How do we fight racism, Sup Forums?


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Is the answer something to do with pickles?

Humorous. She blames racism because her mama and papa weren't around to teach her about the birds and the bees.


holy shit what a retard

Stop talking about it and treat people based on the merits, or lack there of, of the person. Shitty people are treated like shitty people, slow people get the help they need to be productive, poor people get the help they need to not be fucking poor (teach people how to save money for fucks sake.), etc.

fight it all you want. people in south africa are being murdered on their farms for being white and the government is doing nothing about it. so i figure if the whites there won't stand up to defend themselves, must be something in our blood. we must have bitchblood. so godspeed to you sir. you fight that good fight against racism. i am literally done defending the interests of people who only want to shit on me for doing so.

>I feel stupid and unwanted
you're very perceptive

with segregation. people cannot hate each other if they are separated

also: sage

>good enough grades for university
>never once took a basic biology course
>parents saved up enough for out of state tuition in new york
>not absolute bullshit story


Have these guys never seen designated streets?

>niggers are born anally and she went years believing it.
I can't breath.

>never pay attention in sex ed
>can't be bothered to take two seconds to fact check on the fucking internet
>fucking white people!

That's fucked up. Real personal bullying is never good to experience. The bully hates themselves.

Thw good doctor Frazier Crane taught me that.

There's no way that this is a real person. This is one of you guys. Nobody is that fucking retarded.

now that you mention it, those are some pretty massive holes in her anus baby story
I mean in addition to the point that nobody could be as fucking stupid as this person is pretending to be

*breates in*
I would’ve paid some good. Fucking. Money. To sit in on that class oh my fucking god.

Stop acting like a molehill is a mountain. The only institutionalized racism in the west is in favor of minorities.

idk, how about you bash me like you've been saying you will for months now
mask wearing pussies

>[–]Fascist_Forever 0 points 31 minutes ago
>Yep, it's racism, that's what it is. Totally not a retarded nigger. No sir-e! if only we could do something about this dang nam racism, gee wiz, maybe if niggers weren't retarded we wouldn't have this problem, guess not.

which one of you wrote this

>implying it ever happened

Children don't speak like that. I would have maaaaybe believed "you were born from an ass instead of a pussy lol" or something

Stay in your country or adapt to the ideals of the country you've just immigrated to.

>"Gee im having some real problems validating the notion that racism is taught in schools in America"
>makes up a story to "prove" it

Totally not bullshit

hahahahahahaha wait do people actually believe this shit happens. 22 and you cant fucking figure out how babies are made holy fuck.

theres also not a 6-8th grade boy in the world that would say "hurr youre born anally not vaginally" what the actual fuck

I'm betting she was premed

Astonishing that a person who didn't pay attention in human reproduction and biology classes somehow made it into university.

You need to start closing down the diploma mills post haste. All they do is give these unprepared students unrealistic expectations about the future and massive debt.

Better Lashatsha be a hairdresser. She'd probably make more money at it too.

Racism doesn't exist there is nothing like a race or ethical based hatred people hate you because of your acts and speechs sometimes because of propaganda about you

vvith more racism until normies accept racism.
Because vvhen they accept it, itvvill be normalized thus vvill lose its povver as something offensive and in the end vvont be used at all because it's not something that triggers people.

>ebin fake story from le reddit

gas yourself

>too stupid to open a bio textbook
may not have come out of an asshole but she sure has shit for brains

You first have to realize that their is no way to "win" against racism. Racism is 99% based on perception, and it's already been proven time after time that people will find patterns even if their are none. It makes complete sense that people would develop hatred or atleast disdain for other based on both objective differences (race, religion, culture, ethnicity, gender) as well as subjective experiences (parents being racist, having bad times with a people who happen to be objectively different to you, being born and raised in a homogeneous society and then interacting with a non-homogenous society).

What we need to solve is Social Justice Warriors growing impatient and trying to artificially change people through threats and social ostracization, which all it does is turn different groups of people into supremacists who believe that THEIR way is right and that attempting to understand others is wrong. If you want to really fight racism, you have to accept that a majority of people are not racist at all, but say things that seem racist out of simply not knowing that it is racist, and that trying to ruin them for this misunderstanding only causes them to believe that their misunderstanding is based on reality.

she didn't have a working computer to google things like that? and if not I'm sure the school did. also most people my age have had smart phones since they were twelve. this story is believable at best

All the racists I know are niggers!

I don't think that's a real story. That's either a leftist making something up creatively, or a right winger making fun of the absurdity and taking advantage of the gullibility of leftists.

It reads like one of us wrote it, and it probably was.

Giving blacks the help they need to act human would bankrupt your country. Even then success would not be guaranteed.

I wish the story linked by OP was real.
Sounds like a progressive making up a story to score social points with her friends.
I does remind me that I think we should make fun of leftists for saying "colored people."

>Stop talking about it and treat people based on the merits, or lack there of, of the person.
Welcome to Detroit.

What are Nations?

How the fuck did this retarded nigger get into a university? Jesus Christ.



So when you lost your virginity...
you lost your crapcrimper virginity.