Go to protestant church A

>go to protestant church A
>"it is a sin to be gay!"
>get in the car
>drive down the road to protestant church B
>"there is nothing wrong with being gay!"
>get in the car
>drive down the road to protestant church C
>"its not written in the bible, so its up to you to decide :^) if its ok to be gay or not"

how in the fuck can these people call themselves an organized religion

Other urls found in this thread:


>go to protestant church on christmas
>preacher hates me, since i was an edgy atheist
>parades around his fugee nigger, which he houses in the church on everyone's cost
>"see, he had such a hard life and now he did not attack anyone after we gave him everything, the AfD is dumb"
>all the boomers eat it up

>think i might try out catholicism
>remember the pope, but local authoroties may be different in opinion
>visit mess in small church
>hours of brabbling and boredom and preaching about islam being our friend
>get letter before federal election from catholic bishop to please not vote AfD

I dunno, mate. If those fuckers represent God, they're doing a pretty shit job at that.

>go to protestant church
>something bad happens
>"God is testing our faith"
>go to same church
>something bad happens
>"Satan is challenging our resolve"

Since God is allmighty and omnipresent this means he has the full control about our lives and satan so he is directly responsible for whatever satan does
So according to this logic second thing still means the same as first

The bible never said it was a sin. It said it was an abomination.

>>"its not written in the bible

The 21st century belongs to the Nietzschean, Neo-Calvinist superman.

This is why I never went to church or accept pope to be a messenger from god nor do I take the bible literal word to word and I'm not an athiest but I'm a person that is "christain" by standards that I believe in god and I am full aware of jesus christ but I'm not going to bash and shove my religion or claim some stupid crazy bullshit down in people's throats nor will I go out of my way to act like a complete pushover cunt like the churches are doing.

Fuck established religion, especially the churches they need to all not be exempt from taxation and pay up just like the rest of everyone. The church needs to start paying taxes now.

>I'm a bastard christian and I don't give a shit if your gay or not, just keep it in your pants when your in public.


You don't understand anything about what you said do you.

Most preachers are heretics and teach whatever they think will bring in the most people to fill their pews.

Its almost as if no man who has ever walked this earth has the authority to interpret gods word. And we will all be judged by our actions at the end of all things. "Organised religion" is useful for organising society, but not for teaching about god.

That's why you need to read your Bible. Don't be fooled by satanic false-preachers.

>go to so-called Romanist "Church" A in Buenos Aries
>"this is the holy sacrament of Christ transsubstantiated into his body and blood, and the sacraments are necessary to attain unto righteousness"
>get in the plane
>go to so-called Romanist "Church" B in Dublin
>aging population and semi-urbane social justice mantras wrapped in religious garb, no soteriological focus whatsoever
>get in the plane
>go to so-called Romanist "Church" C in Central Asia
>missionary attitude without much liturgical emphasis at all, mostly lead by lay leaders, similar in teaching to Protestantism

how in the fuck can these people call themselves an organized religion

what do you expect from a made up religion built to serve the interests of the powerful or the disenfranchised?

the only thing dumber than not expecting this shit from sky farytails is thinking it will go away if you burn all the books and erase peoples memories. chrisfaggotry comes from man, the book and religion is just an externalized representation of it.

We're living in the times without the light of God on Earth.
The truth has been distorted and very few alive today will gain access to heaven. We can only pray to God and Christ for mercy. That said, those who do figure it out will be rewarded like no one else.

Christianity exists to collect taxes from Jews and justify the destruction of their temple in 70. Their only charitable concern was making sure the pleb military and slave classes paid their taxes and did not revolt (render unto Caesar's, turn the other cheek).

german catholics really are the worst catholics

the catholic church is the most organized religion in the world, nobody disputes this.

>the US is a great country
>except the government and most its population

except that OP's point was to remark that because there are theological differences within sects of Protestantism this therefore means that they somehow are not an "organized religion" when the point I'm making is that Catholicism also has a lot of variety contingent upon the culture and region it's in but yeah

what is this supposed to mean? surely you don't think I'm praising man or the bible yes?

Great things get coopted by shitty people yet people find reasons to fight for them. White people these days seem to destroy or abandon causes at the slightest challenge.

we did that on purpose with vatican 2 though,
people were worried that a uniform liturgy was gonna fuck up native cultures, which is kinda did with the medieval europeans.

the church has its different factions but the core doctrine is the same world wide. we're not really allowed to believe in different things

>go to feminist A
>"sex is liberation from the patriarchy!"
>go to feminist B
>"the porn industry is oppression! All sex is rape!"
>go to feminist C
>"it's up to women to decide if sex is good or bad, but we all agree sex is bad for men."

how the fuck do these people call themselves a political movement?

>the church has its different factions but the core doctrine is the same world wide
>being this fucking indoctrinated

I'm seriously skeptical to believe that asian or african catholics were taught anything different than what was taught to me in my parish.

and that's why you're on Sup Forums on a monday morning instead of at work and contributing to a healthy vibrant family

>great things
yeah no, its not great, its the culmination of cruelty and human hubris, weren't it for the inoperable cultural connections it would be better to cut our losses and start anew its so bad.
which is why you see so many people falling for new age bullshit, they want the spirituality of the old ways but without all this garbage cruelty from a psychogodwizard. its not going to work of course, but they'll try it. and for a while it will be okay, until dogma does it again. Even a """"peaceful"""" religion like buddhism can be ruined in the same way christfaggotry was stillborne. Oh you're in a shitty situation? well you deserve it because karma, also I have your wallet, which I stole, that I deserve, because karma. born into a shitty caste? too badlol, just karma. religion is just another arm of mans sickness, but man is adroit in putting beauty in their nerosis. Its a lamentable fragile but ultimately endearing trait, and it is why there is any sort of fulfillment to be gained from religion in the first place.

you know yourself too well :>

>fill their pockets

Fixed famalam


because I don't believe that catholics of different nationalities have a different dogma, I'm a loser?
the whole reason we have a pope is so we stay unified in our beliefs.


people have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that God is just a dick sometimes, it's like they all read the new testament but didn't get anything out of it.

Give an example of differences in doctrine.
And if you're going to bring up the Mexican Goat Magic then save us all the time and kill yourself.
Santeria is not Catholicism.

>in our heretical and clearly incorrect beliefs that are exegetically indefensible from the Pauline corpus, especially in a straightforward reading of Galatians or Romans
>in our completely unsubstantiated Marian dogmas that were completely unknown in the early church and don't even have secondary documentation of until the later half of the 4th century
k m8

Protestantism isn't an organised religious sect you moron, the very reason for its existence was born from dislike of catholic (in the sense of 'universal') religious structure.

actually the reason for its existence was soteriological over the issue of justification by faith, primarily because Catholicism engages in some pretty blatant syncretism and wildly misinterprets and misapplies the Pauline letters

Bloody cucks youtu.be/CSKbWI1pUHQ

Eh I mean that's just one of five solae, so you're half right. It's been a while but I remember Luther attacking the church for its corruption too.

Food for thought, 1 Timothy 3:15

>butthurt literal fag upset the church forbids sodomy.

Yes, if catholic church wouldn't have been so greedy, cruel and stupid, there would be no protestant churches.

This is true

It's because they're in that awkward phase where they're starting to realize that certain parts of their Holy Book are incompatible with modern society, so a lot of them are just ignoring them but others are trying to hang on to maintain the illusion that their book really is holy. But of course they're forgetting that they're already ignoring lots of it so really what's one more passage?

Christianity has been infiltrated, the people in control are impostors and the ones the churches you went to are just following the rules of the current head.
Theres no racial conscience in argentina, yet i saw an "anti-racist" poster on my school church the other day... I wanted to puke.....
the pope is a nigger and shouldnt be taken seriously, we can hope the old fuck dies quickly (hes 80.. i dont expect him to leave much longer, probs 2-4 years at most) and someone with actual braincells takes office

you must learn that Christianity has pandered to degeneracy and boomers, its absurd to be told by a fucking priest that gay marriage is OK, or that having premarital sex is not a sin, i am disgusted, the church needs to adopt its former principles.... This also the hand of the jew at work, notice how Christianity is the only religion that has been undermined, even Buddhists who are all about peace are fed up with muslims. The white race is sick, they have beeen robbed of all common sense

they were that bad
prots are just a bunch SJWs before SJWs and you fell for their bullshit.


So you think the sale of indulgences was just peachy?

>you must learn that Christianity has pandered to degeneracy and boomers
The so-called "church" headquartered in the Vatican doesn't give a flying fuck about you or any kind of principle honestly; just so long as swarms of brown people fill its pews and greedy coffers. Why the fuck else do you think the current Pope virtue signals so hard about "muh refugees?"