Don't racemix because your children will look ugl-

>Don't racemix because your children will look ugl-


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Mixed race people are pretty much jews

yeah let's pretend a hapa is on the same level as the half-breed negro mordor-tier scum - oh wait you're a democrat!

Why the fuck would any faggot want to have an attractive daughter only to be raised and railed by faggots?

(((Kalergi Plan)))

don't racemix because your children will be pic related on the day of the rope

I had a great song for you but realized you're a faggot so you can get fucked. It's not like anything walking with a natural pussy is accepting your dick any way.

Half Japanese

Mixed race kids suffer from low self-esteem, social isolation, and poor family dynamics.

Mixed race children are more likely to have health problems, high stress, smoke, and drink.

1) The highest rate of ADHD, at 15.2%, is in the mixed race category.

2) The highest rate of 'Learning Disability, at 14.6%, is in the mixed race category.

3) The highest rate of 'Behavioral Difficulty', at 12.8%, is in the mixed race category.

White-Black babies suffer higher risks of prematurity, low birth weight, neonatal death, and stillbirth.

Black-White children have family incomes similar to those of Black families, similar rates of fatherlessness as Black families, and are more likely than BOTH Whites AND Blacks to engage in risky behaviors like drinking, fighting, stealing, and doing drugs.

In the United States, an estimated 32.3% of multiracial women, 27.5% of American Indian/Alaska Native women, 21.2% of non-Hispanic black women, 20.5% of non-Hispanic white women, and 13.6% of Hispanic women were raped during their lifetimes

jew + japanese is still jew

Can she even compete?


she does look ugly

Racemixing produces ugly offspring is a shitty stormweenie meme.
Ugly parents are likely to produce ugly offspring, thats it.

...That's not a human, that's a doll

he wasn't a jew, he was an austrian-japanese hapa. his father had been a staunch antisemite early in life. although he later came to not hate jews and he apparently came to hate antisemitism, but it's still absurd to claim he himself was a jew

>der mensch der fernen zukunft wird mischling sein. die heutigen rassen und kasten werden der zunehmenden uberwindung von raum, zeit und vorurteil zum opfer fallen. die eurasisch-negroide zukunftsrasse, ausserlich der altaegyptischen ahnlich, wird die vielfalt der volker durch eine vielfalt der personlichkeiten ersetzen. denn nach den vererbungsgesetzen wachst mit der verschiedenheit der vorfahren die verschiedenheit, mit der einformigkeit der vorfahren die einformigkeit der nachkommen. in inzuchtfamilien gleicht ein kind dem anderen: denn alle reprasentieren den einen gemeinsamen familientypus. in mischlingsfamilien unterscheiden sich die kinder starker voneinander: jedes bildet eine neuartige variation der divergierenden elterlichen und vorelterlichen elemente.

there he says the man of the future will be mixed, we'll be eurasian-negroid like the ancient egyptians. non mixed families produce kids who are the same, while miscegenation creates unique children

then 25 pages later he says that europeans have been terrible trying to eradicate jewish people for thousands of years, and that's just made the ones who have survived stronger and how they're worthy of being the future leaders of europe. although he then seems to say that they won't be the new leaders, but judaism is the shot(?) from which a new european nobility emerges. then he praises urban life as being the way forward and then praises jews for surpassing all other races with great men like einstein and mahler and trotsky

source is here. pages 22/23 for the first bit, and 50/51 for the second bit

so he was definitely a fag, but not a jew

Asian and niggers are scum.

does anyone else think this fake sleepy eyed, lips-just-barely-not-closed look is way the fuck overdone?
it's the new duckface.

Spics are as well, Persians are the only nonwhite I respect.

I care more about I.Q. than how pretty they are.
Sure a pretty child would be nice, but I'd rather they be smarter than a nigger or an Arab.

Ok we'll all shit skins are ugly as fuck...

Persians don't fucking exist, they were subsumed by the arabs and turks long ago

dont race mix because you and your children will be genocided. why risk it?

Mongrels most of the time are ugly as shit, don't be fooled by OP's autism.