California Becomes First State To Legally Recognize A Third Gender

Why is California so ahead of humanity when it comes to social progression? You folks need to catch up.

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So what is it?

Pretty soon this will be next for their 'progress'


Divided States of America.

This, inquiring minds want to know.

it's just non-binary
t. californian

t. other californian

No such thing as 'non-binary'

Do you think Gov. Jerry Brown would pass a bill that makes any sense at all? God is smiting the sodomites here with fire.

So how is secession going, Cali? Could you please speed it up.

nuke california plz

i should move to california, where only there is this form of autism accepted

In the meantime, boycott california goods and services.

>cali secedes
>country full of weak aids infested faggots, low IQ niggers, spics and weak silicon valley kikes
>real Americans join the army to take it back
>leftist faggots are purged and the beautiful land is recolonized with god fearing white citizens in a new American lebansraum.


oh gosh so progressive
shouldnt we all be so progressive

>tfw california native
it's kind of a cool fun state desu but I dont wanna get nuked or aids or have to deal with the fact that hookup culture is widely popular here

So the third gender is literally Other. Hilarious. This whole thing could be solved with
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Other

so ahead of humanity it stopped being human decades ago

Maybe we should start shitting on the sidewalks in our respective hometowns.

California was a mistake.

this whole thing could be solved by simply writing down your chromosome constellation

I seriously don't get what the benefits of this is besides enabling mental derangement.
what they actually should be concerned about are gender roles, which in today's age are more or less sorted out (so I guess the excess rage is channeled into this bullshit).

the biggest problem I have with this is that males and females literally need different medical procedures when push comes to shove
so when medics pull out your card and it says other, should they just toss you? I mean, they probably can't even user your organs because of the hormones you blasted your body with

Non binary

I swear to fucking God, just nuke California

>acknowledging the existence of only three genders
Didn't know California is such a bigoted shithole.

>Can get pozzed
>Can no longer reuse plastic bags for my dogs when come back from the grocery story
>Can identify as non-binary
Kim, please hurry up and develop a nuke that can touch Sacramento or San Francisco, even Los Angeles.

Daily Reminder: We didn't vote for this either

We don't vote for these things anymore. They took that away from us after voting against gay marriage



That has been here for a few years. On legal documents, you can either tick M, F, or X.
>Note it doesn't actually say male or female or anything, just three letters and you just assume they mean what you think
X doesn't really mean anything - just that you don't exactly identify as male or female, just "something else", which could be transgender, hermaphrodite, transbinary nominative fluid-identity otherkin, attack helicopter, something undefinable, etc.


So what exactly does this change in the real world?

Cut All Federal Funding to the States.
ALL OF IT. Let California, New York, and Illinois stand on their own.

too late,amp.html