Is Pokemon XYZ the peak of Shounen storytelling? Cause it is flawless in pretty much every single way

Is Pokemon XYZ the peak of Shounen storytelling? Cause it is flawless in pretty much every single way.



>posts the thing that makes it unwatchable
>calls it flawless
Fuck off back to /padt/ ashfag.

It's probably the best Pokemon's ever been, though.

Haha no
Thats DP my friend

The tournament at the end invalidated everything else.
>fucking Tobias

The fight with Tobias was cool. Ash took out two legendaries. The XY League is rushed as fuck and the writting in Ash vs Shota was lame except for greninja vs sceptile

Hell yes xy is probably my favourite show in years. Everything is perfect and can't wait to see greninja win ash the league. BEST FUCKING MOVE EVER

>I literally don't know what I'm doing here but I have a legendary, he pretty much fights on his own
>oh you beat it? Good thing I have another one

Still cool and pretty much everyone agrees except for /padt/ and Ashfags

>thinks tobias is cool

You need to rethink your life choices

I don't even know what that is, and EVERYONE hates that fucking disgrace of a tournament.

>EVERYONE hates that fucking disgrace of a tournament.
Hello /padt/

So since the hype around pokemon i started to watch it and i dont understand how pikachu was getting kick in the butt by everyone in kalos and all of the sudder he managed to beat that super lucario with pretty much no new abilitys or clear power ups

And how in the ninja episode when Froakie managed to evolve into Frogadier and as a Frogadier kicked the ass of that wierd pokemon with no issues and showing a lot more power than the greninja of the ninja dude (even when greninja is a upper evolution of Frogadier and it should be stronger)

>muh boogeyman

Its Pokemon dude. It doesn't need to make sense. Just turn your brain off and enjoy

what the fuck is a /padt/

I know this is bait cause no one in his right mind could think this is actually true.

Its the pokemon anime general in /vp/

What's with all the Pokemon threads on Sup Forums lately? Is it because of the Finals?

/vp/ wants to shill their shitty show

I have no idea, which makes being accused of being it all the more amusing.

One piece is so far.

It's literally one guy that's been making them for at least a couple months now.

I really want Ash to job now

I'll never let /vp/ forget it

I've already saved like a million screencaps of you delusional faggots saying Ash will win

I'm going to bully and bully and BULLY you, FOREVER, when Ash loses!


>Ash made it to the finals
Fitting, sixth gen sucks.

Not until ash busts a nut in Serena

Didn't Ash beat the Kalos Champion before? What a joke.
