Libertarians BTFO

David Pakman exposes the economic ignorance of this libertarian. How will libertarians and republicucks ever recover?

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How can a man who writes for Forbes not understand these basic arguments? Bump

I guess libertarian have no coherent arguments against Pakman then.

This Pakman guy doesn't understand basic growth theory. What he says not only disagrees with libertarians but the entire field of economics.

>being a statist

Care to elaborate? What did he say that was wrong?

Just because I'm a statist doesn't mean I'm a communist...

Guys will the EM drive work in atmosphere?

>Infrastructure argument
Implying that corporations won't develop high-speed railway systems for profit, which is better for the environment. There are valid arguments against libertarianism, but "muh roads" isn't one of them.

Apparently it needs a vacuum.

The EM drive probably won't even work. Conservation of momentum and all that.

yeah, the pic was mostly just a meme. I really just wanted to post the vid.

wouldnt it be because then liberals cant just stand in the streets drooling on themselves?

The flaw in libertarianism and free market economics as a whole is that satisfying market demand efficiently does not equal optimizing quality of life as a whole. In a capitalist system goods are valued according to the supply demand balance, but this creates outcomes where for example, a Chance the Rapper T-shirt, or a subscription to a pay porn service have significant monetary value. This means that 1. much of the potential labor output goes to producing worthless or even negative value (from a quality of life perspective) products and 2. these products are counted in economic metrics like GDP.

You could have a nation with a GDP of $1 trilllion, with 90% of output being worthless garbage, while another nation that focuses on basics like housing, healthcare, and other essentials would have a substantially lower output yet a better quality of life. Since the whole capitalism vs command economy debate is about satisfying supply and demand, it's obvious that in many cases it's better not to satisfy demand because consumers tend to be smooth-brained retards who want harmful things.

Yes, Dr. Shaw has a sketch of a 2nd Gen EM drive powered drone on his website powered by hydrogen. Nothing prevents the drive from working in atmosphere.

>it's obvious that in many cases it's better not to satisfy demand because consumers tend to be smooth-brained retards who want harmful things.
This is what natural selection is for, whether we like it or not.

Yeah, basically free market economics fails to take externalities (both positive and negative) into account.

But sometimes there are externalities to what you consume. For example, in order to produce your product, maybe there is some pollution in the environment. In such a situation, the equilibrium price does not account for the price to society, and the product should be taxed. Similarly, goods with positive externalities (for example, education) should be publicly subsidized, because the free market does not take those externalities into account when determining the equilibrium price.

Also daily reminder that the chinks and Russians already have 1st Gen EM drives in low Earth orbit, and Dr. Shaw signed a technology export agreement with DARPA/NASA/USAF all the way back in 2008.

I watched the first five minutes. Nothing particularly scandalous from either side. What exactly is your argument?

all libertarians I know are for internalizing externalities, especially water pollution

How do you do it for things like air or education? You can own a body of water, but you can't own the air, or the labor pool.

are you retarded?

How did you come away with the belief that I support internalization only for things that can be privately owned? Public property is a thing, even in libertarian societies, you know? Did you know we actually support having a government, too?


This is how hydrogen thrusters work in space engineers.