
Americans, how many of you would turn your back on your country if your home state tried to forcefully succeed from the Union?

i live in texas.


What does "forcefully succeed [sic]" mean?

I live in Minnesota.

I will never be raked.

he lives in texas

Ah, I see.

As a fellow Texan, I agree.

Context is everything so it would depend on the underlying reason for secession.

If my state tried to leave I wouldn't support it. If California tries to leave I will support it

>underrated post

What if Florida try to leave the Union? I don't know man. Depends on the goals of Florida I guess. It would have to be relatively self-sufficient but also be able to deal with a lot of the South and Central American countries. I can imagine the US would try to block or inhibit that similar to Brexit. Look at all the shit EU is doing to UK just out of spite for voting to leave.

He lives in Minnesota

Me too

I like the idea of an independent California, except for the people who would be in charge. If we gassed all the kikes and liberals then set up a fascist military state, that would be pretty cool.

I would, the state of Ohio is my home


I would, The Republic of Texas is better, and we need someone to nuke The People's Republic of California. I'm a Texan first, American second.

I'm not an anarchofag. I'll help to make sure the union stays together. Once the ball starts rolling more states would do it, and the end result is civil war 2.0. We're trying to improve our national infrastructure not destroy it.

Oh, and Oklahoma is rightfully Texas clay, they are basically Texas' hat. We would also go back and claim our rightful clay in New Mexico and Colorado.

I'd put on the suit of grey in a fucking instant!

God bless Texas.

Depends on why we're seceding from the Union.

Also, fuck off, FBI. Stop collecting data on us reeeeeeeeeee

I'm in NY so most likely I'd GTFO before state enforced homosexuality is implemented


I already live in the people's republic of New Jersey. I would radio danger close fire missions for the US army to retake it after purging the libs

Any colorado fags wanna start a gang?

Country above state
Texans are no different to spics in Cali so I'm not surprised to see

And invade all the other neighboring states at the same time. They must learn their clay is our clay. Period. We'll just burn Michigan though, what we didn't take ain't worth it.

Only immigrants (not all but most) would object to defending their state from the fed, only redblooded natives (conservative people in the state) would fight tooth and nail for their land, even if it was against their own government


This. People already think I am Canadian. I don't actually need to be one.

That's all, he lives in Texas

>Americans, how many of you would turn your back on your country if your home state tried to forcefully succeed from the Union?
I'd defect to the union in a fucking heartbeat
>t. Califag

I would. My state is solidly republican besides niggeranapolis. We have a strong military presence here. Our president would be Mike "if your butthole is lose you get the noose" Pence.

I live in CA so not a chance in hell. I would vote for secession in hopes that Jefferson breaks off and rejoins the Union, though.