Kafkatrapping how to recognize it and fight it

Anons, educate yourself on Kafka trapping

> The term “kafkatrapping” describes a logical fallacy that is popular within gender feminism, racial politics and other ideologies of victimhood. It occurs when you are accused of a thought crime such as sexism, racism or homophobia. You respond with an honest denial, which is then used as further confirmation of your guilt. You are now trapped in a circular and unfalsifiable argument; no one who is accused can be innocent because the structure of kafkatrapping precludes that possibility.


How the fuck do you fight this?

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Anyone who bothers debating feminists/SJWs/leftists at all is retarded. They are immune to facts, and can only be emotionally manipulated or physically removed.

Isn't that just Alinsky tactics? Accuse them into silence?

you embrace it user


alt hype already did a video on it.

>How the fuck do you fight this?

Locate the closest Jew and punch him in the mouth.

I guess sidestep their point and just hone in on accusing them of a thoughtcrime and forcing them to defend themselves.

No matter what they say immediately accuse them back and question why they are guilty

I don't know, faggot. To being with, maybe try call it out as a Kafka trap. At the very least you'll derail the argument or fork an evasion which you can cite as bad faith arguing.

Why the fuck are you arguing with these idiots in the first place? Just post memes and shame them. There's no dialectic. Just grandstand and ridicule, senpai.

Victim playing, gaslighting, kafkatrapping, et al are all methods of the infernal, these people are hell itself and they want nothing but to bring about hell on earth.
Only the foolish fall for their siren songs and calls for help. The wicked rely on the good natured and foolhardy to destroy themselves willingly, they will not apply force to you directly but you fool you into destroying yourself. As the old tales go, do not let the demon in for once you let them in you are forfeit

>realize the person you're debating clearly has no intention of debating honestly
>continue debating regardless

Why? In fact, why debate in the first place. Debating with random people is just a homosexual version of smalltalk for earnest and idealistic (read: gay) 20-somethings. Makes them feel all giddy because somebody is listening to them talk. It's a very serious closeted form of narcissism. "Debate" and "masturbate" rhyme. Stop "debating" people, go skydiving or shoot a gun or something, or whatever it is you for fun. Don't be a homo.

It's something about Americans, maybe it's in the water. You love the sound of your voice. Even during extremely loud protests - I see this shit all the time on youtube during this period of homoerotic political strife - people literally yelling talking points at each other and "clarifying their views". You should count yourself lucky antifa exists because otherwise american street protests would just be exclusively people apologizing to each other very loudly.

You know how when two dudes get in a fistfight and if there's women around, they start yelling and trying to defuse to situation? Well it's like that but everybody is a woman and there's no dudes fighting.

Stop debating today. Stop pretending you care what others have to say - and they most certainly don't care what you have to say either. You're not a politican and whoever you chose as your next "red pill" victim is not one either. You're not "enlightening" people, you're not "helping the cause", you're just a douchebag repeating what you heard from Sup Forums and youtube personalities because you're in a desperate need of identity.

The purpose of the debate isn't to convince the person you're arguing with, it's to convince the people who haven't got a properly formed opinion. If someone is opinionated enough to debate you on something you say, you're never going to convince them. Everybody knows this, and they don't need a Turko-Mongol S**thern Sl*v rape baby to tell them this.

Why do you think all official debates take place in front of an audience and a moderator? The solution isn't to just not bother debating, but rather to only debate in the company of a group of people, so that way you might at least extract some political benefit from your energy spent fencing with your opposition.

Point out that their argument is kafkatrapping. Point out the other logical fallacies and give definitions for all of the above. Make your response a warning post for readers as to what they are doing and a way to say that the person is making no effort to debate and only to slander.

Usually causes them to freak out.

First off, you have to realize there's more Serbs in Australia than Chicago and that your girlfriend is probably fucking a Serb as we speak.

Second, there's no "political benefit" in a college kid debating his peers. We are not talking charming chad gentlemen dropping verbal grenades onto the audience of their swooning fans. We are talking faggots from Sup Forums. You don't want OP debating anyone, that guy should stick to Overwatch.

Call them jew vermin

>First off, you have to realize there's more Serbs in Australia

That's nice but they still have to live with the genetic shame of their genesis as a species.

>Second, there's no "political benefit"

If at least one spectator flips, or at least shifts position in your favor, that's a political benefit. It's minor for just a single instance, but when you consider thousands of people doing it, it becomes more significant, not only that, but people rub off on those around them. One person with a willingness to opine creates a rippling effect. Or did you think ideologies are spread merely by chance and circumstance, rather than the efforts of individuals?

The fuck is that thing?

This is bullshit, it's no wonder leafs took the shitposting crown from you. Your post reads like reddit.

the infernal. It was invited in, now it spreads the flame

"Your being an asshole doesn't make me a sexist, but the fact that you think it would does make you an idiot"

>Your post reads like reddit.

Please go back there and stay there, this website is not for Eurasian peasants.

This site isn't for the descendants of criminals either.

Looks like something from the yellow king pedo cult in True Detective.

>How the fuck do you fight this?

literally just start swinging

Isn't it funny how potato-nigger rebels and Anglo thieves and murderers still manage to make a better country in less than 300 years than has existed since the fall of Rome in the filth pile that is S**thern Europe.

No, THIS is why the leafs took the crown from them:

Go steal some copper wire you toothless gypsy.



I don't need to worry about this shit, I am a racist and a sexist, also I am afraid (with damn good reason)homosexuals are making our children gay and spreading STD's unchecked.
So that shit doesn't apply to me

>(((Franz Kafka)))

seriously OP though are you fucking new, did you miss the whole point of fascism/natsoc that this entire board adopted in the past few years. you cant argue with these fucking people, communists arent human, the only way to win the argument is through violence

also what the fuck TOP KEK

by not being a beta pushover

jews are female dimwit

And this actually does work, believe it or not. Better than you might think. Especially if you are embedding actual facts in your attack back at them. They have no counter to actual facts. They begin to implode in on themselves. I have cost niggers their jobs by doing this

Those people can't be reasoned with there's no point debating them. Tell them you are a racist or whatever

>How the fuck do you fight this?

Stop being a faggot, boom, game over.

By calling people out for kafkatrapping. Seems pretty self-evident.

Be Chad. Don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks

Simple admit your a fucking racist sexist whatever tell that efeminate bitch to get on her kneews and suck your balls then proceede to walk away like an alpha.

You reject the argument entirely. Question the question. Force the asker to clarify their definition of terms. Its our version of D&C. Lefties cannot even agree on how they are oppressed, only that they are. By questioning their definitions they will turn on each other because they can't agree on what oppression is.

Kikes are male and female rats. Let's be real, females don't have the mind for crafting insidious, subversive and effective propaganda for the masses like men are capable of.

Whenever feminists bawww about the patriarchy, remind them of the middle east where women are property. Tell them their problems don't matter.

Whenever faggots whine about homophobia, remind them how the niggers in Africa put tires on faggots and light them on fire.

Mock them for their perceived problems. There's always a bigger victim. Marginalize them into oblivion.

They have not been programmed to deal with that scenario, its why they panic and lash out.
Remember that when you talk to these people you aren't actually communicating with them. They are like chatbots. They are victims of brainwashing and until that brainwashing is broken they will just parrot propaganda and precoded responses to common challenges. Anything outside their programming destabalizes it. Its why their (((handlers))) hate us so much

This is the kind of bullshit that only some retards could believe , feminism cancer of the prime world

Exactly. Be a little Socrates: since you know their premise is flawed, it's only a matter of time before they ridicule themselves answering your questions and explaining their beliefs.
Then you get poisoned, but at least you had your fun.

It's super easy to turn liberal arguments against themselves because all their arguments are short sighted and all the things they consider bad in the world they are actually in truth the cause of.

For instance,
>"you're a racist if you oppose welfare"
No they're racist for thinking black people need white people's help to survive. Alk welfare does is steal incentive from black people forever trapping them in poverty.

>You're a sexist for thinking men are stronger than women
Well even if we didn't have all the science on our side already they're the sexist ones for wanting to rob women of all sense of achievement if they were forced onto a level playing field with men at the Olympics or other sports. Or that they're sexist for denying women's role in reproduction that males simply cannot fill and they're sexist for not celebrating women's abilities and instead want to force them into higher education and employment where they will have fewer chances to achieve their goals of motherhood, essentially robbing them of children.

Why deny virtues? I don’t understand.

double down
if they call you racist call them a retarded pussy

>ou are now trapped in a circular and unfalsifiable argument; no one who is accused can be innocent because the structure of kafkatrapping precludes that possibility.
No you are not, if you deny it.

What are you on about

leftist screaming that "denial = confirmation" doesn't trap me, it makes me laugh


Socrates-them. Ask what is a crime, what is a thought, etc. And go onto, what is gender, what is binary, what is it to BE. Be sincere, and totally invested. They can't win this. They are the sophists to your dialectics.

>you are a sexist misogynist!!
What is that?
>You hate women and want to perpetuate the patriarchy
What is it to hate? What is perpetuation? What is the patriarchy? What is an -archy of any sort? Should a patriarchy be replaced by a matriarchy? (principle of charity, to beg the question, assume YES for patriarchy, to show the absurdity of it).

So on and so forth. Read Platonic dialogues for tips.

If denial equals confirmation then Hillary Clinton is a reptilian and Bill is a rapist.

>how to sound like a mumbling retard