Do NOT consider suicide. It’s ALWAYS the wrong choice

Yes, I do need to address the “suicide” issue in public.

So, here it goes:

If you opt out of this life through suicide …

… You’re a fucking idiot … but you’re one courageous idiot, however.

Here’s the Real Truth, all ya all:

If you are a conscious mortal human being, then OBVIOUSLY your True Self wants it that way. And IF it is your True Self who wants it that way, how can your mortal mind make a decision that your True Self is not making?


YOUR MORTAL BRAIN IS NOT YOUR ADVANCED BRAIN, IT IS A DREAM BRAIN OF YOUR ADVANCED BRAIN similar to how your dream self’s brain and its decisions are a part of your mortal brain. Go ahead, try and control your dreams. Can’t, can you? Well, duh!

Okay, think of it this way:

You’re having a dream at night and in your dream you decided to commit suicide to end the dream experience. So your dream self kills itself. So. What effect does it have on your mortal self, i.e., the one having the dream? Huh, nothing! Did your conscious mortal brain make the decision to kill your dream self? NO.

If your advanced self didn’t want you here participating in an earthly mortal experience, YOU FUCKING WOULDN’T BE HERE!

Please …

Do NOT consider suicide. It’s ALWAYS the wrong choice. If your advanced self (God) wanted you dead … Oh, fucking believe me … you’d be dead!

NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING your mortal brain decides to do is a CONSCIOUS decision of your advanced self.

And listen up you FUCKS who think you’re going to connect to your True Self:


And that’s all I have to say about that.

But anyways ….


Other urls found in this thread:

This makes sense. Agnostically, it seems like there's a higher likelihood that suicide is a crime punishable in the afterlife than not being one.

Dude. This is fucking deep shit. Im gonna need 2 smoke another blunt rite now to meditate on this, lol

Consider Christ. He is always the right and only choice.

If I die in a dream I wake up, so if I kill myself in real life I become God? Sounds pretty cash desu.

Masonic shills on pol? Color me surprised. Now fuck off with your "true self"

>There is no god:
You kill yourself and your entire existence is over. No afterlife, nothing. You don't even get to perceive the darkness and silence. If your life is utter shit at least there is a small, if microscopic chance that it can get better, not not if you kill yourself.

>There is a god

Well I guess we've got everyone sorted.

PRAISE JESUS! Athiesm is for long haired edgy teenage boys who have long hair and listen to heavy metal music. All about being edgy! Our lord and savior Jesus Christ is waiting for us on the other side! Jesus forgives and loves all!

>>long haired edgy teenage boys who have long hair

got a problem with long hair?

btw jesus had long hair according to photographic evidence

>cucked by life
>self-righteous asshole
>virtue signaling faggot

but jesus had long hair

They are trying to mock Jesus hairstyle. That is OK. Athiests go to heaven too. Jesus forgives all.

jesus seems like a pretty chill dude

OPis a faggot with a meme flag and plebbit spacing. Don't listen to him. Giving up is always an option

OP is a Jew,
He implied that killing yourself would be like waking up from a dream.
He knows we will do the opposite of what jews say.
He says to not kill yourself.

Fuck You Flaggot!
>there are people among you who have been tasked with 'Killing Bad Guys' who have an ackshual conscience
>when they learn the "why" ab out financing, fighting and dying in wars for one single ethnostate while their own nation goes to shit; the doubt sets in.
>but when it is clear that Marxism has taken hold of the minds of those around you, while a greater percentage of those around you are eternal victims, who need everything handed to them and will never add anything of value to society; maybe it's time to say 'Fuck It All'!
do what's best for you, OP and don;t worry about anyone else. there are 7.5 B people on this rock. God of there is a God stopped caring long ago. grow up!

>mfw been having dreams within dreams like inception but only made it to the second dream stage

What does it mean


"Hi, my name is Forrest. Forrest BUMP." - Forrest BUMP from the classic film 'Forrest BUMP'

"Ouch!" - Kevin from 'Home Alone' after putting on after shave.

"Luke. Don't forget to use the forces later on when you fight the main anragonist.". Yodi from 'the Star War'

/end thread

I tried once but the noose broke because of shitty soviet apartment build quality. I have then turned to alcohol and benzodiazepines, much better.

/end thread pt.2

I won't kill myself because I know I'm going to die anyway so might as well just see if it gets better.

ever smoke weed?

I've been thinking about suicide a lot lately. I'm only 18. I've lost my entire college fund to gambling addiction, I drink alone very frequently. I have no friends where I live, almost all my time is spent alone in my room or doing things alone. I was prescribed abilify, I took it once and it made me feel like shit and didn't take it again. Then I got another psychiatrist through the gambling rehabilitation I started and he told me it was probably placebo and I should try it again. I did yesterday, again it made me feel shaky, uneasy, irritable to the point I attacked my sister, nauseous and just in general like shit. Apparently it takes 4 weeks to kick in and I can't handle being on that shit for 4 weeks, fuck that. I feel like there's no hope for me. I never go to school anymore, anxiety is too much and procrastination makes me fail everything even if I did go. It takes me hours to get out of bed. Even if I finally make the decision to turn my life around, I go to the gym for a few days, meditate, maybe even attend a couple classes, I just end up crashing back to where I started. It takes me multiple hours just to get out of bed in the morning. Talking to people, simple chores, eating are all things that are so exhausting to me they sometimes makes me throw up. It's like there's this squeezing pressure in my brain stopping me from doing anything productive. Kinda funny how I get onto Sup Forums and see this, I have no idea what my advanced self wants from me. I literally don't know what to do do, I have nothing, I have no one besides immediate family who are about to give up on me also, and basically no friends. I know what caused this though, the most painful thing I've ever experienced ever, heart break, and that's a long story, but even though it happened in July, I still to this day think about her, and everything that went down, it hurts so fucking much.

I don't care what a guy who thinks he's the reincarnation of Joseph Smith's brother says.

Fuck you and your gay cult nigger.

Dying probably isn't the escape from this hell but I'll do it. This mortal experience is a fucking nightmare

You need ayahuasca

I know that feel, user. Reading your post is like holding a mirror up to my 20s. I don't know what your advanced self wants in particular, nor do I know what mine wants.

Here is some advice, not mine:
"Although I am not against suicide, I am not a proponent of it. I have always taught that instead of suicide and having to start a different mortal life all over again, why not start all over again now? If you’re contemplating suicide, you’ve already decided that the relationships that you are having with others aren’t worth living for. So why not try ending all those relationships and starting over again?"

Reincarnation isn't real. Hyrum Smith never went on to be anyone or anything but worm food.

Considering weed gave the most traumatizing panic attack of my life, I will avoid psychedelics altogether.

Thanks. This is why I posted that, through all the stupid shit you find on Sup Forums I always find there's some quality and helpful shit on here.

Fucking this, I'm getting out my illegal spork to end it all right now

Weed with a high THC content will make people flip out at times and have panic attacks.

Ayahuasca will fire off your pineal gland. The pineal gland or gives the entire brain balance. The point is to reset your brain and release it from your anxiety.

You can microdose if you don't want to go full trip.

Just a suggestion, it was what helped me get out of my most miserable times.

Ayahuasca is DMT right? I really really hate panic attacks and get them sober sometimes without any drug to trigger it. Weed was a very scary experience for me. I just don't want to recreate something similar.

Since we're on the subject of drugs. Studies have shown that magic mushrooms "reset" depressed brains.
Be careful and moderate with any of that shit though (weed as well). You don't want to give yourself a brain salad surgery.

Nah, with microdosing you won't trip at all but it will allow you to ingest enough DMT that your pineal gland will start getting activated. It is the great regulator of the brain. The pineal gland has been known to be the center of balance for centuries.

And smoking DMT is NOT the same, you really would have to use very small amounts of ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is a combo of plants, the so called non-active ingredients play a role.

Ayahuasca is the best as it really gets your pineal gland going. The pineal gland regulates brain function.

You also have Iboga but that is a bit hardcore

Republicans are anti-abortion, euthanasia, and suicide because they like to torture the living, not because they care about life. If they gave an actual shit they'd show some compassion, but they never do. Fine, you don't like the government, then where's the private effort to make sure the vulnerable are protected? Fucking none, or close to none. There is nothing good about being alive, the human race, or any kind of spiritual beings. All that's left is suffering and it would be better if all life was extinguished from the planet rather than go on another day in the Hell that the Christian right has created. When a horse falls, you put a bullet in it's head. And that's the humane thing to do. At least give other men the same dignity that you would give a fucking animal.

>Go ahead, try and control your dreams. Can’t, can you? Well, duh!
stopped reading. ive had lucid dreams nearly every night of my life. fuck off retard, at least get some real evidence


Old user here. Have lost a couple of younger, like 20 years younger, friends to suicide in last couple years. Cannot even describe the hollowed out feeling to try to imagine what pain those kids must have been in. Wish I could go back and sit with them, try to talk to them, try something, anything. God. I pray their souls are at peace now. Satan goes by the name Depression these days.

Where would one even start to go about acquiring such a drug?

"The Laughing Heart"

your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.

-- by Charles Bukowski

what if someone was locked in a basement and raped every day of their life and the only way out of their life of literal hell is to suicide? Countless people have been in a situation like that and killed themselves. a fair god wouldn't punish you for that. so either suicide doesnt count or the god rules on a case by case base or hes a huge nigger. which is it ?

You can contact a group of people I know, they can put you in touch with communities that have access to it or maybe even find somebody in Canada that has access to it.
[email protected]

I'm looking for a group in Santa Catarina, how do I go about this?

contact the group at the e-mail and ask them, they will find you a group that deals with ayahuasca. They know people all over the place and if you are in brazil, they have a very big network
[email protected]

Ok, thanks.

killing yourself is an upgrade for some people, i know that's hard to believe for you.

nobody cares irl and it'll just get made fun of here, but I am legitimately considering suicide.

It's not that I want to die.
I just don't want to live this life anymore.
I'm tired of struggling to only lose ground, I'm angry at everything and everyone I know I've lost all respect for.

The only thing stopping me from doing it is my pets, nobody would be able to care for them.
nobody is going to read this either, I'm tired of being alone.

You are very welcome. Enjoy, it is a fucking incredible experience

Pets aren't offensive. I think that's their appeal.
Keep fighting, user.

If you're white.

For non-whites, suicide is tantamount to self deportation, but without all the hard work.

I've been fighting longer than I've known anybody in my life. I'd delete my facebook but no one would notice it's gone. There's no point in trying to ignore people either, because they wouldn't even notice my silence.

What's the point in burning bright if still nobody will see the light?

How/where are you gambling at 18? Is there somewhere in Canada this is the legal age? If you are not the legal age is the casino even allowed to keep your money?

Talk to the psychiatrist again. If you can't function in your daily life and the decision was medication but you don't react well they can give you something else. The dose to start is really low. Sometimes you don't feel great to start but if you have a mental health issue you need to see it through.

Don't smoke weed if you had that reaction. Don't drink alcohol. Get up at the same time every morning and try to go to bed at the same time every night. Make your priority getting a proper amount of sleep and sleeping on a schedule. Make sure to eat, drink water and if you have a dog take it for a walk. But get sleep, and shower/change.

Make this the base of what is required of you daily and don't budge on it. If you're having trouble sleeping tell the Dr.

Spread the word. Soros is trying to weaken us. Don't give his shill threads power

When you ask people what super power they would want, many say "invisibility".
Do you think it is possible for you find liberation and new opportunities in your perceived social invisibility?

18 to gamble in Ontario

I don't want to be invisible.
I've been invisible for a long time.

I just want feel again.
From the inside.
Not the surface.

Seriously? Drink also? It's 19 for both and tobacco in bc.

>Go ahead, try and control your dreams. Can’t, can you?
its called lucid dreaming and yes i can sometimes

Life is a lone and dreary world. I think we all know that feel. Have you seen Blade Runner 2049 yet?

to what extent do you think you can control them?

hey, Christopher Nemelka ... get the fuck in here.

I have a condition called Misophonia and it makes going to theaters difficult.

I also have no money and no way to get to a theater.

Quebec it's 18 for literally everything. Drinking, gambling, smoking, you name it. I agree the sleep schedule thing is important, I have melatonin to help with that. The hard part is maintaining the schedule every night.
Casinos are still 19 in Ontario. You can buy lottery tickets though. I'd drive there from Montreal just to buy them because I like Ontario ones better...

If you view this reality as the only mortal and real reality than, as you said, you should try to experience every last bit of it, like pain, grief and all the other horrible as well as positive emotions, if you rationalize and analyze it all you will find peace in it.

you learn to accept and cherish these emotions and feelings.

Stop looking for legitimate advice from a con artist w/ multiple arrests, he's just trying to gain your trust in order to exploit you. Just google search that fag's name to see what kind of shit he's into.

Do you want to feel or just be a TV version of what you think a normie is? Most "happy" people are morons with their brains turned off, they are the canned laughter in a late night comedy show. You don't want to be that.

Maybe you want to feel like you are contributing or growing, in which case you are going to have to put in work and make the meaning yourself.

Stop going to a psychiatrist, go to a psychotherapist instead. Medication isn't the solution you're looking for unless you have a legitimate physiological issue with your brain. You need to be able to TALK about what you're thinking and feeling with somebody who (1) isn't family, (2) isn't a friend, (3) is a professional in regards to psychology and behavior, and (4) can offer rational, objective analysis of your thoughts and guidance on how to grow.

You're young and you're heartbroken. Your brain is still developing and you're literally, physically not capable of rational and stoic thought. Things will even out by the time you're 25. Until then, you'll notice subtle changes in your perception every year. I can't describe these changes any better than you could describe a new color to somebody who hasn't seen it, but I can guarantee that your eyes will open and you will see it more clearly as time goes on.

Heartbreak is no joke but, as cliche as it sounds, you'll recover as time passes. My heart was broken by my first love when I turned 18. I never "got over" her, but I did recover and "move on" as I got older. Of course, my story is complicated by the fact that she killed herself in June of this year... but that's a different story.

I hope you take these words to heart. Aside from that, the best advice I can give is: Don't give up; persevere even when it seems that all is lost. Learn about Jesus Christ: who he was, what he did, what he said, why it matters. Exercise and read books - as many as you possibly can. Seek Wisdom with greater urgency than any other thing in your life. Learn what sin is, and why the wages of sin is death: acquire wisdom in this matter: discover how it relates to what you see in the world.

Good luck, user. Persevere and worship God. If you seek Him, you will find Him.

Sleep schedule makes a huge difference. All those small things do Imo. I have mental health issues and oddly enough a gambling problem as well. It is really difficult to get your life back on track once you fall off. I always start back with the sleep schedule, keep taking the pills, power through.

Heartbreak can be difficult, sometimes more difficult for some than for others. It will go away but it will take time. Concentrate on what you need to do to feel better. It isn't easier each day. Getting out of bed can be really hard. Sometimes I just fall asleep on the floor I'm sure you know what it's like. Imo don't go on your phone or computer in bed in the morning make it a rule you have to shower and change first. It's really hard to take care of yourself when you're depressed. Get well soon.

>Just google search that fag's name to see what kind of shit he's into.

Why don't you just tell us?

Don't want to even be accused of doxxing you, dumb nigger. Jonestown yourself and your retard followers immediately and stop preying on Sup Forums.

>robo suicide hotline

I'm not the guy you're hung up on. You can give us a quick rundown without doxxing him.

But I can control my dreams. Its called lucid dreaming. I honestly got bored with it.
Just let him wallow in it. Its what he wants. He thinks its going to make somebody take pity on him.

it's not that I'm afraid to put in the work
it's that I've been trapped in a catch 22 my whole life, I can't get out. I let myself fall because I knew I was in a pit, I had to hit rock bottom, but I still can't get out.

Every asshole that hates you celebrates your suicide.

False dichotomy, we have zero knowledge of the supernatural, could be heaven is only for people who kill themselves.

for those talkign to the depressed guy, here's a fun fact

I was raped in high school.
I didn't feel any different afterwards because the psychological trauma it would have caused I'd already been experienced to all of my life.

this is part of why I don't kill myself.

I think lucid dreaming is much like the "deja vu" sensation.
for those who have experience lucid dreams, i'd like some testimonials.

What people do with the wisdom I offer is none of my concern. What's important is that I speak it. Perhaps those who dwell in the dark only stay there because they've never seen the light.

I'm not responsible for anybody's actions but my own. I am, however, responsible for what I know, and that's not a responsibility I take lightly.

Thanks for the tips. I only see one of my now 3 psychiatrists/psychologists every few weeks, the second best thing for me is going online and talking to people because I don't have anyone else to really talk to. Maybe the other user is right, I'm looking for someone to pity me but at the same time I do recognize I'm not some special snowflake and the only one with these problems, obviously there's others. Whatever little motivation I can get from online forums I'll take, so thank you.

I really don't know where to start...I guess the sleep schedule shit is the way to go.

>It is really difficult to get your life back on track once you fall off

Boy is it ever....

Also waking up and getting on the phone is a major problem. Will spend half the day on it till I get up.

how will fixing my sleep schedule help?

also, how do I fix my sleep schedule?


But at least you’re against suicide and not like other lolbertarian amoral fucks

I think he means doing that as the start of climbing out of your rut.

It's funny.

I fixed my sleep schedule, then I got a job and that job threw off my sleep schedule.
then I left that job to help my family move, which also threw off my sleep schedule.

While moving I damaged a rib, this kept me bed-ridden for a week and threw off my sleep schedule.

see my problem?
My own life interrupts my ability to get better.

Hurry up and drink the Kool-Aid, cultist nigger.

That's a good start, hate and spite are powerful motivators. Eventually you'll have to move on from them to things that are more constructive. Seems like your past sucked really bad, but you and I know you can't change that. Instead focus on small physical/material things that will change you in a positive way.

Your body is a machine that evolved from thousands of years of getting up in the morning to hunt/gather/farm shit and generally work from dawn until dusk to survive. You need the sunlight to function normally and the physical exertion releases the chemical equivalent of good boy points in your brain. Plus if you ever plan for employment that isn't a security guard/stocking some warehouse in the middle of the night, not that there's anything wrong with either of those jobs, you're gonna need to train your body to be up in those hours.

I wish I had some better advice/resources for you, but that's all I've got.

>Hurry up and drink the Kool-Aid, cultist nigger.
hey i heard Kool-Aid is made from horse bones. can you confirm this for me, user?

Atheism is an empty philosophy with no argument other than regressive argument which simply does not work. Atheistfags are constantly moving goalposts when confronted with philosophical and logical arguments for theism such as with the Prime Mover and Five Ways.

This is because they realise there is no substance to atheism.

>Instead focus on small physical/material things that will change you in a positive way.

Like what?


This guy is a retard or shill.

The main reason not to kill yourself is nutrition. First fix your diet.
The second is being killed is much better DEUS VULT to the abominations of humanity

I don't even have control over my diet.

It's not that I can't hunt or gather it's that I'm not allowed. I really fucking hate this world and everyone who made it this way.

Essentially, anything small that you want, or a part of a whole that you're striving for. Something like losing weight/gaining muscle mass, or even a material item you want. Instead of worrying about not being the ideal Overman right away, you work on being able to lift x amount more than you can currently. It's not really about the item, but training your brain to focus on a small goal and getting rewarded.

take supplements, a liquid multi element-mineral and a multivitamin if you have excess funds hemp protein powder