Why is birth control so expensive Sup Forums?

Why is birth control so expensive Sup Forums?

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50 dollars per pill or per month? You can afford that or you can afford to stop fucking.

If you don't have the money, you don't get to choose what birth control you want, you fucking degenerate.

If birth control is a right to women sex should be a right to men.

so this is the power of single women... whoa....

Birth control is 5-15 dollars if you're not a poorfag and have health insurance. It's 20-50 like OP said if you're an unemployed leech with no health insurance.

How about you dont fuck everything on sight.

I know you feel this is funny and all, but can you stop reposting the words of a woman? I really don't care what they have to say, at all.

Be a bad goy and make SIG or NS bread instead, commie-mods have to sleep sometime.

Are they not available generically?

fucking putrid, disgusting, worthless fucking whores
sandniggers got it right when they repeatedly burn them and stone them to death for barely any reason at all

For some reason, these people think that fucking is a human right and as essential as food and air. Apparently, fun justifies everything.

Close your legs whore

I live in a strong Republican state in a strong Republican county and the local health department gives out condoms and birth control.

I did pay $160 for a month of birth control one time a few years back. I promised to pay cash for birth control for my girlfriend at the time. She had insurance, but didn't want it to show up on her parent's bill. I didn't realize how much it would be when I agreed to pay it, and I didn't want to seem cheap when it came time to pay.

50 - pill
80 - patch
100 - shot
850 - implant
1000 - IUD
not being a whore - priceless.

stupid ass roastie

Pay for your own pussy pills whore.

Real birth control costs a grand total of $0
Fackin' slags.

50 dollars is the morning after pill not the normal bitt control pill

Such a waste of good digits...

Isn't it illegal to not buy insurance in America?

That is the generic.

My gf is on the pill and it's not expensive at all. Plus, I get to nut in her all I want.

my wife isnt even American and gets free BC

Not being a roastie? Priceless. For those other things, you have mastercard.

That doesn't seem that expensive

actually, an IUD is closer to $250. Also, an IUD will last 5-10 years.

Try buying a box of condoms poor fag. Also, abortions are lie $400. If you don't have $400, you have no business having sex. Get a second job and your life togeather

>birth control pills -$50
>patch -$80
>shot -$100
>implant -$850
>IUD -$1000
Pulling out -priceless

No, you just have to pay an additional tax of $600-1000 every year.

Copper IUDs are like 95 dollars tho.

Not illegal, but you'll be taxed if you don't. This really only applies to people who are employed.

>w/o health insurance :)
Then get a fucking job and get health insurance you dumb fuck.

Abstinence is free. Stop being a fuck'n slut and save a buck.

most women don't understand that subsidized health insurance is the reason birth control is expensive in the first place.

If having sex is too expensive for that bitch why is she keep fucking around ?

Just don't have sex or find a boyfriend with no STD

for real. like i said my wife can get free pills, but she doesnt take them. i can pull out like a porn star now.

I don't understand how at the very least they can't tell the dude not to cum inside. Do they just accept that the degenerates they fuck will happily take the risk of knocking up some slag?

if women can't get their bf to pay for their bc then they need to get a better bf.

So then it's customers purchasing with insurance and government subsidies driving up the baseline price? Making them available without a prescription should drive prices down in that case. There's likely no reason why they couldn't be as cheap as aspirin or caffeine.

then you miss the best part of sex fag

so roasties eventually are culled out of existence, the whole being a complete unreliable slut who takes no responsibility for anything fad is ending

How about wear a fucking condom or shut fug like animals? Im not paying a fucking dime for sex welfare. Stupid sluts are ruining our watersupply because of their selfish ways.

No. However, if I remember correctly, you get a yearly fine if you don't have health insurance ever since obongocare was implemented

keeping your fucking legs shut $0
pack of condoms $5~$10


There should be a morning after pill for men.

>If birth control is a right to women sex should be a right to men.
>virgins actually believe this

A girl getting knocked up who isn't ready for it is against the best interest of the girl, the man, and the child

they make spermicide capsules women can shove up their coochy that can be bought at any cvs/target/grocery store for $10

regulations and overpaid buriocratz

samea s always

BC makes you fat

Enjoy your whore daughter and estrogen infused water goy!

How expensive would it be to snip all males at birth? Surely that would put an end to most unwanted pregnancies. Want it unsnipped later in life so you can have kids? Get a license/approved.

50 bucks for pills? That sounds like bullshit or americans are getting absolutely raped on healthcare.

The absolute state of American sex ed.
The pullout method has between 5 and 25% average failure rate.

black cock?

>A based leaf, WTF?
Nobel leaf, on the day of the rake, you may have a bullet if you choose. Down with the crown

Keeping your fucking pants on is free. These animals should try it for a change.

The Pill usually costs between $0–$50 a month, depending on the type. Many health and family planning clinics (such as Planned Parenthood) sell birth control pills for less. And birth control pills and doctor visits are covered by many health insurance plans.
Reviewed by: Rupal Christine Gupta, MD

Trump's constant bashing of Obamacare is causing the IRS to drag their feet about enforcing the fine. People are saying you can leave the health insurance section blank when you file your taxes and the IRS will only followup a couple times before they finally leave you alone.

Getting your birth control implant — also called Nexplanon — can cost anywhere between $0 and $800. Implant removal can cost between $0 and $300. But the good news is that implants are totally free (or low cost) with most health insurance plans, Medicaid, and some other government programs.

women are the niggers of gender

Because it's supposed to be



Bc isn't healthcare, it is frivolous and modern.

I just checked a month's worth of pills is about $8 usd here.

Condom $1 /thread

wtf? birth control costs around $200 pesos here
sheiiiitttt I should start buying that shit in bulk, sneaking it across the border and selling it to slutty american women for double the price

condoms aint cheap bitch. nor paying the entire bill because you are a whore.

The patent on birth control expired 30 years ago. The cost of producing some drugs is simply higher than others.

Condoms cost like half a dollar each and you can only use them once. Paying for a full month of condoms is $60, even more than her stupid pills.

It's $50 without insurance. All our prices here are fucking retarded if you don't have insurance.

Fuck you. Snip all immigrants until they have paid $50k in taxes

Wow, i would be able to buy Any of those. And not even put a dent in my savings. But i guess thats my white male privlage for finding a skilled job.

It's also important to note that many people buy health insurance so as not to be taxed. So when Liberals talk about millions of people losing health care coverage, they include the millions of people who are forced to pay for it.

Why should I have to pay for whores' sexual degeneracy?

Birth control is covered 100% by majority of insurance companies or greatly discounted, she's full of shit looking at only out of pocket price

>Why is birth control so expensive
Because its a luxury good, and luxury goods are expensive.

why is viagra so expensive

>men drive more than women thus they are in more car accidents
>men pay more for car insurance
makes sense, ya?
>women go to the doctor more than men
>women pay the same as men for health insurance
ask any woman about this and they'll all not see the problem with this
and the price of birth control has gone up? Bitch its always been those prices you've just never payed full cost. That difference was eaten by the company you work for and by men paying into the system
thats litterally free money they get. $50 a month for pills or $1000 a year for IUD. I'd love to have that as a bonus thank you very much

I don't care so much about this dumb cunt, but holy fucking shit she got 250k likes on that tweet and 100k retweets.

That's some disturbing reach.

I'm sure this face needs birth control.

It's virtually free even under the shittiest health care.
tl;dr Obamacare you whore

Why so mad? It doesn't harm males and they can still "nut", just doesn't have any potency. Think about how many unwanted pregnancies and pregnancies for welfare cheques would be stopped. It's totally worth it if the surgery isn't to costly or unsafe at child birth. Immigrants would have to be snipped to become citizens as well and follow the same procedures to get licensed.

>second job
More like get a first job, most of these whores don't even work.

>Why is birth control so expensive Sup Forums?
Im a virgin celibate man.
Why the fuck am I supposed to pay for 20 year old cock carousel whores' birth control!
>haha Chad doesnt want to use a condom
>pay for pills beta fucks! hahaha
No! Let Chad pay for it or let him use a condom!

Yeah because most people on social media are fucking mindless retards that typically align with the left, spouting off whatever shit they see without any critical thinking involved. Anyone with have a brain would have called her out on that shit immediately rather than participating in the typical one-upsmanship that women love to partake in

>woman fucks more than once a month
>man pays for 3 dates before he gets even a chance at fucking
thats way more than 50$

Yeah I keep trying to remind myself of stuff like this, it's that there's just countless dumb teenagers and shit on social media. It's really blackpilling though.

I take solace in the fact that I'm unequivocally right about pretty much everything I believe in, at least.

Why not just give the people with a welfare check a birth control shot or surgery then? You can't deny from birth a mans right to shoot live ammunition. Plus what if there are complications with the surgery rendering good people infertile would surely happen. I'm all for Eugenics, but this is not the way to do it.

This. Also, why the fuck does insurance cover ANY regularly occurring cost? Insurance is meant to cover unforeseen costs/loses. If women are allowed to freely just say "I want this thing that costs X every month", that's not unforeseen. That's not insurance. Any policy that pays $X per month is going to cost more than $X per month in premiums, otherwise the insurance company wouldn't offer it. I wish Americans would stop thinking with their feels and start thinking with logic and reason and basic economic sense.

The Sup Forums answer: because jews

The real answer: No, seriously, because of the money grubbing kikes who can't stomach the thought of not making absurd amounts of money off of a populace who doesn't want kids.

see: male birth control operations (vaselgel, et al) being practically banned in the US despite extreme effectiveness

If you want to go even further down the rabbit hole, there's the cultural impact of giving women the power of whether or not retarded one night stand culture (which usually neglects condoms) leads to a kid or not.

Woman can wear condoms too and they're just as cheap as male ones

The argument is if you make a man pay for your sex pills, then the man gets a share of your sex. From the viewpoint of "the betterment of humanity" or "the greater good", this is the soundest argument.

Getting vaginally fucked is good for both the man and woman, but the woman enjoys much greater benefits from it, presuming both are healthy and disease free. So if the community men have to pay for women's birth control, then her reproductive organs become community property, and the COMMUNITY decides who she fucks and when, by majority vote. Note: She only gets 1 vote, but those other 100 people paying for her birth control? They all get 1 vote as well.

It isn't your body to do with as you please if you are taking money from the community to maintain your body.

1. fertility is not an illness that needs to be treated
2. men pay more for sex
3. not having sex is free, have it if you can afford it or can handle the consequences

>the price is higher without health insurance



Isn't the whole point that Trump want to end their insurance coverage?

Not that "insurance" for something you need monthly isn't retarded to begin with.
It's a subscription, not an insurance.

It gives the woman cancer.
It makes a woman over-sensitive.
It makes a woman over-aggressive.
It makes a woman find beta behavior attractive.
It makes a woman find alpha behavior unattractive.

The pill is almost all downside. The only up side is it controls their cycles, and can be useful medically in a narrow set of circumstances.

>wish Americans would stop thinking with their feels and start thinking with logic and reason and basic economic sense
How will that ever be possible when half of voters are female and the other half will pander to them for votes?

This is the correct answer. Except the Sup Forums answer is pretending that any woman who needs birth control is some whore, when in reality it's not nearly that extreme. But the expense of birth control is entirely due to Hebrew pharma companies.

How much for viagra? I don't wanna pay for some guy's limp dick.

Literally just use a condom, why do roasties feel the need to avoid these like the devil?

>Also, why the fuck does insurance cover ANY regularly occurring cost?
We live in the age of the pandering bata males. Mathematically the welfare state (mostly women) will collapse the USA leading to a New World Order under the Chinese.

I'll bet they cost like $2 to make.

They could charge $10 and make $8 profit.

Or they could tell insurance companies they cost $50, and then the insurance companies charge $10 plus $70 higher premiums for everybody.

>the Sup Forums answer is pretending that any woman who needs birth control is some whore
Controlled opposition has infested Sup Forums for years. The idea of Sup Forums being some hyper christian patriarchial house of nazis is a very, very intentionally pushed one (often attracting people who genuinely believe such, of course).