

great thread

this game is going to be a best seller.


whats wrong with his face?

Fucking munted


hes got the same eyes as that emaciated faggot with the commie cake

What a lack of humbleness
>While not a priest, he wears the signature cloth anyway
What a lack of respect
>Weekly political discussion
What a lack of energy

Who thought that he was a good character to have as a leader, Especially a leader against oppressors?

Why is it a rule that all leftist agenda vidya has to have the butt ugliest chsracters? Watch Dogs 2 had this exact same issue, same with ME:ANDROMEDA

Stop playing video games.

Stop being a Nazi

but will he survive the battle against aids?

ugglyness and degeneracy is the new ideal, the new norm and should be strived for. I.e. The easiest way to decadence is a more aesthetic path to take than hard work, smart work towards a nobel goal, like securing the existence of a race and bringing science, discovery further.

>Marxist Redneck
Holy shit Sweden get out of your bubble

Why do right-wingers get triggered by video games so easily

Whatever you say feminist frequency

>Literally a commie

Gamergate failed lol

Gamergate never ended.

Why do you gobble cocks? To each question, the world may never know.

Wait for the sales nigger lover.


Someone should make a game that plays out the scenario where nazis never existed so no one in modern times can browbeat whites into capitulation by comparison.

That would indiscriminately red-pill many people.

fuck im just gonna pirate this game

I gave that game a chance, despite the nigger protag. The first scene after the prologue intro has him in bed with a white girl, I immediately exited the game and did a full refund.


Day 1 pirate


I am still in awe that 30yo millennial neet faggots still fucking play video games and watch cartoons but can't change the oil in their car

Because it's really weird and disturbing. Normal people get triggered by fucked up things.

Tennessee is red as fuck lol, we hate socialists here.

>tfw I'm the millennial need faggot

i built a car from tendies

interest check for playing varg's pnp game

the wheels were floppy

Because hes an ordinary sjw. The game is not teaching the player to hate nazis. It teaches the player to like ordinary sjws by making them heroes of the story. About 60% of people are receptive to this type of brainwashing and will fall for it.
