Sort yourself

Jordan Peterson is honestly the only current intellectual i have respect for.
Have you guys taken his new test?

Other urls found in this thread:

I did, and I think I'm too far gone to sort myself. Basically got the worse combination and an likely to become a psycho or an underachiever, its already happening desu



Wow those are some retarded metrics. Dropped.
Inb4 you’ll score low on “openness”

these are the usual ones, here he explains it

btw crowder917 gives you a discount for this one, and crowder a discount for the self-authoring suit

>buy now
wtf is this shit?
>paying some schmuk to collect data about you

here's my full results as an ex of what you get

Gotta say, I probably was too harsh since i'm not a psycho like the 3 paragraphs imply, and I'd like to get the combined analysis he gave to crowder, where he sees how each trait interacts with the others to give 2 macro-traits, because some of them are not consistent (thankfully), and I'm very well, academically

gotta say the average result is accurate tho, unfortunately
btw im a classical conservaive

Tell confused and lost kids they need sorting.
Sell a test with touchy-feely categories like “conscientious”

Its literally science tho. He actually explains it. These are the big five and based on eras of research

>absolutely this
I just hope the jew kids buy into it.

You guys seem to be low om agreeableness

Here, sort yourselves

Jew kids get sorted pretty early by strong education and values.

How much is this test?

The only reason anyone gives away their data to help build AI is because the platform is free.
Only an idiot pays to give his data away.

How did mankind get by for so many tens of thousands of years before Jordan’s scientifically based sorting hat? Makes you think.

Do you want your robot overlords to be all messed up or do you want them to sort themselves? Your choice

He's a tranny

Fake news bucko

This was made my him and his team because he is rolling in patreon money. This is not shillwork! He made this as a teaching tool, you are paying to use it

Got the proofs right from his daughter's instagram

He's Canadian.

Fuck you.

>data mining bullshit

>It's not free

The fuck man

The Day of the Rake has come.
Jordan Peterson IS the rake.

Such is the case for an average brazillian

He is a fucking walking meme Canadian radical centrist self help book motivational author tier, not an intellectual

>60,000 a month on patreon
>pay for my shitty online quiz

What the fuck does a psychologist even do with money like that? Fuck off with your meme tier sociologic bullshit, meme science

>People who have lots of money should give me shit for free

That's not how it works, Bucko.

Besides, he's done a great job with the money he's making so far. He's using it as capital to fund projects that are good for us all. He used it for his biblical lectures, now this site, and his big goal is to get some sort of online humanities university going to forever BTFO the marxist SJWs infesting the current humanities.

It's worth it.

mad quote.

He's cool but this is just a big 5 test you can take for free online. I'm not paying for a test from a man who makes six figures a month from patreon alone.

Here's my results- am I ok?

t. Sam Harris

How do you explain his actual academic work then?

not paying for this.

>make over 800k/year from donations on top of my salary from the university
>pay 9,99 for my QuizPalace-tier test, goy!


As the good doctor has so kindly, repeatedly, informed us, the "actual academia" is infected with lies and cults. There is nothing scientific about one iota of psychology research, and the chutzpah these quacks have in claiming their goddamn questionnaire epistemology is "scientific" just proves that they have been allowed to run rampant for decades on the government dime. I like his maps of meaning, even future authoring, but I don't understand how he can honestly stand for the professional psychological industry. They have a research diameter of barely a decade and consider all old theories to be defunct, but even beyond that they simply have no theoretical basis that is even remotely robust or reproducable, no matter how much they claim otherwise.
>What do you mean, how do you study happiness?
>No really, we really have a really reliable way to measure this ethereal timeless human experience
>See? The answers come up approximately the same each time and are consistent with each other according to our model
>What do you mean we only use or tests on american college students? Are you some kind of racist?
>Yes of course human personality can not be cut up into 5 personality types like a pie, but have you seen our statistics on the matter?

It's sad to watch. He should have been a priest or philosopher, or stick to clinical practice (which can be very useful if without doctrine)

Buying into this opportunist.

This guy saw the potential the media storm created around him and capitalized on it, this fucking guy just wants to retire, so go ahead pay for it.

i done a similar test last week and got 1 out of 60 for conscientiousness.
i'll do the peterson test at some point

There i just saved you the price of the quiz and hours of time spent listening to Peterson's meanderings about Disney movies.

how different is this from any other of the personality assessments you can find online. they all follow the same framework but this one isn't free.

well first of all retake the test without giving meme answers you fucking cunt.

Zizek is the intellectual's intellectual. Peterson is mr Patreon

Those satanic colours behind him tho

they both seem to share a love for attention though

>Satanic colour

haha what the fuck m8 stop reading Vigilant Citizen and hop on some Clozapine

Peterson's spiel is pretty Masonic though, he's very deliberate with his choice of symbols too.

>"The Benjaminian "divine violence" should be thus conceived as divine in the precise sense of the old Latin motto vox populi, vox dei: NOT in the perverse sense of "we are doing it as mere instruments of the People's Will," but as the heroic assumption of the solitude of sovereign decision. It is a decision (to kill, to risk or lose one's own life) made in the absolute solitude, with no cover in the big Other. If it is extra-moral, it is not "immoral," it does not give the agent the license to just kill with some kind of angelic innocence. The motto of divine violence is fiat iustitia, pereat mundus: it is JUSTICE, the point of non-distinction between justice and vengeance, in which "people" (the anonymous part of no-part) imposes its terror and makes other parts pay the price - the Judgment Day for the long history of oppression, exploitation, suffering [...]"
this motherfucker