Would this happen in an Islamic country?

Western civilization is utterly degenerate. Traditional morals are dead and the Church is in total collapse. Only Islam can save us now.

I wanna chuck a stone at his face.

>Only Islam can save us now.
said no one ever
the end

Only ways and teachings of Adolf Hitler could save western civilization, not sure if it deserves salvation though.

Islam would just be a Arabs version of Stalin’s Scorced Earth


this reminded me that make up that black metal fnas wear

No, in an Islamic country the kids would be naked and raped regularly.

>Only Islam can save us now.

>Medieval barbarism and stupidity

i want to see those childrens faces and want to hear a liberal mom in the room call out a scared crying kid as transphobic

also how did this faggotry infect the OC I thought that was the last bastion of conservatism in SoCal

Better than being a disgusting homophile like yourself.

No it cant

not really agent of satan

The fucking kikes are pulling all the stops. Stop posting the same shit over and over and over and over and over like your precious israel creating Goebbels and half a faggot. Threads on here always appear in more than one iteration at the same time. No matter how stupid the topic. If you see a stupid thread there will be two more posted at once. Every time. Guaranteed. Seen a cheese whiz thread? There's three jew threads on cheez whiz. I guarantee it

Liberals love Islam; It's like a Trojan horse to destroy them.

You give refugees. You blow the men who send them. Then you cry about the wrong ones. All protocols. 110%. 24/7. Quaran>talmud and the right loves the talmud. Gays ban the jew star. The left despises zionism. Oh well. Youre retarded and scared over your own lies

>implying it would happen in a christian country

And then arabs and africans say how hitler liked them lmao

What is Christian about america? What is Christian about shunning anybody? You can talk to them about bible but if you willingly hand over your kids then so be it

Some muslims accept trannies

Notice how none of the kids are even looking in the direction of the book or the thing holding it? They're scared, and rightfully so. Fuck any parent that exposed their kids to that shit, or bring them to pride parades

The purple one is. It doesnt really matter. What are you going to do about it? What should you do?

If only we could go back in time and make Hitler succeed.


Yeah. Haavara never happened. Oh it did. Now what. Suck his dick forever and claim you also dont like him. Im gone

No the purple one isn't, they have their eyes closed you faggot. Im not going to do anything because it's a picture of an event that has already passed involving people I don't know and they're not my kids. That doesn't change the absolute disgusting nature of the image

No need. Youre such a cunt. You post whatever you want. Without censor bars. There is no nudity there. It could be a straw and a contraption. Muh women muh failed arguments


>sees them from different angles behind their heads
Thats your problem

Your gay and angry, I get it. But you should be able to accept that your disease shouldn't be witnessed by vulnerable youth

Memes. Lies. Dainty womaniness. Ciao