Welcome to Sup Forums. Are you ready to hear reality?


Other urls found in this thread:


2015 Homicide rates-African Americans compared to Caucasians

2013 African American homicide rate per capita

2013 FBI crime data

2015 FBI crime data

Crime by region and ethnicity

Homicide and race correlation

Homicide by firearms in ethnic groups

Black propensity of crime

Can't forget this one.

Crime statistics by percentages

Various correlation overlays of the United States

Equality facts

Incarceration by class

Homicide rate by mean income


Homicide by mean income

Cranial capacity among ethnic groups

African American and Caucasian SAT scores by income


African American and Caucasian SAT scores by income Part II

Immigration and Crime in Europe

Socio-economic factors being controlled

Pie chart race and crime tables

Scientific publications per 1000 inhabitants

ACT scores by ethnicity

College affirmative action

Perforation of large government

Black and white IQ bell curves

Demographic change of the United States

Rape- African American vs Caucasian

James Watson, co-discoverer of the DNA helix and Nobel prize recipient

Some notable race realists

Voting results by demographics

I'm already redpilled, thanks. But these are handy. I'm saving these, OP



Who was the United States intended for?

Thank you gentlemen

Civic-nationalism I

Civic-nationalism II

The truth will always win in the end, the liars fight an uphill battle forever against fact, we have reality on our side.

Critique of modern "libertarianism"

The fetishization of "freedom"

The Alternative Hypothesis is fantastic and I'm glad you're shilling for him. He's well-thought out, uses plenty of evidence, and has reasonable goals and perspective. He doesn't go ranting about RaHoWa now or anything, and offers legitimate solutions to problems.

He's right about one critical thing: as soon as Whites learn about the IQ gaps, they will become White Nationalists. It doesn't happen overnight, but it happens inevitably. He's dedicating himself to spreading the truth about that IQ gap far and wide.


I'm so very thankful that Ryan Faulk exists, he should be upheld as a hero amongst the community.

The fundamentalism that is "racism"

Ted Kavinsky on leftists

Critique of "SJW"s

The social construct that is equality

Culture vs biology

Am Ren Peace Corps experience

Australian Aborigines

Am Ren Public Defender

Teaching in the city experience

Part II

Black looting after a natural disaster, early 20th century

Success of American "blacks" are mostly mulattos


Black contributions

thank you

Adverse effects of pornography

Composition of CNN

Composition of NBC

Composition of the New York Times

got more?

Largest global corporations and Judaism

I'll keep dumping, any requests?

The religion of the Holocaust

Israeli dual citizenship amongst US officials

all that you got, just lemme know when it's done

Jewish overrepresentation amongst various institutions

Total Jewish expulsion list

Media and Jews

Media and Jews II

Communism and Jews

Inflation of WWII Jewish deaths

Spider map of Jewish influence

Jews and the rap industry

Jews and refugees

Jews and immigration

Jews and Communism II




Holocaust testimony

Large numbers of jews being claimed to be persecuted prior to the holocaust

part II

Bergen Belsen deaths after liberation

Yeah, I'm sure people are gonna read all this shit. Saged while laughing at you wasting your time.

Image in screencap

Physical copies of said papers

Reminder to lurkers and newfags, there are scores of non-whites that lurk and post on Sup Forums


Thomas Jefferson on the composition of the US

Embracing your people and history

An user visits Africa

No room for hyphenated Americans

The disaster of Africans in America



someone posted this a few days ago, it's an interesting read
