Can pol find where this gas station is? CT highly likely, not sure if cumberland farms

Can pol find where this gas station is? CT highly likely, not sure if cumberland farms.

Other urls found in this thread:,-70.5784201,10z,-72.4355915,3a,75y,47.14h,80.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJGla0sgjklnc8kBNjc1UZQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?dcr=0

It is cumberland farms. Heres an ovierview over their gas stations:,-70.5784201,10z

good luck.

Any idea about which one in CT, any way to narrow it down?



will find it for bitcoins
at least 0.01

I know where that is. I recognize the yellow building.
Tell me what you will do with this information first... no lying.

Fairfield county user here. What’s this about

quads of truth

God damn 7s!!!!

The tractor most likely stolen from a farm my good friend owes . This picture came up randomly on discord in CoC chat... That's as tdlr I can go on this

NYPA faggot

why the fuck would someone steal a damn tractor


I actually lied and don't know where this is, but I wanted to know why you care about some stupid tractor. my quads were wasted.

That tractor is worth more than $10,000. Lots of money on a farm...

Also I should mention your picture has snow in it and it hasn't snowed in CT yet this fall, so your picture is old as fuck. That tractor is long gone if it was stolen.

It's definitely a Cumberland Farms, looks to me like Connecticut plates, but not 100% on that, not from New England.

Looks like there's about 20 or so Cumberlands in COnnecticut accoring to Google, if OP gives us an area where the tractor was stolen we can narrow this down easy peasy

Yes the tractor was stolen last November, this picture was taken probably few months after that. There was no insurance on it...

Again, even if parts can be recovered it would help , no high hopes here

The owner is from Goshen CT, and he didn't recognize it after a long and extensive leg work

Sorry m8, you're most likely outta luck on this. Tried streetview on the Cumberland Farms in Torrington (4 of them) and the other places close to Goshen, couldn't spot that yellow building in the background.

Plus since it's been almost a year, tractors probably long gone. Best bet is to report the VIN (if it even has a vin?).

Thanks man

Yes they all have vins, however farm equipment is hard af to track since for the most part they never get on public roads

Try your luck in more local groups (r/connecticut) or even the newspaper, or write on cumberlands facebook wall and ask them for help


plz be real,-72.4355915,3a,75y,47.14h,80.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJGla0sgjklnc8kBNjc1UZQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?dcr=0

the building is white now thats why we didnt see it

177 Main St, Deep River, CT 06417, USA

You are fucking legend!!!

Damn, well done user

Now just get a list of farms around the area. Maybe even take a ride around. The tractor can't go too far to get gas from the pump

This is long way from home for him, relatively speaking. Ill be going over on Friday to look that shit up. If we find anything OP will deliver...

Thanks user

hope you find your tractor - n8 frens

Well done user.

can someone archive this please and post a link.

Thank you all very much, i will follow up over the weekend either way

Who is that delicious semen demon???

Faith Goldy

Thanks user!