humanity is to provide education and training to immigrants and then send them back. You cannot solve the underlying issues in their homecountry's by taking away all their best people (the ones that can afford to immigrate are usually the ones with money and education). By encouraging immigration we are actually disproportionately fucking over their homecountries.

I know you've probably had this idea in your mind your whole life that allowing open borders is the humanitarian thing to do, but if you open your mind and think about the greater implications for their home country, it is actually an awful thing to encourage migration.
>The democrats push migration because it brings cheap labor into the country, which is necessary because they also want high taxes which normally drives businesses out of the country for outsourcing.

Please watch this video with an open mind and if you disagree, back it up.


>End all locks on your doors, they're a sign you value your property more than people.

Guardian commenters deserve their own special holocaust

These people are lower than filth

Uhhhh, yeah?

>disempower the elites
do you think this cuck knows that would mean no more facebook?

Nah, we just value national identity and a stable society over muh feelings and one-sided charity

Most of the commenters are sane, they just don't get an editor's pick.

There is enough food and wealth in the world so that no one starves. But do we do it? No. So go write another 'opinion' article to post on Sup Forums to ignore.

The best post

Leftist say anything to keep control and inflict harm.

It's the other way around. Uncontrolled immigration is theoretically more lucrative and better for the economy, but in practice the opposite is true when it comes to mudskins. If we choose to cloes the borders then we value people more than money, not the other way around.




You do realise the skilled labour shortfall in the UK pre 97 mass migratory influxes was 16k a year. This was met with foreign recruiting by the CBI and FCO of skilled workers in other G7 countries.

Even if you add in unskilled labour demands it tops out at 60k people a year for a 65 million person country.

There you go. We don't need 375k+ a year every year. Unsellected random proles.


I don't consider foreign, under 100 iq people as human.

and why not into showbiz?

What am I even supposed to comment on this, there's so much wrong with this stupid fucking article

I'm new here on pol, curious. My mum is Iranian, she fled during the Islamic revolution and married a white guy, worked all her life, only indication of her being Iranian is her place of birth in the passport. Is she fine by Sup Forums standards or no?

Depends on her political views you dirty mud

Generally speaking, Iranians make for better immigrants from that region than those from other countries.

but money > peoplle


It's because they don't have civilization where he's from. Civilization is about not eating the seeds you need to plant in the spring. They don't have that.

I thought Iranians are aryans? At least my mums ancestors were possibly raped slightly less by arabs than the rest of them. She'd get on with most people on pol here I think, christian, hates jews, kurds, refugees.

You either die a goy, or live long enough to see yourself become the Jew.

it's the exact fucking opposite

immigrants are cheap labor