Hans-Hermannn Hoppe


Dude, triple H just released some goat content.

BTW, this is Hope talking about the Alt-Right

thanks for the link, long listen

good stuff

>doesn't name the jew
>blames "white guys"

Into the trash it goes

Democracy the God that Failed is the most densely loaded Red Pill ever.

It's so hardcore.

Completely upends the orthodox presentation of WWII.



Actually the speech of the year.

I'm polishing a transcript of this speech and I'll post it a couple times tomorrow during peak house, so I'd appreciate some bumps when you see me.

peak hours I meam

14888 > 1488

he drops some sick red pills at 6:30

I mean, from what I understand he was influenced heavily by Rothbard.

He was a student of Rothbard, and really Rothbard's only true protege


Fuck I need to read this.

meanwhile, in OPs video, Hoppe denounces all people who seek to limit free expression/free thought as non-libertarians

Didn't Hoppe also say that homosexuals and people who degrade traditional family values should be physically removed? How would you even determine whether or not someone is trying to undermine something like family values? That's the part that doesn't sit right with me. I still like the idea of removing literal communists, though.

To be fair the very basis of Communism is seeking to limit free expression/free thought.

Communist,Marxist,Socialist,Leftist etc Are hostile primates incapable of being moral agents. They don't have rights

If the LGBQTRZE+ movement weren't dominated by marxist and leftist they might be alright. They say there are 50+ genders and want your kids to be trannys. The only thing they need is a bullet

he's basically saying that as a matter of pragmatism, where there is multiculturalism, a state will necessarily form because each culture will attempt to form a state in order to exclude or control the other

so, in order to prevent a state from forming (which is the ultimate evil for hoppe), a single culture must be maintained

thats all he's saying

He makes a part self-deprecating, part-dogwhistling joke when he brings up Rothbard.

That's good enough, since it was pretty obvious.

I think the result just be gays going "back in the closet".

The flamboyancy of gays today is pure faggotry and yes, its anti-civilization.

lgbt and marxism go hand in hand and have always been practically inseparable. Both are special snowflakes who aim to silence everyone who opposes or criticizes them them.

I'm not even someone who hates gays. I do believe people can be "born gay". I also think we all have our cross to bare.

I like it

tolerance of intolerance leads to intolerance

i think i read that on an antifa pamphlet

im all for exclusion of socialists, democrats, muslims, and all other statists, but that does not justify restricting speech

at some point principles must make way for pragmatism


And once they do, there will be no principles to be found.

You are not a libertarian and don't pretend to be a student of Hoppe.

Creating a state in order to control all speech and action in order to eradicate Leftism is not what Hoppe is advocating.

Go back to stormfront.

>You are not a libertarian
when did I say I was?

I'm sure your principles will work just fine when tayquan and pablo agree to them

its not being restricted.
>"oh your a communist"
>*gossips to community
>"sorry but we don't sell goods to communist"
>*communists life made living hell by social sanctions and discrimination.

scenario two
>Atheist moves to Catholic community
>"fuck God, *tips "
>starts passing out atheist literature.
>"sorry but we don't sell goods to atheist"
>*atheist life made living hell by social sanctions and discrimination.

scenario three (DEFCON 1)
>group of communist
>"we want to steal your property and means of production"
>*demonstrations on privately/community owned spaces used by the public.
>*intent to steal.
>*intent to enslave

well you know the end of this story.

That's fair.


there is nothing wrong with physically removing statists like africans and hispanics

it is wrong to restrict speech within the libertarian private property covenant

you want to form a state, youre a statist, you will be removed along with them

yes, all that's fine

but these others in the thread want to do much more than that

they want to form a state in order to restrict speech based on viewpoint by use of force against non-aggressors (people who have made no verbal threat of aggression) (saying you think communism is a good idea is not a threat of aggression)

>saying you think a revolutionary ideology based on theft is a good idea is not a threat of aggression

are you mentally retarded?

it's not a threat and that's not an argument


Stop hiding behind that meme flag, show your self. Your a leaf or swede aren't you

I think culture has allot to do with what is acceptable response.

It might be considered normal to slap, spit, punch or scorn someone who effectively says, "All the means of production you own should be seized by force"If you actually sit down and read the communist manifesto, you would know that these people are insane. They are violent envy based animals.

Ya, a dumb kid saying they think communism is a good idea needs verbally or even slapped. escalation of force moves from there. I recently spoke with an 18year old "communism is good in theory" I called him a dumb ass to his face. This idea can not be tolerated. I say this as a humble small time land lord. The end result of communist ideals ends in the rape of my wife, daughters, and the killing of myself and my sons.

God help us if these people who are twisted with envy and hate get what they wish. They deserve the highest forms of social sanctions.

It's not, technically speaking. You can't get arrested for saying you want to blow up the white house, however you can get arrested for saying you're going to blow up the white house.


user I....

The Constitution is not a good basis. The Constitution is a statist document. The Constitution, the first and even second amendment, which currently serve us well, are flawed.





This guys going straight to the gulag when we gain control again.

Your a dead man walking

See you next financial crisis.

You will have to go through me first faggot. I doubt you have the balls to do any of the fucked up shit necessary for your envy based morality to exist.

I bet you have never been to a gym in your life. Own a fire arm, or have even been in any real physical altercation.

But if you want to live under communism, I am happy to help. You can be enslaved to the community at gun point. You will be free of means of production or property, you will be working for the betterment of all.

Reminder that Trumpenstein called Buchanan a Hitler-lover

I'm more than ready. in fact I will make tens of millions in profit from a total collapse.

>How would you even determine whether or not someone is trying to undermine something like family values?
Wait and see :^)

Do you always say garbage like this, or is it your special retard day?

Nice meme (((you))) got there

Wew, Nicolás Gómez Dávila quote. Top tier

Why is libertarianism a literal Jew's go-to ideology? I read this guys book tho, if he's not distorting facts on monarchy being based then I'm all for it.


here is Hans holding a small helicopter thank me later


Why the fuck would he counter-signal Rothbard?

You can find lots of jews that are communist/socialist, progressive, liberal, conservative, and libertarian.

He's not. The stormweenies are obsessed. Hoppe made it clear that he thinks that he and Rothbard are the only true strain of libertarians.

Every Jew who isn't a Communist or a Marxist is a libertarian, but that's admittedly not very many. Hoppe also isn't a Jew.

except for all the Jews that are neo-cons like Bill Kristol and Leo Strauss

He was praising Rothbard and described him in all the terms his enemies called him, and then was like, "I'm all of that except a Jew". With a pause for laughter and letting the implication get through.

everyone should watch this video

Would there still be comps in libertarian society?


what a great speech!
Thanks for the link OP!

Couldn't stop listening.

I had to laugh when he called the students of liberty "the stupids of liberty"!

Room comps no. Sushi comps yes.

bump for triple H.

A lot of people have this mindset, myself included. I have absolutely no problem with fully embracing fascism if that is what it takes for my children to be able to live in libertarianism. As long as there are communists/etc there will be a demand for helicopters and zyklon b. Free market dosent mean nice market.

This exactly what the people from the "liberalalaland" don't understand. They would even complain when the evil police of the state would start arresting antifa proponents. They are living in a dream land where everything connected to violence is bad.

Hoppe is a true gem.

o/ HH mister HHH.

Will Richard Spencer ever recover from this?

Bump from Portubro

Heil Hoppe!