Why do right wing retards STILL believe in trickle down economics?


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why do you keep making this thread 8 times a day?

And it'll remain so.
Don't bump the leaf.

We never did, idiot. It’s a Democrat straw dog to smear conservatives. Learn some history instead of looking at those fake graphs all day.

>And it'll remain so.

lol it's not a Democratic straw man

it's been Republican ideology for 40 fucking years

they dream of becoming rich by lottery

Unironically thinking like this, I pity your existence commie.

excuse me but are you trying to reason with a right winger?


i know.. it's impossible.

u can't reason with retards

Because it works, but if corporations can move to countries with lower taxes then the money will tickle down there

>inb4 some faggot posts le ebin redpanels strawman comic

You don't actually expect Sup Forums do discuss real economic theory and philisophy, right? We're highly emotional reactionaries that cry about jews and niggers and that's that. No one here actually has any noticeable knowledge or experience in economics, law or politics.

because i never met a poor man who could give me a j*b or a pay check, only rich ones.


they literally piss on you and say its raining

Lower my taxes, wageim!

Because that's their last positive ray of hope before culling becomes the next best option.


it has to work eventually

>competitive business tax incentives the business not to outsource jump ship.
>business create jobs
>jobs generate money
>money generate spending
>spend generate revenue
>revenue generate business opportunity

So why doesn't this work? is it about the gibsmedats and people who don't have a job? i dont understand.

Libs always says that "THIS DOES NOT WORK, FINAL" without ever explaining the logic or reasoning behind their conclusion


this show the change in share of income, it says nothing about tax rates in the different period and is therefore just as good as piss and just as little of an argument as piss

That gif= guaranteed faggot

>Jared Bernstein, who was chief economist to former Vice President Joe Biden, called the study “the latest example of non-credible, trickle-down fairy dust.”
>Jared Bernstein

thats good on theory but when i stick my head out the window america is a poor miserable place if you're not in a gated community

Everyone believes in "trickle down economics."

Right Wing: Let businesses keep their money and watch it trickle down.

Left Wing: Give government all the money and watch it trickle down.


>That's some good logic but here's my emotions

you live in Norway

Not an argument.

hell, many things are logical that dont mean they are desirable, cancer has its logic also

Cancer doesn't logic

Good start but forgot a few:

>More money in businesses pockets means more saving or more investing
>More investing is cyclical especially if it is investing in assets
>More saving means banks have more cash on hand
>Banks having more cash on hand means more loan opportunities and more investment opportunities
>More loans and investment opportunities leads to more businesses being created

The only way "trickle down economics" doesn't work (and calling it trickle down economics is a retarded buzzword), is if big businesses are allowed to send their money out of the country, and rich people launder their money into off shore accounts. If you reduce taxes on businesses and wealthy businessmen, and incentivize them to invest inside of the country, it has a huge positive impact on the economy.

cringe. Saged.

People who make money should not be robbed by corrupt politicians as much.

This is what you are referring to as trickle down economics.

here some logic -

>In capitalist society, creative activity takes the form of commodity production, namely production of marketable goods, and the results of human activity take the form of commodities. Marketability or saleability is the universal characteristic of all practical activity and all products. The products of human activity which are necessary for survival have the form of saleable goods: they are only available in exchange for money. And money is only available in exchange for commodities. If a large number of men accept the legitimacy of these conventions, if they accept the convention that commodities are a prerequisite for money, and that money is a prerequisite for survival, then they find themselves locked into a vicious circle. Since they have no commodities, their only exit from this circle is to regard themselves, or parts of themselves, as commodities. And this is, in fact, the peculiar "solution" which men impose on themselves in the face of specific material and historical conditions. They do not exchange their bodies or parts of their bodies for money. They exchange the creative content of their lives, their practical daily activity, for money.

>As soon as men accept money as an equivalent for life, the sale of living activity becomes a condition for their physical and social survival. Life is exchanged for survival. Creation and production come to mean sold activity. A man's activity is "productive," useful to society, only when it is sold activity. And the man himself is a productive member of society only if the activities of his daily life are sold activities. As soon as people accept the terms of this exchange, daily activity takes the form of universal prostitution.

It's always the same gif

In response to a rational step by step explanation of how lower corporate tax rates would help the economy at large anarcho user uses the pic of poverty as emotional blackmail with no reasoning.
So yes there's an agggguuument

Fuck you

I was obama supporter

until fucking nigger keep talking about white do this white do that because you're white

Fuck that, I hate Obumer now

80s Arnold Schwarzenegger in Commando, Stallone in Rambo , Harrison ford in Indiana jones
White men are alpha as fuck

90s Home alone, White upper middle class family , relative are european
white culture, No shit-skin , No PC bullshit

early 2000s Lord of rings, It was glorious, again no PC bullshit , Full of Whiteness

2010s Too many Ugly nigger and negress, Too many shitty CG, Script/acting base on PC bullshit

Fuck Obama, Fucking nigger ruin Entertainment

Give me back politically incorrect James bond

>corporate tax rates have no bearing on how much they pay their employees

So we should raise corporate taxes to 100% and employee income won't go down at all, right?

i think many people believe businesses or "rich CEO top 1%" just amass money and sit on like Scrooge McDuck to keep it away from the common rabble

besides, lowered taxes would pretty much remove the need to hide away money off shore

All memeing aside wouldn't cutting taxes create an effect wage increase for effected wage earners?

AKA People will not supply resources to allow individuals to pursue any/all activities they wish.
It's almost as if there is a supply and demand for goods and services that dictates the value of your productions.
If only there was a benevolent state to dictate said supply and demand.

if we raise corporate taxes to 100% all that the workers produce will be theirs. money will effectively lose validity. the reign of economical Survival will end and the dawn of Life will begin

>The capitalist sells the products of labor on a market; he exchanges them for an equivalent sum of money; he realizes a determined value. The specific magnitude of this value on a particular market is the price of the commodities. For the academic Economist, Price is St. Peter's key to the gates of Heaven. Like Capital itself, Price moves within a wonderful world which consists entirely of objects. The objects have human relations with each other, and are alive. They transform each other, communicate with each other; they marry and have children. And of course it is only through the grace of these intelligent, powerful and creative objects that people can be so happy in capitalist society.

>In the Economist's pictorial representations of the workings of heaven, the angels do everything and men do nothing at all; men simply enjoy what these superior beings do for them. Not only does Capital produce and money work; other mysterious beings have similar virtues. Thus Supply, a quantity of things which are sold, and Demand, a quantity of things which are bought, together determine Price, a quantity of money; when Supply and Demand marry on a particular point of the diagram, they give birth to Equilibrium Price, which corresponds to a universal state of bliss. The activities of everyday life are played out by things, and people are reduced to things ("factors of production") during their productive hours, and to passive spectators of things during their "leisure time." The virtue of the Economic Scientist consists of his ability to attribute the outcome of people's everyday activities to things, and of his inability to see the living activity of people underneath the antics of the things. For the Economist, the things through which the activity of people is regulated under capitalism are themselves the mothers and sons, the causes and consequences of their own activity.

>American workers getting a raise that isn't just cost of living adjustment ever again
Maybe next they can promise me free blowjob coupons as an entitlement.

Without monetary valuation the only remaining metric is absolute employment. Ergo the labor camps.

It would work better if no one was given amnesty this time around

vip post if ever there was one
just beautiful user from far away

Anyone else here a small business owner with the capacity to employ more people? Do these tax cuts ever actually allow you to really expand your business in a way you couldn't already if you just grow naturally?

Like, i need more than a few hundred bucks tax cut to employ more people. Whenever i get a tax cut that money goes straight to my wages.

... and the price of labor is determined how?

you dont understand the concept of Commodity Fetishism.

monetary valuation, "metric", employment, labor [camps] are all capitalist categories. they cannot exist outside capital

They exist outside of capital (allegedly), but not outside of reality. Governments require metrics of economic output. If they reject the most easily counted (money) they'll go to the second most (employment). Ergo Marxism doesn't give you liberation from the monetary system, but compulsory "employment".

BASED gook

Meant to post the cap

You win the website for the day.

The Goldman Sachs administration needs to make more money by doing nothing and stealing your labor.

>The sold creative power, or sold daily activity, takes the form of labor; labor is a historically specific form of human activity; labor is abstract activity which has only one property; it is marketable; it can be sold for a given quantity of money; labor is indifferent activity; indifferent to the particular task performed and indifferent to the particular subject to which the task is directed. Digging, printing and carving are different activities, but all three are labor in capitalist society; labor is simply "earning money." Living activity which takes the form of labor is a means to earn money. Life becomes a means of survival.

>The things the worker buys with his wages are first of all consumer goods which enable him to survive, to reproduce his labor-power so as to be able to continue selling it. And they are spectacles, objects for passive admiration. He consumes and admires the products of human activity passively. He does not exist in the world as an active agent who transforms it. But as a helpless impotent spectator he may call this state of powerless admiration "happiness," and since labor is painful, he may desire to be "happy," namely inactive, all his life (a condition similar to being born dead). The commodities, the spectacles, consume him; he uses up living energy in passive admiration; he is consumed by things. In this sense, the more he has, the less he is. (An individual can surmount this death-in-life through marginal creative activity; but the population cannot, except by abolishing the capitalist form of practical activity, by abolishing wage-labor and thus de-alienating creative activity.)

The money is just reinvested into the capitalist class--this is the heart of the problem. You have tons of wealth generation in the top and nothing significant going on in the bottom.

The average person cares about wages, not how easy it is to open a new business. Because not everyone can be a successful business owner. Nothing about trickle down leads to higher wages; it strictly benefits the people that already have capital or are in the process of gaining it.

there is no Employment without Capital, there cant be, there cannot be sold activity [labor]

it like the difference between a woman having sex with you freely and prostitution

>republicans are the only billionaires

keep sucking that democrat billionaire cock

voluntary ditch diggers.

Intelligence is also trickle down on the Right.

Because its true?

Yet people continue to work whether they want to or not.

Why do left wing retards still believe in centralized government?

There's a big misconception of trickle down economics.

If middle class carries the tax burden then that's still high taxation so it's going to hurt the economy.

People spending money and investing money creates jobs. Even saving money in banks and it just sitting there allows banks the leverage to give out loans easier which helps with business start ups or cars and houses.

> Trickle down doesn't work you idiot
> That's why we need trickle up economics where min. wage is doubled or tripled and it will magically help everyone else

every time you wash your plate you are a voluntary dish washer

>it's another 'liberals think the purpose of tax policy is wealth distribution' thread again

can't be any worse than those all ((savings)) people got from obamacare

>We know that individuals are possessed of so little life that they have to earn a living, to sell their time in exchange for a modicum of social existence. Personal time for social existence: such is work, such is the market. From the outset, the time of the commune eludes work, it doesn’t function according to that scheme — it prefers others. Groups of Argentine piqueteros collectively extort a sort of local welfare conditioned by a few hours of work; they don’t clock their hours, they put their benefits in common and acquire clothing workshops, a bakery, putting in place the gardens that they need.

>The commune needs money, but not because we need to earn a living. All communes have their black markets. There are plenty of hustles. Aside from welfare, there are various benefits, disability money, accumulated student aid, subsidies drawn off fictitious childbirths, all kinds of trafficking, and so many other means that arise with every mutation of control. It’s not for us to defend them, or to install ourselves in these temporary shelters or to preserve them as a privilege for those in the know. The important thing is to cultivate and spread this necessary disposition towards fraud, and to share its innovations.

>The top 20% provide 80% of tax revenue
>The bottom 50% provide 2% of tax revenue

Doesn't that seemed a little fucked up? If I owned a corporation being taxed at the highest rates in the world, I would move aswell.

>business pays X% of their total income in taxes
>based on the profits they are able to hire new employees and expand their business to in turn gain more profits
>tax break passes and now business pays X-n% in taxes
>can now hire even more employees than before and expand
>even if they don't expand they invest that money in the market or hold it in a bank account
>market investments allow other companies to expand
>banks invest money held in accounts and the above is still true

Stop being a stupid fucking nigger.

why does the left-wing actually think that leftist leadership only want what's best for them?
how can any leftist be a millionaire and not get rebuked by their own party base?
why is the left so full of millionaire communists/socialists?

Trickle down happens when you give money to Christians.

>share of income
>disregards how much quality of life went up

because it's true. the more yokes you put on business, big or small the less they can give to employees and hire new employees. it's so simple and common sense, if you don't get it you'd have to be delusional or retarded.

The obvious solution is no trickle economics where all possible breaks are given to the middle class so they can continue to function as the dual role producers/consumers of the economy.

The labor theory of value is a spook.

Things are worth what people are willing to pay for them, and it varies between groups of people. Otherwise, "modern art" wouldn't sell for millions of dollars.

Modern art's inflated value is mostly due to it being used for money laundering.

I'm right wing and I don't believe in it.

If you keep calling half of the country deplorable retards you cant expect to win the demos, keep it that way, it's for the best.

inbred moron who figured out how to use a VPN spotted.

So what about trading cards, and other schwag?

People on complete welfare in western nations live better lives right now than the average communist or socialist anywhere it's been deployed.

You stupid marxists are just motivated by the degree of inequality rather the degree of well-being.

The level of poverty in western countries is directly correlated with the percentage of the population that isn't white.

would it be illegal for company owners/share holders to distribute the increase revenue amongst themselves instead of increasing wages? I mean it's not like the federal minimum wage has been raised so any claims of increased wages are speculation and pipe dreams.

what's wrong with corporations making more money?

>I was obama supporter

Communism is trickle down.
Everyone up in the pyramid get all the prime pickings, as it goes down in tiers, less and less till you get to the peasants. They get nothing or very little.
Have to protect the party.

again, you cannot have the category of "pay" without capital. labor itself is a spook, you cannot have it without presupposing capitalist society.

your difficulty, mine too, in abandoning those categories is understandable, of course, we lack the experience of the common, this experience can only be acquired thru situations of revolt.

if you were born and raised in a prison you dont even know it as a prison, for you its just "life"

We're not the retards who believe a decades old strawman is an actual economic policy.

>labor itself is a spook, you cannot have it without presupposing capitalist society

Labor is just a necessary step of production, it doesn't matter what system you use.

no it's not illegal but why would people do that? don't you have faith in humanity?

no Labor is SOLD activity. -

>Through sale, the labor of an individual becomes the "property" of another, it is appropriated by another, it comes under the control of another. In other words, a person's activity becomes the activity of another, the activity of its owner; it becomes alien to the person who performs it. Thus one's life, the accomplishments of an individual in the world, the difference which his life makes in the life of humanity, are not only transformed into labor, a painful condition for survival; they are transformed into alien activity, activity performed by the buyer of that labor. In capitalist society, the architects, the engineers, the laborers, are not builders; the man who buys their labor is the builder; their projects, calculations and motions are alien to them; their living activity, their accomplishments, are his.

>Academic sociologists, who take the sale of labor for granted, understand this alienation of labor as a feeling: the worker's activity "appears" alien to the worker, it "seems" to be controlled by another. However, any worker can explain to the academic sociologists that the alienation is neither a feeling nor an idea in the worker's head, but a real fact about the worker's daily life. The sold activity is in fact alien to the worker; his labor is in fact controlled by its buyer.

because theyre already above or at middle class and trickle down doesnt hurt them compared to the alternative

2009, Every body saying fuck Bush, and Keep talking about Muh Change

Fuck your Muh Change

Where is Based movie et, m8

Artificial scarcity or once again, money laundering.

Beats the left's steal my money fo dem programs and healthcare for illegals.