Paprika is fucking shit. It's literally just an experiment of editing, nothing else

Paprika is fucking shit. It's literally just an experiment of editing, nothing else.

Other urls found in this thread:

It rides the coattails of the honestly boring Miyazaki films designed to bait the disney-conditioned West with its pointlessly flashly animation.

It's Kon's most overrated work for sure. Its a nice movie with decent themes and art/editing.

It's just nowhere near as interesting as his other works.

It is fun.

Yes but why?

This movie gave me false hope.

because fantastic adventure and personal emotional growth of main characters leading to more fulfilling lives leading the watcher to believe that they are capable of such themselves with a bit of hope and imagination which paprika herself is an embodiment of.


Thanks for your review

Paprika is Kon's best work.

Based Chris ''Bravo'' Nolan did it better tbqh

Name better anime kino than this
Protip: you literally can't

"Just" an experiment of editing? Are you an expert on editing? Let's see your editing skills, bitch.

Paranoia agent says no

I want to watch this but Ive been spoiled years ago and I still havent forgotten the "twist".
Is it still worth it?

Yes watch this



Tokyo Godfathers > rest of his movies

>Tokyo Godfathers
Why do people like this one?

Tokyo Godfathers would have been a 10/10 anime if it wasn't for that shitty miracle asspull in the end.

>an experiment of editing,

Proof you've never seen a Satoshi Kon film before. What a shame.

All Satoshi Kon movies (and Paranoia Agent) are masterpieces, but I think this one is that one that makes best use of his editing style.

This is how dreams are, it's not like inception or other dream movies where there's a strict rulebook and everything is similar to reality, they're sporadic, abstract and borrow from reality to make your own dreams.

I won't rank them from best to worst because I think all of his movies are easy 9 or 10's, and the personal favorite basically falls down on whether you like romance, thriller, sci-fi or slice of life, but I can see this type of movie not being for everyone.

I don't know why I'm even ranting in a b8 thread, oh well.

I normally like confusing, deep story lines, but Paprika did feel like an hour and a half long music video with no music. I couldnt make heads or tails of a plot or a 'purpose' for her..uh, 'powers'....It looks trippy but its just leaves you feeling maybe you passed out for ten minutes during the film.

The music is good

>This is how dreams are, it's not like inception or other dream movies where there's a strict rulebook and everything is similar to reality, they're sporadic, abstract and borrow from reality to make your own dreams.

i saw this movie just recently as well, and that is actually what i had a problem with, it was too similar to inception with it's rules and whatnot.
They didn't make use of dreams being abstract etc. at all. Everything was just SYMBOLISM

They are flicks

This thread 0/10

paprika's ending was bad but it was otherwise incredible. paranoia agent didn't really come together in a satisfying way but it had some cool parts. it was mostly an idea dump anyway.

millennium actress was his best tho. kon's stuff is mostly about the interaction and choreographed movement of the film's narrative and thematic layers, for various reasons/to varying effects depending on the movie. millennium actress is the clearest in this regard, may not be the most abstract of his works but is the tightest in execution, and generally because everything is firing together without flaws has the most emotional resonance.

I watched it years ago and now i can't even remember the twise

Do it, its about the ride not the ending.

I thought paranoia agent was trash.
I watched the entire thing but I didn't care for it, the themes, the characters, the situations they got into or the message of the thing. it was a giant mash of meh.

Paprika > Millenium Actress > Perfect Blue > Tokyo Godfathers

Satoshi Kon? More like Satoshi Con!

That's because you are mentally handicapped.

>I couldnt make heads or tails of a plot
That's sad since it's the most straight forward work Kon has.

>i saw this movie just recently as well, and that is actually what i had a problem with, it was too similar to inception with it's rules and whatnot.
Is Paprika's fault being ripped off now? I bet you won't like Perfect Blue because you already saw Black Swan.

I mean, that's as abstract as you can get while still having an actual meaning instead of living it all up to interpretation.

If you google the reviews for this movie, they're all like "lol this is LSD!" "it's all trippy and it doesn't make sense". The usual critic audience already judged it as too abstract, you can't go any more than that.

I think this is a big thing. Paprika sort of suffers like Half Life (2) in videogames, many of its tropes and innovations have now been stolen by people (Nolan admitted being inspired by Paprika).

If you look at half life now, it looks like another shooter. If you look at paprika now, it looks like Animeception.

Go back to Sup Forums and watch Inception then, fag.

Millennium Actress was Kon's best movie though.

Paranoia Agent is trash. It doesn't know what it wants to be, is the baseball bat kid in everyone's imagination or is he real? And what is it with the Tokyo catastrophe at the end?
It's a steaming pile of shit, one of those rare acclaimed anime which I absolutely hate.

That's why I think is right about Kon, he was already on the edge on the whole abstract thing.
Spoilers (duh) from here on:

All of paranoia agent has to do about coddling people and living in a sheltered reality, where you can blame all the problems on someone, like Shonen Bat.

The catastrophe on Tokyo kind of criticised society for nowadays living in a world where we all blame the Shonen Bat instead of actually eating shit and living real life. Some even go as far to say that Satoshi was tired of this moe culture bullshit that spawned after the Bomb, and that's what the series it's all about.

I honestly get it if you don't like it, it's sometimes to artsy and symbolic, to the point you might not get the point or find it pretentious, but for me at least it was enjoyable, and proof that animation as a medium can express messages in ways live action or books can't.

No, I don't hate it because I feel it's pretentious or anything, I don't mind stuff like that. Hell, I enjoyed Jodorowsky's movies and they reek of pretentiousness, and that's just one example. I love Kon's other works (especially Perfect Blue), but Paranoia Agent is just a failure to me.

Actually, Inception became worse to me after watching Paprika, because I know Paprika was first.

Man with a Movie Camera is fucking shit. It's literally just an experiment of cinematography, nothing else.

Something I really didn't like about PA was the amount of filler the second half suffered with. Even though I watched it years ago, I can name three episodes that are standalone at best and filler at worst.

The anime studio one, the housewives and the suicidal dudes really felt like they just followed the formula, and nothing really happened in the end.

I would never place PA in my 3x3, and compared to the other Kon movies it doesn't hold as high, but I still think it's good tier, not trash tier. It's definitely an experience for people to watch and that shouldn't be skipped, even if it's just to then say you saw it and hated it.

>anime kino
Kino just means "cinema" in several languages, you dip. Can't you say anime movie like a not-memester person?

You can't reason with Sup Forums shitposters and memers

Yeah, I guess you are right, even though I didn't like it I'd still recommend people check it out.

Paranoia Agent is literally just Unused Ideas - The Series. Kon said so himself.
He wanted to still make all those things that didn't end up on his films so the result was Paranoia Agent: a loose mish-mash of okay and not-so-good ideas and episodes.

Next time actually read the fucking subtitles or learn japanese because it's obvious you just didn't understand the movie at all.

Hollywood needs more Watanabe Ken.

more like satoshi gone

Still too soon.

Can we kickstart The Dreaming Machine already, Sup Forums?

paranoia agent is legitamattly his worst work its complete shit pretty much unwatchable. The worst was the dreamland fantasy episode that literally killed the series for me.

Otherwise Satashi Kons flims are definitely my favorite anime flicks, thanks for reminding me to rewatch them op.


Go back to to your anime pedo thread retard

Millenium Actress>Perfect Blue>Tokyo Godfathers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Paprika>Paranoia Agent

>it wasn't for that shitty miracle asspull in the end
Do you even christmas?

Damn straight son

Millenium Actress is his only work I didn't like. Felt bored the entire time.

Literally his best



I wish neo-Sup Forums never happened

I mean, I liked Paprika don't get me wrong, but Millennium Actress just had a better sense of pacing. Paprika was better edited though.

It looked and felt great. Animation was superb, so was the cinematography.
The plot was incoherent bullshit.
It's basically the same as Akira. Why are these stories so shit?

Because Akira was a Manga at first and Paprika was a half-assed adaptation of a Novel?


What the hell is incoherent about Paprika? Every story in every Kon movie is blatant and obvious.

good to know you're illiterate

other than "they go inside dreams" there's literally nothing in common.

I agree. I couldn't just shake the feeling that the girl was throwing away her entire life for a little adventure over a guy she met for like a week when she was a young teenager.

I almost dropped it when she left her husband after finding the key. If you were willing to leave him on such a small excuse, why would you get married to him in the first place?

I always felt bad for Nolan about this. People basically accused him of copy-pasting Paprika into live-action. Little did they know that Inception actually had more of a semblance of a plot compared to the mess that was Parika. And I say this having seen Paprika first.

Honestly this.

I think both movies are very coherent. Paprika did require a second viewing once I got the whole plot so I could contextualize some scenes. Inception was a one-and-done film and the only real point of confusion was the implication of the ending which was intentional, but kind -of dumb in hindsight.

I do think Kon captured dreams better than Nolan did though, Nolan basically wrote a matrix like world, but Kon's dreamscapes are presented as far more surreal and sporadic which fits more.

The main difference is that Nolan's film was always intended to be a heist film (the fucking the trailers practically spell this out in all its taglines) with lucid dreaming used as the medium to simply develop the MC by getting into his head. That's why rules had to be established and why it's less surreal, since the lucid part is a key factor to the story and how dreams are presented as controllable while also masking them as plausible to the dreamer's mind (so they don't wake up). Psychologists have actually praised Nolan for his depiction of lucid dreaming and the notion of mental responses to outside factors. As an aside, I thought the ending was hardly confusing since the entire narrative never made it matter in the end (all that mattered was MC was happy about his kids and even Nolan confirmed his) and it was more of a closing point for the audience to carry over for themselves than being important to the story.

By comparison, I appreciated how Paprika touched on the more surreal aspect of dreams and I agree that it appropriately depicts how sporadic dreams can be. Rather my problem with it was more of the actual content of the story (the ending in particular) rather than simply the depiction of dreams. Then again, I've only watched it once so maybe a second viewing might help me appreciate it more. I just didn't think it was as strong as Satoshi's other works (story-wise) and was surprised to find that Inception was being labeled a ripoff when it was always more of a heist film.

other than this big plot point they have nothing in common

Disney animation was anything but flashy. It was just fluid thanks to the budget and thousands of korean slaves.

Not that user, but there's a notable difference between having a heist story format set inside dreams (Inception) and having a story ABOUT dreams (Parika).