Why is there such a connection between extremely wealthy families and occultism?


Being rich gets you bored really quickly.

because poor people are jealous and like to inventing things about them.

Cuz theyre bored user

Lucifer uses peoples desire to control them and corrupt them.

I also thought about that possibility, but I guess there's something beyond

According to who? Internet investigators on youtube? I don't think there is much of a connection and people just want to make Power more sinister than it is. Human society functions on power. Some people are sociopaths who crave power over anything else. They band together to get power over everyone else. They still fight eachother, but in recent history they have come to the conclusion it's easier to just play nice and fuck everyone else over. They have some organizations and what not, but that's about it. Ironically the Freemasons is one of the few organizations that exists as a counter balance to these sociopaths. Members of freemasonry understand the precarious balance that exists in this world and more often than not stay away from trying to tackle these maniacs head on, but in rare instances, when shit gets too wild you seem them start to pop their heads out.

Nice ID.

Because the Elite don't view religion and occultism from the same perspective than regular anons. There is a right way and a wrong way to approach spirituality and religion. The wrong way leads to enslavement whereas the right liberates entirely. The wrong way leads to poverty, disease, dullness of mind, and wars. But the right way leads to the solution for the human condition.

Makes sense. And I don't understand why people care so much about freemasonry (at least about the pawns), most freemasons are regular people with very strict impact on political decisions. My grandpa, for example, was a freemason and died poor because he was too busy helping everyone else but his own family.
You sound like a satanist

There isn't, except to the extent that sacrificing everything to amass wealth tends to result in wealth more often than other strategies, but this is usually accomplished by secular means.

Want an example? A little.. Occult Wisdom?

There isn't. Being wealthy gives them all the power they can possibly have, but magic has the allure of potentially giving them even more power.

Maby the question you should be asking instead; why are all oculist apart of wealthy families..?

Most Freemasons are dirt poor, but they internalize nearly every Sup Forums value except absolute racism. They do a shit ton for their communities, their families too, they look after one another and other good wholesome people. They don't give you power you don't already have. If you are a powerful member of society who wants to do right by the people, they assist you with their network and know how.
I went to my cities lodge to join. Havn't gone through with it yet, not for any ridiculous reason, just not ready. But there was more young anons then old geezers and the geezers were a good solid bunch of people too.

There is another dimension and communicating with the denizens of that dimension can grant boons/knowledge and power.
Control of this knowledge is the most tightly kept secret and is maintained within secret societies and elite bloodlines.
The elite bloodlines are humans what served these interdimensional entitities as priests thousands of years ago. These families interbred with these beings and to this day try to keep their bloodlines pure because the blood allows them advantages when communing with these inter dimensional beings.

>Inter-dimensional knowledge and power
>Takes them over 5000 years to gain the reigns of power and only pull it off with the advent of communication technologies invented mostly by Europeans.

I used to believe this.
So I found an elderly elite person in a nursing home and killed them, bathed in their blood for the power and wasarrested by the police running around naked looking like a used tampon in my front yard at midnight.

I spent 4 years in a mental hospital for that

They have gained power and control of dozens of civilizations. Thats why all members of the race these elite bloodlines exist in are repeatedly expelled.

The Jews have gotten their shit pushed back since the dawn of time by literally everybody. They have survived at the mercy of conquerors only. They are expelled because they have a shitty belief system that they are taught. (We are better than goyim and can do what we want) which leads to bad things happening to them. Hitler was the very first in the entire history of civilization to decide to try and go full genocide.
Stop trying to give them more value then they actually have.

because golf rumours are not just rumours

>Hitler was the very first in the entire history of civilization to decide to try and go full genocide.
If he wanted to kill Jews, why didn't he just have them all shot instead of kicking them out of Germany and then putting the rest into camps where they died because Allies destroyed the food and supplies for them?


this /thread

Because Hitler initially tried to go old school route. The Jews, who at the time were pretty much the only communists kept making his national efforts more and more difficult until eventually total war broke out. Once shit really got heavy for everyone involved in fighting it simply became easier to just ship them off somewhere and work as slaves for the war effort. Where they basically all died from starvation and disease.

Occult literally means hidden. Those with knowledge of the occult have the edge over people who just see what's not hidden.

I don't know if that's what you meant, but it sounds like those people got rich because they had this hidden knowledge, but it seems like the hidden knowledge becomes their interest only after becoming wealthy

Interesting 1. Do you think freemasons are collectivists ? As in "society before individuals" for example ?

Heresy grows from idleness.
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.

They most definitely used the "hidden" knowledge to their own benefit, is, what I have to say.

That's what they want you to think. In reality, a minority of the population are occultists that work for the system. In all races and classes. We live on the stage. They game and exploit us from the occult backstage. They compartmentalize everything, so you could have 33 Degree Masons that have no idea what really goes on. Theatricality and deception. Wolves in sheeps clothing. The Truman Show and They Live were right about everything.

These entities, whose life force and effects on nature and humankind exceed our own fallible perception, are the very same as those, who reign over this dimension.

They have nothing to do, get bored, and experiment with occultism.

Said the sweaty jew as he rubbed a couple shekels together. The smell of gold really gets him off.

A golf club is an ideal place to build small underground bases. Say, to manage the exploitation of the profane goyim you live among. People can come and go most hours without arising suspicion.

The shills moved in fast on this thread. One goy asks a little question and bam! He was branded a bad bad boy.


Boredom is a shallow answer. This guy got it right for the most part.

Any human contingent whose members have higher IQs on average and more resources available will establish exclusive circles and private communities (or "secret societies"), and necessarily work toward the development of their own set of codes and traditions, occultism being just one centered around religious symbolism.

Can't expect the elites to share the same language and belief systems as the lower castes and post prayers on Facebook or frog cartoon images on anonymous imageboards all day.

why would they answer this question if they can just keep it to themselves?

