/amg/ American Midterms General - 2nd Trial Run Edition

This is the general for the US Midterm Elections for the Senate, the House of Representatives, and Governorships happening in 2018.

Primary season will kick off in most states during the Spring.

The main priority is to widen the Senate's margins, followed by keeping the House, and then the governorships.

>Goal #1: Primary the RINO cuckservative trash out of Congress, and replace them with /ourguys/.

>Goal #2: Take down Democrat incumbents in vulnerable states and loosen seemingly leftcuck states to the right.



AL: Roy Moore
AZ: Kelli Ward
FL: Rick Scott
IN: Todd Rokita
MA: V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai
ME: Eric Brakey
MI: Robert Ritchie (AKA Kid Rock)
MO: Josh Hawley
MT: Matt Rosendale
ND: Tom Campbell
NM: Mick Rich
NJ: Tom Kean Jr.
NV: Danny Tarkanian
OH: Josh Mandel
PA: Lou Barletta
TN: Marsha Blackburn
TX: Ted Cruz
UT: Boyd Matheson/Mike Noel
VA: Corey Stewart
WI: Kevin Nicholson
WV: Patrick Morrisey

CA-43: Omar Navarro
WI-01: Paul Nehlen

PA: Scott Wagner

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I hate bumping any tripfags but here you go

t-thx user

Gonna vote.

Gonna get the Dems out.

Gonna keep making America great.

Which state are you at?

Michigan. I'd love to see Stabenow taken down.

I've met her several times and she's very nice, but she has to go.

Godspeed, Michigan's very important, watching someone like Kid Rock get in the Senate would be legendary. Also, remember to vote in local and representative races, we don't want them to sneak on us while we're occupied with the senate.

Let's go! I'll show my submission by next month. Alabama isn't even close. I got Moore with 57-58% and I see Ed Gilipese losing by a point. Virginia is close, but I think it if Mike Pence goes to southern Virginia next week it'll change the race

I hope the tides turn in VA, getting Gillespie in would be a massive spit in the face to Dems after McAuliffe fucked up Charlottesville. It also means their Senate seat might not be safe and that we could possibly get the batman villain unseated.

>this is what will get 300 replies

I see a swing. Pretty monumental. Dems have a cause. Trump is the most Jimmy Carter president ever. BUT with bigger impact (ie could easily see Trump trying for non-consecutive terms).

Yes! I think if Antifa really goes through and makes national headlines beating up random white people, they will lose the independent vote in Fair-fax country and we can possibly win Virginia.

i don't even know what my senator is like desu
t. tennessean

Like Grover Cleveland. I don't think so, if President Trump loses in 2020, then he will struggle massively in the future.

Problem with Dems is they have no message other than "fuck blumpf". Obstructionism isn't going to win them the voters in states with R senators (with the exception of Heller), and I don't think the average ND, MT, MO, or IN voter is going to just vote dems in the same. Unless the Dems do serious rebranding, they're not going to get the Senate, or have more than 45 seats to work with.

Yeah, Nov 4 is supposed to be the chimp-out date, isn't it? I hope they go through with it, there's no noose more tight for them than going full autism. Not sure it'll swing an election that's a year from now though.
Corker is a RINO

Corey Stewart in the senate would make me a very happy Old Dominion fag.

feels bad man
i guess ill look into what he's doing

look up his seat, look at what he's voted on. Over 50% of Rs in the Senate have an F. We've got to drain the swamp.

fairfax is too cucked. independants there are all asians who will vote with their white democrat friends like always.

any good governor candidates (except gillespie) coming up?

Has Kid Rock actually filed yet or is it still a meme?

He's still listed under "potential" candidates so I don't think he's filed quite yet. He's still doing a concert tour, probably will take potshots for a while before filing 100%.

I'm waiting until he files before I actually buy some merchandise. Wouldn't want to look like an idiot.

Republican super-majority SOON


Explain that map, which states are involved in the upcoming elections?


Light gray states (like Kansas) are the ones not participating, beige states (such as Michigan) are the ones that are allegedly "middle of the line". Red states are the solid Republican states, vice versa for blue states.

>page 8

So alot of the beige states currently have dems right?

Yep, a ton of them. Every single one except AZ and NV.

Midterms don't go well for the party in the White House even in friendly states when the map is in their favor.

bump for the only fucking political thread on the whole board.

Doesn't matter. The map is so heavily skewed in favor of the Republicans that it's nigh impossible for them to lose.



Minus Nebraska it's actually possible.

I don't see Indiana staying blue.

Missouri and Nebraska as well? No way.

And that's leaving out the populist wave that's being orchestrated by Trump and Bannon.

Well, there's just something different here. In 2016, every single state that voted for a presidential candidate voted for the senator in that party as well. This, to my knowledge, hasn't happened before, and could start a new trend of voting straight down the line. Especially with Schumer ordering all Dems to not vote for a single thing Trump wants otherwise he'll take away their DNC funding, Senate Democrats are now lemmings. They vote for the party agenda or they get axed. And I just don't think constituents in states like fucking Missouri will be very happy with that. All historic trends and conventional wisdom are out the window now.
If the Trump-Russia collusion shit is true and every single Republican candidate running turns out to have been involved in a satanic pedophile orgy then sure, this is realistic.

>election season 2: electric boogaloo

oh shit, this gonna get comfy
keep these threads going lads, I'll be lurking for the memes

the show's slow atm, hopefully memes'll start up if we can get this under page fucking 9 for long enough

That sounds an awful lot like GOP senators during Obama's administration.

the satanic pedophile orgy part? I don't doubt it.

I'm going to always try to bump and participate in 2018 threads because this shit is important. Trump & Bannon have placed a HUGE amount of trust in us, the voter base, to purge the RINOs and Democucks.

Michigander here and I can tell you Michigan will go red yet again

No the part about being lemmings threatened by the withholding of campaign funds.

Can someone explain to me how the midterms work? No need for major details, but what does it represent, who's fighting and what's the process?


Isn't it too early?
How many months until D-Day?

true always a chance, though

It's never too early. Plus I'm sure a lot of my fellow countrymen and women don't vote in midterms. Participation rates are low. If we swarm the IRL polls like we do twitter polls, ourguys could come out on top. But that requires organization.

Every two years every seat in the House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate faces re-election. Throw in some gubernatorial elections, local and state elections, and you have the Midterms.

Yes, the key is that we must be the side with momentum. Bannon will be key in this.

Hm, well, good luck for you guys then.

Yeah, McConnell's the other side of the coin, the difference is that people in Louisiana and Mississippi weren't playing ball with Obama policies. The other thing is that people are starting to vote completely straight down the party line. It happened in 2016, it may just happen again. I don't know, I just don't see a world now where Nebraska will go blue.
2 years after a president is elected, elections happen for a ton of congressmen and governors, these are the midterms.
We've got to rally our best people as early as possible.

>rick scott


>Rick Scott
The fuck are you on about?

Please save and share in future threads

Scott will get behind Trump.

At any rate, he's better than the current Democratic Incumbent.


88 Checke'd leave TX to me

this general needs more detailed guides of candidates if you want to keep it going.

What is their cause?
Where I stand as an outside observer like yourself they are
>obstructing everything
>identity politicking
>causing riots
>Supporting terrorism
>destroying history

Agreed. We need a solid body of text / info that can be copied over to the next thread every time.

>Bannon will be key in all this, he's a funnier character then we've had before.

Rick Scott is a cunt and deserves the axe. t. Native Floridian.

Their cause is 'Fuck Blumpf'. This is Chuck Schumer's official platform for the Democratic party. Does it sound familiar whatsoever?

Okay I'll take Rick Scott out of /ourguy/ status in the next bread

who should replace him?

you're the one from Florida

Ron DeSantis then.

Njfag here
I agree with Guadagno on most issues but Murphy is promising to legalize weed
Guadagno's stance on legalization is to decriminalize
What are the chances that she will veto/not veto the cannabis bill currently in our legislature?

>Democrats up for reelection in 2018:

California: Dianne Feinstein (Won by 63% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 83

Connecticut: Chris Murphy (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 43

Delaware: Tom Carper (Won by 66% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 70

Florida: Bill Nelson (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 74

Hawaii: Mazie Hirono (Won by 63% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 69

Indiana: Joe Donnelly (Won by 50% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 61

Maryland: Ben Cardin (Won by 56% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 73

Massachusetts: Elizabeth Warren (Won by 54% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 67

Michigan: Debbie Stabenow (Won by 59% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 66

Minnesota: Amy Klobuchar (Won by 65% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 56

Missouri: Claire McCaskill (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 63

Montana: Jon Tester (Won by 49% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 60

New Jersey: Bob Menendez (Won by 59% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 63

New Mexico: Martin Heinrich (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 45

New York: Kirsten Gillibrand (Won by 72% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 50

North Dakota: Heidi Heitkamp (Won by 50% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 61

Ohio: Sherrod Brown (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 64

Pennsylvania: Bob Casey Jr. (Won by 54% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 56

Rhode Island: Sheldon Whitehouse (Won by 64% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 61

Virginia: Tom Kaine (Won by 53% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 58

Washington: Maria Cantwell (Won by 61% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 58

West Virginia: Joe Manchin (Won by 61% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 69

Wisconsin: Tammy Baldwin (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 54

>Independents up for reelection in 2018:

Maine: Angus King (Won by 53% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 72

Vermont: Bernie Sanders (Won by 71% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age:75
>Republicans up for reelection in 2018:

Alabama: Luther Strange (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 63

Arizona: Jeff Flake (Won by 49% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 54

Mississippi: Roger Wicker (Won by 57% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 65

Nebraska: Deb Fischer (Won by 56% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 65

Nevada: Dean Heller (Won by 46% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 56

Tennessee: Bob Corker (Won by 65% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 64

Texas: Ted Cruz (Won by 57% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 46

Utah: Orrin Hatch (Won by 65% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 82

Wyoming: John Barrasso (Won by 76% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 64


Ah sorry copied this from an older list

It's ok, it's a long list.

never mind
I'm watching the debate and it isn't likely

Huh, Warren didn't win in 2012 by that large of a margin (considering the state). She won at a closer rate than McCaskill. Maybe we can make some magic work there.

Look at how many really close % there are. In my state, Joe won with less than 1% of a margin. He's a democrat in a rather red state. GOTTA GO

I'll see you all later, hopefully we get to bump limit at some point

Thread needs more ENERGY

legal weed soon, sux that the candidate is shit
there's always 2021 right?

>tfw I get to vote for kid rock but live in Dearborn so I know my life will still be shit anyway

Problem is that "fuck blumpf" is enough for too many people


Would those rates be better or worse now that she's a national name?

No, Murphy will get reelected.
And weed is such a faggot ass thing to care about when taxes are so high and the middle class has absolutely no future here

Yeah voting for some DUDEWEEDLMAO candidate is no good unless he's a pro-trump pro-weed guy. We literally need OUR GUYS in there or bust.

there's no reason for Cannabis to be illegal.
Murphy won't even need to raise taxes with all the income coming in

What's your weed man's stance on obamacare? voter id laws? for the wall? open borders? Is he gonna try to get guns back in NJ? Does he support sanctuary cities?

300 million in income is a drop in the bucket when talking about government budgets, the state of NJ spends 100 billion per year alone. I think it should be legal too, but too many people overrestimate the effect weed income has on the budget.

He wants to increase government spending on everything while simultaneously lowering taxes for everybody (except the 1% of course). Watch him and Oliver in the debates and you'll realize their complete lack of substance.
He also wants NJ to become a sanctuary state and enact more retarded arbitrary gun control laws

If weed is really the determining factor for who people vote for, if people actually think like this, they should be rounded up and executed like the degenerate fucking losers they are

Would be nice to keep republican Bruce Rauner as governor of Illinois too even though IL is a lost cause.

We need some major focus on electing Paul Nehlen over Paul Ryan. No matter how well the Bannon surge goes, having party leadership against us will protect the swamp and stall us at every turn.

Ah, the final solution to the Paul Ryan question. The primary's in August 14, 2018. Definitely vote Nehlen if you're in WI-01. Hell, vote for the Dem who runs against him should Nehlen fail. I think we'll have enough clout in the House to afford that protest vote.

Checked for truth

He's sucking out left an right though. He's okayed IL as a sanctuary state, he's probably gonna pass the law which will ban semi-auto guns there, and he's not really helping solve IL's pension time bomb.