Better bomb those fuckers before they manage to bomb you all!

Better bomb those fuckers before they manage to bomb you all!

Other urls found in this thread:

my ex gf lives in L.A.
I hope they land a few good hits

Fires can't burn anything if California gets nuked

That's the west coast pal


It makes sense from NK's perspective. It's better to be on equal footing before approaching the negotiating table.

Well played by Kim tbqh.

nice bait
I've even lived there

Also sauce

What is surprising about this? It's literally the only bargaining chip they have. Their primary antagonist in the war against the west is the US.

>Fat pampered dictator lives posh lifestyle
>US constantly talks about invading and ending this
>Fat pampered dictator decides to build missiles for protection
>Using them first would mean end to posh lifestyle
>Defeat purpose of building them in the first place
Honestly, I'm not worried. That fatass just wants to make sure we don't steal his tendies.

Watch your language! Mr. Trump is your president.

Why would you wanna start another war so that a bunch of rich kikes can economically profit while young kids die fighting for these unnecessary "jew wars?"

Fuck those chimps

>had a girlfriend

Indeed, NK started so much wars last century, it is about time most peaceful and non-aggressive nation of JewSA defeated them!

>East Coast

Fucking based!!!

Do they have the right idea? What would Sup Forums do if it had a North Korea at it's disposal?

I agree with Kim. That fat gook should have the chance to nuke Commiefornia before his country is glassed.

((they)) already do economically profit off the current situation
China is Israels third largest trading partner China buys minerals from North Korea for next to nothing
((They)) buy them in turn from China for next to nothing
In turn they already do have a kike owned bank in North Korea that they claim was sold to a Chinese shell company in 2011

In addition could you imagine how much it would cost to actually have to pay someone a living wage to harvest rare earth minerals if S. Korea took over?

Forgot a link to ((their)) bank in North Korea
If you search the "Nice Group", the company that it was sold to, its obviously a shell company

>mfw NK nukes cali and new york
If he hits DC too then he will be a true king among men.



>CNN is fake news
>Unless they're making unverifiable claims about North Korea

>ex gf
>Los Angeles
Every 20 seconds, another swede gets BLACKED and cucked

Go Kim Go!

For what reason would (((they))) buy these so called "minerals" for? What "minerals" are you talking about user?

Honestly the real reason we might take them out isn't because they can hit anything of ours.

The REAL reason is almost certainly that we would have to reveal weapon technology that is currently under wraps to stop the missile.

That would be a bad set of data to give to everyone.

Plot twist, they nuke london instead

First off, it won't be a war. It'll be a slaughter.

Second off, what fucking profit is there from nuking North Koreans? None. There's absolutely no justifiable reason for the US to waste resources because the Norks have no fucking wealth, they're not in any strategic position, and they're literally dirt shit when it comes to geopolitical influence. Even China is getting tired of their shit.

Every single provocation North Korea has made, it has made on its own, and all the US does is reassure its allies that this batshit fuck won't nuke and invade Seoul or Japan.

ANYONE who claims otherwise is
>a literal commie shill
>Russian shill that wants to find any way to make the US look like the aggressor because the cold war never ended in their butthurt perspective

>le wunderwaffen will save us XD
You're going to have your back against a wall within less than a year. Get over it. But hey, at least you're going to win. That's for sure. :)