Right-Libertarian is The Only True RedPill

Right-Libertarian / Hoppe / Rothbard General

get at me you fucking niggers!

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We must secure the existence of a libertarian social order for future white children.

yes! libertarianism only works smoothly in a largely homogeneous society. close the fucking borders. build a million fucking walls around your property and this country. guns for every white man woman and child.



from an ideological standpoint, right-libertarianism is the most anti-judaism position one can take. full-on freedom to live as one sees fit on one's private property. no tax collectors. no federal banks. fuck your small brain.

>Oy Vey goy listen to your overlords, you don't own nothing goyim!

Hey collectivist, how about you collectively suck my cock, then take your beta orbiters ideology with you. Or do you need a direct order from big Daddy Jew, excuse me I mean big Daddy Gov, to even do anything?

this guy fucking gets it
libertyfriend detected

get your shit on straight friends!
right-libertarianism means true freedom, homogeneity, and thus, freedom from degeneracy.

This is exactly what Hoppe says nowadays:

hoppe is a murder machine. the man fucking gets it. rothbard reincarnated, but without the circumcised cock and unfortunate jewish genetics.

Show me a single proper example of anarcho capitalism working.

your house you goddamn mongo


literally your house / apartment is a working real life example of anarcho-capitalism. it's your property. you do what you want in there. you choose who comes and goes. you want something? you go out and interact, often with people who you would never allow on your property, to procure that thing. do those other people lobby you for their special interest causes to be implemented in your apartment? no. would you care if they did? no.

all paleo-libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism etc... can be reduced down to one thing: private property and privacy in general (for the individual and the family) are the foundations of freedom and a functional society. free trade is great, and there is nothing to stop free trade even if you live in a compound surrounded by four thousand turret guns. free trade has nothing to do with freedom of movement or open borders. so too, free association = free disassociation. one cannot exist without the other.

You can't just upscale my house to an entire country.

even right-libertarianism negates the necessity of a state, so your house might as well be an entire country. we can't start there - obviously - but we can start making a better world by treating this country as if it was our house. who founded this country? white, christian, europeans. who is [at-least for now] the dominant population group in america? people of white, christian, european descent. this country is our house. let's trade with everyone we want, while ensuring that our house stays safe, clean, and functional, by closing the fucking borders (because only a minute portion of the country wants open borders or lax immigration policies any way) and physically remove any burglars who came here without our consent.


Almost none of what you said has anything to do with anarcho capitalism or how it would function. If you want the best economic model I recommend looking at state capitalism.


you have no idea what you are talking about. read some rothbard or hoppe.

Yeah. You don't have to let immigrants onto your property. But Goldberg can let as many as he wants presumably

There has never been an anarchist country that has survived for more than five years, yet there has been multiple attempts to create one. Therefore we can conclude that anarchism plain doesn't work.

both hoppe and rothbard address this problem and directly state it is acceptable to 'get rid of' bad neighbors. goldberg would be a bad neighbor then.

anarcho-capitalism is not anarchism. read more.


You can replace anarchism with anarcho capitalism in my post and it will still be true.


Slavery is legal in Israel and the Middle East

>Now while much of contemporary libertarianism then can be characterized as theory and theorist without psychology and sociology, much, or even most of the alt-right can be described in contrast as psychology and sociology without any theory. The Alt-Righters are not united by a common be helped theory, and there exists nothing even faintly resembling a canonical text defining its meaning. Rather the Alt-Right is essentially united in its description of the contemporary world, and in particular the US and the so-called Western world, and the identification and diagnosis of its social pathologies.

>In fact it has been correctly noted that the alt-right is far more united by what it is against than what it is for.

>It is against, and indeed it hates with a passion, the elites in control of the state, the mainstream media, and academia. And why? Because the state, the mainstream media, and academia all promote social degeneracy and pathology. Thus they promote (and the Alt-Right vigorously opposes) egalitarianism, affirmative action (or non-discrimination laws), multiculturalism, and free mass immigration as a means to bring about this multiculturalism.

>As well, the Alt-Right loathes everything smacking of cultural Marxism or "Gramscianism" (named after Antonio Gramsci, the Italian Communist) and they hate all political correctness and, strategically wise I think, it shrugs off without any apology whatsoever all accusations of being racist, sexist, elitist, supremacist, homophobe, xenophobe, and so on and so on. And the Alt-Right also laughs off as hopelessly naive the programmatic motto of so-called libertarians such as Students For Liberty (which I have also termed the Stupids For Liberty, and my young German friend Andre Lichtschlag has referred to them as the "Liberalala Libertarians", and their motto of "peace, love, and liberty" which Lichtschlag appropriated, translated into German as "Frieda, Freuda, Eierkuchen" [Peace, Joy, and Pankakes] libertarians.)

Fixing typos in the youtube transcription and I'll make a thread later today.

The problem is for this idea to work is everyone has to agree with you on zero immigration (they probably won't). You also have to prevent people from forming a government (with anarchy you can't). To ensure society exists as you would want it to, you need a government of some kind.

>In order to expand and increase its power, the ruling elites have been conducting for many decades what Pat Buchanan has identified as a systematic cultural war aimed at the transvaluation of all values and the destruction of all natural (or if you will, organic) social bonds and institutions such as families, communities, ethnic groups, and genealogically related nations, so as to create inherently an increasingly atomized populace whose only shared characteristic and unifying bond is its common existential dependency on the state.

>The first step in this direction taken already more than half a century ago or even longer ago was the introduction of public welfare in social security. Thereby, the underclass and the elderly were turned into state dependents, and the value and the importance of family and community was correspondingly diminished and weakened. More recently, further reaching steps in this direction have proliferated. A new victimology has been proclaimed and promoted. Women, and in particular single mothers, blacks, browns, Latinos, homosexuals, lesbians, bi-, and transsexuals have been awarded victim status and accorded legal privileges through non-discrimination or affirmative action decrees.

>As well, most recently such privileges have been expanded also to foreign national immigrants, whether legal or illegal, in so far as they fall into one of the just mentioned categories or are members of non-Christian religions such as Islam for instance. The result? Not only has the earlier mentioned bad neighbor problem not been avoided or softened, but it has been systematically promoted and intensified instead. Cultural homogeneity has been destroyed and the freedom of association and the voluntary physical segregation and separation of different people, communities, cultures and traditions, has been replaced by an all-pervasive system of forced social integration.