What's wrong with bullying? it builds character y'all know

what's wrong with bullying? it builds character y'all know.

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I'd bully that girl. She looks like a freak.

That's a dude

She is very pretty, have a nice day original poster.

no it doesnt. members of our race cannot be fighting each other. people occupy different roles in society and they need to cooperate under natsoc not try to attack eachother. thats class warfare amd communism. the weak ugly nerds are better at scholarly activities than chad jocks, but the chad jocks are better soldiers. the nerds and autists would be designing the weapons the chads use in combat. all roles of society must cooperate. bullying doesnt allow this to happen.

the problem with "bullying" is that a wide range of behaviour, some of acceptable and some of it unacceptable, has been labelled as bullying

I met Trump the other day. I was out playing basketball with my friend, and he came up and asked if he could shoot some hoops with us. We all were so happy he was there and wore our trump hats to play. I was going towards the basket when Trump pulled my hat over my head and slammed me into it. He proceeded to make a goal and asked if I was ok saying "you're a pretty sweaty guy". My friends started laughing at me and started calling me a wetback. I had the ball again and trump stuck his leg out and tripped me. He then threw the ball in my face and made another goal. He walked over and said "what's wrong little guy? can't handle the wall?". I told him these move he was making were illegal but he punched me in the face and said "I'm the fucking president I can do whatever I want to". While I was lying on the ground, he lit my trump hat on fire and put it in my pants. He said "you'll be fine the sweat will put it out" He asked his secret service agents to break down my door and grab a sandwich from my fridge. They came back and said there were no premade sandwiches so they just put the whole fridge on the back of his limo and left.

only if you're stupid enough to believe it is at all your fault

this. we shouldnt have paper thin skin but being a thug in school is unacceptable. calling someone a n offensive word should be ignored. i think theres a clean cut line between faggots, drooling retards, muslims, feminazis and creepy autistic nerds. creepy autistic nerds built modern science and technology. problem is, the jews know our power and were left wing as fuck. redpilled autists would crush the jew. Sup Forums is living proof of that

>get bullied
>fight back
>feels good
>chase after that feel everyday since then

I wonder why she was never as popular as Antifafu?

yeah negative character traits that lead to low social cohesion

I am pretty sure it's a nigger culture thing in america, no one really got bullied in my school because we were all mates at the end of the day just messing around (since we were all white and felt like one community), but in american culture you have darkies who are physically dominating each other like dogs, same reason there's so much rape in US prisons, blacks bring in their disgusting culture where as long as you are physically dominating another male you're the top dog, even if you're literally being a fag in the process or beating up some kid half your weight, which is seen as pathetic in white culture

>please, no bully! all people special in their own way!
Found the loser

>and often

what a fucking incel you are
adversity breeds character, nazcuck

this girl fucks.

>be bully
>be big, people can't fight back

Who is that cute hapa

That's not how it works in most cases though, more like:
>get bullied
>ignore it because everyone tells you that will make them go away
>it keeps happening
>eventually can't ignore it any more
>fight back
>get suspended
>bully gets off scot free
>bully's unemployed drug addict parents show up, bitch to the principal
>he a good boy, he dindu nuffin
>your parents don't have time to show up because they're busy working so that bully's parents can live off welfare and afford heroin
>get in more trouble
Schools punish the kid fighting back more than the instigator, I can imagine it's only gotten worse since I got out of school.

>be nerd
>Get bullied by a literal 20 year old retard in last year
>I hit back and punch him
>he grabs me and trows me against a table and some chairs
Feels bad man

If you ever got bullyed you gay

>be smartest kid in class
>be bullied throughout most of my early school years
>dont worry user they'll end up mopping floors!
Now they're all successful, married and some have kids, and I'm a worthless NEET, and the worst part is I feel I deserve it for being so meek back then.

No one really knows for sure why, but bullying is an important part of socialization, the process by which children learn culture and social norms.

Bullying hurts muh feel feels, so people who have no understanding of human psychology but think they must be experts in child-rearing because HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE THE WAY I RAISE MUH CHILD, aka, parents, seek to protect their children from bullying without considering the long-term effects on their children. They point to extremely rare incidents of childhood suicide when they bother to pretend to know what they are talking about.

But bullying is how children become functioning adults. It's how they learn what's right and wrong. It's how they learn how to lead and be led. Pain is your brain trying to tell you to pay attention, learn, this is important dummy.

I am really worried about the long term social and cultural consequences of the anti-bullying movement. I have noticed people from more SJW-y regions tend to be much more rude than people from more traditional places. I wonder if not being bullied as a child inhibits ones development of propriety.

I support school shooters who murder bullies.

I support bully murder who school shooters

The positive gained from being bullied isn't learning right or wrong or how to act normal. Its to remove arrogance and become humble. Narcissistic people haven't been humiliated early enough. People who are humiliated for the first time to late in their life develop inferiority complexes.

Basically humans are social animals. And like most social animals they will order themselves into a social hierarchy when they are kids and this hierarchy will stick with most of them for the rest of their lives. The guys who were low social status in high school will mostly remain there and the kids who were high social status have the social skills to climb the status hierarchy regardless of their other skills.

It's logical I mean the guys who develop good social skills in high school aren't going to become less socially skilled when they reach adulthood and the people who struggle to develop social skills in their childhood will have to work much harder to catch up in adulthood.

>builds character
Pick one.

All it does is create low self-esteem and create future murderers. And I'm not talking about simple bullying like taking your lunch money or smacking your head upside when your bully sees you during recess breaks. I'm talking about actual, life destroying bullying where bullies destroy you socially and turn everyone against you in your community. No amount of fists or fighting will solve that one.


reminds me in highschool some little Puerto Rican kids pick a fight with me I knock their spic asses out and I get two week suspension for defending myself

Try going to a school with 90% arabs and say the same, Billy.

>be foreigner
>get bullied
>cant start fight because will get in trouble
>bully starts shit, call him a faggot
>gets pissed off throws punches
>I actually know how ot fight
>fight back
>fuck him up
>never get bullied again

The question is where do you draw the line? There were some kids that totally fucking deserved it and would never stand up for themselves or change, just bitch. If there is one thing I noticed is that light bullying, like making fun of people for being weird seems to help a bit, but some people are too ingrained in their faggotry to ever change and no amount of bullying is gonna change that

sounds similar:
>get hassled regularly
>finally draw a line and tell him to not cross it
>line gets crossed
>bolt after him and start beating on him
>never happens again
I was entirely nonsocial at the time, so looking back I'd've been bothered by some weirdo acting so aloof all the time, and would have tried to figure that person out even if it could be called teasing or bullying

ahh I remember this girl, she leaves in my city, maybe i'll be able to orbit a girl in real life for once!