Mother put her 2 childs in the oven and video streaming it to their dad while they burn

Mother put her 2 childs in the oven and video streaming it to their dad while they burn

Why is infanticide so frequent all over the world and in all races? What's going on in these bitches minds

i'm smiling so hard right now

Nathan Higgers

Video or it didn't happen

Where was the father?

Women do not know empathy.

>Why is infanticide so frequent all over the world and in all races?
Because you normalized abortion and abortion is infanticide. The slippery slope really does exist and leads right down to Hell.

Niggers don’t know empathy. If anything women have too much empathy which is why they are so easily brainwashed by liberal muh feels narratives

Roasted nigglets are an African delicacy. Are you culturally insensitive or something?


>he thinks women have empathy
They don't have empathy which is why they try to act like they do all the time.


tfw she helps spread the meme.

I want to grab an axe and drill it into her fucking skull.

Tobey Maguire got fat!

>Wahh I can't get laid therefore all women are psychopaths
>letting images posted by some bitter faggot influence you this much

Rethink your life.

She's totally butt naked under that robe, ready to be stripped by a pair gimp midgets and have a satanic blood orgy with old billionaires oil tycoons and MK ultrad kids.

Naw dude. Those are the types that make you want to house of 1000 corpses their ass. Idgaf if it was a niglett and the dad doesn't give to shits he lost two children. In fact that dad can join her, that fucker is happy he's out two child support checks.


his father had zero empathy, I thought it was odd. I know toddlers are little cunts, but they eventually behave better.

"I be cookin them. They cookin the oven, nigga!"

Top kek.

Stop eating Lena. You'll still be a fucking dog, but at least a thin one.

Could be an aggravating factor but not the real main factor as it is happening long before the concept of abortion.

>killing niggers before they become niggers
She should be canonized. We have to make this wonderful woman a Saint.


>police say the boys’ 3-year-old brother witnessed their deaths but survived


Of course it's a fucking nigger
Sheboons give two shots about their children, that's why they're Planned Parenthood's most frequent customers.

That little nigglet's just a panther familiar and martial artist dad away from becoming fucking Drizzt. That fucker's seen some Lolth-tier woman shenanigans.

Abortion ist probably as old as human culture
Not defending it though.
In ancient times it also happened
the higher the reproduction rate, the more this happens because less ressources, more stress, less value of life

>using sex as a form of status
Go smoke a bowl, you degenerate faggot.

i wish more single mothers would do this desu senpai

kek he's talking like he lost his cat in the neighborhood, don't give a single fuck


My local news is a joy. Every night niggers kill each other and the parents come on, say he was a good boy, not a tear in sight. Blacks aren’t human. We have been breaking the our murder record every year.

Right?!?! She looks like a high priestess there!

>Why is infanticide so frequent all over the world and in all races?
you're joking right?

that nigga aint no good actor

no one could be this non empathic even niggers cry when their kids die

this story is made up

You must not have seen local news in the US. They all act like this after their kids die. Then they go get airbrushed “RIP DeShawn” shirts.


Heh, at least she knew who the father was. Progress.

no, why?

>Nathan Higgers
>Hathan Niggers
>Hate em Niggern

Killing unwanted babies and old people was normal. Some how this became unacceptable and now we question what should be normal human behavior.

If you have a bag of potatoes and one is ugly and half rotten, it goes into the trash.


We have more "humane" and "efficient" ways of disposing babies, so abortion now has an excuse to be pushed down our throats through propaganda.

Oven mitt found at the crime scene. What could this mean?