Daily reminder that if you support Donald Trump and want to #Make America Great Again you MUST dip Camel LARGE Snus...

Daily reminder that if you support Donald Trump and want to #Make America Great Again you MUST dip Camel LARGE Snus Robust.

enjoy your death by snus snus

>he doesn't dip Frost


Robust is disgusting as fuck
Frost Large is the only good one

Why the fuck do the mods let all these big tobbaco viral marketers post here


>turk garbage
I avoid Camel.

Only Kodiak wintergreen. 100% american tobacco

Why don't you just smoke a cigarette faggot.

if you insist on dipping be a man and dip long cut kodiak or cope. snus is for kids dude.

I've always thought the American Snus was terrible. The Swedish stuff is much better.

get general snus pleb

I stick with the General Snus... the american stuff is all sugary and shit....

>snus is for kids dude.

Kind of hard to use Copenhagen long when you're at work.

I'm allergic to nicotine though.
I would die

Wear a mask, you'er a big guy


ITT: Tobacco shills. Only on this board will you see blatant advertisements for cigarettes, tobacco, bitcoin, and misc. hard drugs.

Snus Frost, regular. Don't have giant Basketball American lips.

What are you like 12 years old or some shit go suck ur mommy’s tit you cuck, if you would have bought bitcoin this time last year you could have been a millionaire maybe cigs aren’t so bad senpai

I only use real swedish snus, not Jewish camel garbagd

hello FUDcuck

If you dip Camel you are a FAGGOT!!! COPENHAGEN MOTHER FUCKER YE YE!!!

If you don't chew Red Man Golden Blend you are literally a faggot

for you

Dude, that shit is shit. It will TURN YOUR TEETH FUCKING BROWN. I used to use it, tried Marlboro, and Skoal too. They all fucking suck. The only snus that's easy to grab in the US, is General.
After a long time of using Camel, I had stopped because I was sick of having brown fucking teeth, I was in a gas station picking up General. It was a crowded day at this gas station. While I was buying a Camel sales rep came up to me and said
>Hey, I notice you're using snus! Maybe you should give ours (Camel) a try!
To that, I got pretty pissed, because I don't like people paying attention to what I'm buying. I said
>I already tried your shit a bunch, and it turned my fucking teeth brown!
I have never seen a sales person run away and end the attempt as quickly as she did. Also the tin shape is fucking stupid.

>Sucking the tobacco fuck



I'm confused at what this thread has to do with politics or news.

>drug user calling someone who doesn't use drugs a "cuck"

4 days nicotine free boys
got some odens and epok snus going to waste