Believing that people who are attracted to children but have not comitted any crimes should be put to death

>believing that people who are attracted to children but have not comitted any crimes should be put to death
How is this thinking not asinine? There are many 13-14 year olds who are sexually/physically developed nowadays and therefore would be attractive to most men who are not MILF-fags despite being mentally underdeveloped and immature. So should we gas 90% of men? And I'm not saying that they shouldn't seek help, just that it's not the same as molesting children.

>"""libertarian""" defending pedos
Obvious false flag slide bread. intothetrash.jpg

Whines about thought crime and then defends thought crime punishment
Average poltard intelligence

You are talking about punishing thoughts. Thats fucking impossible.
Punishing advocation of pedophila or consuming related porn, even when drawn can be considered a crime.

Tl;dr you can only punish actions not thought

well, if i drink and drive i'll be thrown in jail regardless of whether i crash into pedestrians

You're right, we shouldn't gas them all.
We should fix them.
Unless they act on their attraction
THEN we gas them

Do you get into jail when you get drunk and only think about driving? faggot.

it's pretty obvious that anyone who lusts after prepubescent children should be murdered on the spot at the moment of discovery

I think there should be a system where a self aware pedophile can come forward
to a doctor or psychiatrist to seek help. Assuming they stick to whatever plan the doctor subscribes and/or voluntarily goes through something like chemical castration, then society shouldn't demonize them.

I don't think people literally want to kill pedos for having naughty thoughts. It's just a way to make sure that no one comes out as a pedo and starts trying to normalize it.
You are never going to have people sit down and discuss the ethics of pedophilia because of the death threats. Both gays and commies were being kept under control when people were saying that if they ever met a commie or a fag they would kill them.

Why wait so long? They should be killed as soon as they are born.

Nobody gets in jail for thinking anything, you can get in jail for saying things. Witch is good in general,but absoluty not in the current year.

> Blocks yo-

>even when drawn
this i disagree with
it's literally like saying eric over there is going to become the son of god if he reads the bible
he won't
leave lolis alone


>Do you get into jail when you get drunk and only think about driving
Yes, in Canada if you are caught sleeping in your car drunk, even with the keys in your pocket, you get charged. Faggot

14 year olds are not children.

Pedos are attracted to prepubescent children. That is a whole different can of worms.

Also, the age of consent in my country is 14, so go and suck a cock.

>making excuses for pedophilia
>is attracted to 13 and 14 year olds

Kys you fucking kike nigger faggot

>you can get in jail for saying things. Witch is good
it's not good at all, because it's easy to change the boudary of what can be said, and e.g. put you in jail for criticizing your government.
that's why freedom of speech is important in a free country. But judging by your flag I understand your viewpoint.

If you're in your car you may be considered to be in charge of the vehicle you idiot. I'm not talking about this, if you want to bait, try harder, brainlet.

Jerking of to drawn cp promotes pedophilia. Thats the point.
Pedophilia shouldnt have the chance to escape the brain and materilize.

Fucking pedo

No its not ok to criticize the gov you democratic cunt.

Bad leaderships in a nondemocratic world can be fought against by weapons.
Freedom of Speach only alowes good talkers to earn some money and betray the country.

The most important things are faith, race and power.
Not some gay i dividualism.
All individuals in a healthy nation have a common goal. Witch is the reason why open promotion of the leaders goal is basicly traitory.
Free speach only should be allowed for the leadership.

It obviously should have been
*open promotion against the leaders goal

I don't see anything wrong with 12. Most girls have hit puberty by then and understand enough about their body to enjoy it and fully understand what they're consenting to.

To be honest its some sort of pedophilia to even believe in females consent.
The father is the only one who can decide to give the authority to care for his daugther to another male.