We had a bad shooting massacre n Australia in 1996 and we finally said "that's enough"...

We had a bad shooting massacre n Australia in 1996 and we finally said "that's enough". The US Govt will eventually pass sweeping gun control measures. How long do you think it will take?

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Not soon enough. Only police and soldiers should have guns.


Gun control only prevent normal citizens from getting guns. The terrorists could always just get guns from the black market, or buy them from a spic

If police actually went around taking amerifat's guns away the amerifats will shoot them.

How many mass shootings were done with illegally acquired guns and how many terrorist attacks were prevented by people who were carrying? Honestly asking, I've never seen statistics on this.

Home invasions and violence has increased by 20% after the ban
Criminals became less afraid of their victims

I will accept draconian gun control if we first implement similar laws for nigger and muslim control.

>tfw i cant use a gun to defend my house and family so i have to use bow and arrows

You'll never understand america because you will never understand what it means to be an American.
Molon labe

Americans are retarded. Australians are not. You can't become unretarded.

Speak for yourself

Research Chicago Illinois, where they have had a gun free city for over a decade. We gonna set a record this year with over 3000+ shot with illegal guns. Maybe you cucktards in Australia think it works, but you are a moron to believe it.

Go ahead, give an opinion. I bet it's gonna be purdy fuckin stupid.

You can't expect gun control and gun recalls to be successful in a nation with such a big gun culture as the US. Banning guns sort of works in countries where having a gun was weird in the first place.

If I lived in the US I would have guns and not be in favour of gun control

Are there niggas in Austria?

Most gun violence is committed with handguns. Restricting rifles or attachment for rifles still wont do anything

It's hard to say because when people who stop mass shootings:

1.) It's typically not reported in the ((news))
2.) It's difficult to determine if the situation would have turned into a mass shooting

But I guess it happens more than people realize.

I find it very EFFECTIVE

>posting a graph with no axis labels

And the day before.
And the day before.
And the day before.

The newest data in that graph is 12 years old

c'mon HUE

>embarrassed to see my flag on this faggot.

Probably "rate of death" from our own bureau of statistics. Interesting quote from our chief statistician regarding the rate of firearm deaths.

Note from Australian Chief Statistician on the 1996 (cause of death) paper:
"While deaths caused by firearms were highlighted during 1996 by the events at Port Arthur, there has actually been a long-term decline in the numbers and standardised death rates from this cause.
Total deaths caused by firearms in 1996 was 521, an increase of 42 on the 1995 figure but substantially less than the 1987 figures of 711.
The standardised death rate for total firearm deaths in 1996 was 2.8 up from 2.6 in 1995 but down from the rate of 4.4 recorded for 1987.
More detailed information on firearm deaths for the period 1980 to 1995 can be obtained from the ABS publication Firearm Deaths, Australia (cat no. 4397.0)

where the fuck is q&a thread?

ahhhh fuck, today's not monday, I'm watching the repeat. Ignore.

>How many mass shootings were done with illegally acquired guns
Almost all done in Europe
>how many terrorist attacks were prevented by people who were carrying?
Nobody keeps statistics like that around, sadly. I wish they did since I wana know how many Potato Niggers got killed by non-potato Niggers.

You're welcome.

I haven't used the official rate of death because I was more interested in deaths per million, making it easier to check alongside american stats.

Remember to sage

Either you have a KKK fan club over there or most of the strangulation is suicide.

Literally 91 - 94 % of all hanging, strangulation and suffocation in Ausland is suicides, and about 4x male: female.

For any aussies lurking, if your mates joke about hanging themselves, fucking check if they're joking ffs. Don't let them add to this statistic.

What about suicide with guns and sharp objects?

Guns, similar, especially pistols. Sharp objects more equal in suicides/murders. Basically, people will kill you with shit that's nearby or easy to obtain.

No more graphs though all the data is obtainable online through the australian bureau of statistics, if you care to look.

People downunda will likewise suicide using the most convenient or least messy means.

She is nice

hmmm yes, lets compare the laws and culture of a country with a small population that is fairly homogeneous and is pretty geographically isolated to a country with a 10X the population, incredibly diverse and extremely accessible to the world.
makes total sense, i don't see anything wrong with this comparison.

Not in my lifetime.
If it does the country will smash apart.
This is not Australia.

What is the point of living a safe life when you spend its entirety not being able to do the things you want? I want to own and shoot guns, I want to smoke cigars and drink liquor, I want to get high, and I want to drift cars while blasting Dixie out my window. I refuse to die an old man filled with regret. It's my life and I will spend it doing what I want. Yee Yee motherfucker


Never we aren't faggots like you poor bastards

Your gun culture does not mean anything anymore.

Doesn't mean a single shit.

Life has so much to offer - why be obsessed with a killing machine?

>A borderline retard with next to no experience with firearms pulls off a shooting that a single SAS operative would have difficulty recreating
>so we're going to take all of your guns away
>no goy, this isn't a false flag

It's 2017

You don't need a gun in 2017

roo niggers and ukcucks get one little shooting and they all vote their guns away, meanwhile dozens of shootings in and our laws only get better. Why is this?

lmao fucking neck yourself you poofter

>take all the guns off the everyday legal joes who want to shoot cardboard
>don't let people shoot a deer or duck and cook it up in the bush
>expect this to solve deep mental health issues or criminal gun violence

Not that our laws are too bad I mean shit I can still get a gun with a licence to shoot ducks and do some wilderness cooking, but there's no reason to uphold our nonsense laws about semi autos or supressors etc when NZ is right there on the straight and narrow without them

Straya is full of too many city cucks parroting the media when then criticize the us laws


>we are dumb cucks and we willingly gave up our weapons that could be used as self defense in case a 1984 tier police state arises
Illogical and dangerous.
Truely plebs are stupid.

You want us to get rid of our guns while LITERAL HITLER is in the white house!? Are you fucking mad???

What year does the oil run out again? Is it before or after the police stop responding to calls when a gang of men come to take your food, and your toilet stops flushing, and your tap runs dry


The fact retarded island dwelling foreigners clamor for the loss of our gun rights warms my heart knowing it will never happen.

Let me make this very clear.
Shall not be infringed.
Over my dead body.
Pry it from my cold dead fingers.

Gotta say as someone of the country of Texas...I agree we would.

>tfw the police know you're armed due to registry and you have some minor criminal history or are on a list for military training or posting here as a dissident so the judge approves them to blow your hinges off with a shotgun without announcing themselves hoping you'll shoot back and they can just kill you and make it easy

the only thing with gun owners in the US is they wont give up there guns willingly like Australia cucks did

an look at how oppressive the Australian government has become after 1996

hypothetically if the US did instigate a wide spread gun ban it would probably take decades for the violent aftermath to subside and because of the US' unique gang, drug, poverty, mental health and cultural clash elements it would never eliminate gun deaths nor would it really cut down on total deaths. theres just too many underlying problems in the country for guns to be a quick fix of which getting rid of guns is like putting a band aid on a compound fracture. if youre going to go after something, go after the elements that make someone want to pick up a gun in the first place cause someone who wants to fuck someone up will still find the means to do.

you also arnt talking about an Australia situation either where 24million people(85% live on the coasts so instigating those laws would be easy) and 2-3million guns exist to deal with. no, youre talking about 330million people, 60% spread across the country and 300+ million guns to deal with. the amount of effort to fully in force that would be astronomical.

and thats not including the backlash that you will get from the country. 100+ million people own guns. guns are one of the two or three things nailed into the US' mentality and the US is one of (if not the only) country where guns were a part of it from the very beginning unlike Britian or Aus who were never big gun countries to begin with. Guns helped get the US to where it is in the world and act is a big fuck you to rest of the world or anyone willing to fuck with us. Guns are a symbol here. thats not just something you can get rid of painlessly.

Every mass murder has involved a rifle though. What kind of an argument is this yes violent crime won't go down but we won't have 50+ people murdered with ease.

You can murder 50 people with a truck any day of the week if you are motivated and sick enough, let alone a bomb, over 200 people are shot every day in the US and most of them are black gangbangers shooting each other with a .22 handgun so they can rap about being shot 9 times later.

9/11 didn't involve any rifles did it

The numbers mason.

More handguns kill people than any amount of mass shooting ever will. Quit believing the liberal media. You could also argue that this is all tomfoolery because car accidents kill MUCH more and diabetes and heart disease kill so much more we all look like idiots arguing over such trivialities.

obviously not enough since you have continued passing anti gun legislation.

Sure, you get rid of guns, death by guns will probably go down.
But if someone wants to kill you can't stop them they just use a different weapon making the entire point moot

Consider that you live on a huge island, borders are much easier to control. We are bordered to a 3rd world hellhole. Come on up to the states sometime and lets take a little drive through Southern California, and perhaps we’ll go on over to Mexico, you’ll see what I am talking about.

Nations with different geographies require different sets of laws.

Is this really so difficult for people to understand?

is there an irish crime problem in euroland?

gun owners completely dwarf military and police combined

Did banning guns stop the Monash shooting in 2005? Or how about in Sydney a few years ago when that guy shot people at the chocolate factory?

OP is shit posting propaganda



Lmao that will NEVER EVER happen. If the government ever tried to take away guns from these rednecks, there would be a revolution and violence unlike anything ever witnessed. You think the rednecks are annoying and acting out with trump in office? Just try to take away cletus' guns..

Did the Aussies ever have a 2nd amendment? OR have they always been under the crown?