
I feel bad for the "master race" look at this shit, that their heritage.
Never had a Sumer or Egytp?
The vast majority of great civilizations were built by men of olive complexion and black to brown hair

literal snowniggers

Rome? Greece?

Your ancestors are half spanish, who got their shit together much more slowly than even the nordic snowniggers, and half native americans, who never managed to make metal tools

>The vast majority of great civilizations were built by men of olive complexion and black to brown hair

in a sense yes, now go lay another brick. slave, before i convince you the devil will take your soul and torture you forever in hell if you don't

lol sure

That's a ceremonial piece you dipshit. No new world native ever made iron until the white man came, (and hell, probably not even then), and what little bronze they were able to scrounge was considered precious and thus used for ornaments like this; the vast majority of tools across the americas were stone.

>Your ancestors are half spanish, who got their shit together much more slowly than even the nordic snowniggers

Americans really need to STFU about Europe

Also if you want to be succesfull with these threads you need to post them earlier since now most euros are asleep.

My ancestors built Rome, France, Spain, and Germany.
Every time the peasants ran them out of a country it would collapse(excluding France who fell much later).
My blood has been empire building for longer than I will probably know and the idiot masses have been chasing them off and destroying those empires for just as long. America will probably end up the same way. Those "olive" people are the destroyers of civilization. I honestly believe that you "people" have no agency.

>bronze-age ritual execution tool
Not a weapon. Their best weapons were made of wood and bone.




So where should we go next and who should we fuck up and genocide then take their women but not breed with them because that's bad.

Go jack off to odin you meatball gargling socialist

Romans had blonde people also

Cool d&c thread.

Fuck Odin, he was a sperm eatin transvestite.

Spain didnt lag behind Scandinavia at any point you inbred retard.

>Makes strange throat sounds and dances around.

>The vast majority of great civilizations were built
not altogether true, and definitely not anymore.

And? what's your rebuttal to Northmen being snowniggers.

It doesn't matter what people did before, all that matters is what people do now.
And what do people do now?
>Major Asians
Are decent but decadent as fuck. Chinese have adopted jewish behaviors more unapologetically than ever before, koreans are obsessed with superficial displays of wealth and japanese women are the most hypergamous women on earth which in turn has caused the diminishing birth rates.
>Abbos and niggers
Are the same ape they have always been. I bet homo habilis would have evolved further by now given the same living conditions.
Are "thriving" so hard they're now turning on themselves. Turns out so much inbreeding among already neurotic goblins can't do much for your genetics.
>Arabs, Indians and Minor Asians
Allahu akbar intensifies. There's less non-muslim people in the middle east and south-east asia by the year, you either convert or die.
Are doing surprisingly ok despite white+jewish meddling. Hope Poland gets their reparations from Cuckmany, and use that money to wall themselves against mudslimes.
>Hispanics, Latin Americans and Caribbeans
We're a bunch of raging, miserable goblins who will never be happy because seeing other people happy makes us irate. Feminism has already ruined Spain, Argentina and Chile while Mexican education slowly becomes neo-Marxist unopossed because Marx is exactly the kind of theology angry people eat up without questioning.

And finally our dear white people.
You're the worst of us because you could have been the best but somehow managed to lose your countries, your culture and your women to a bunch of savages that can barely stay alive by themselves. If you weren't so frail none of this shit would be happening and the world would have a future. Let's give a round of applause to anglos in particular for spreading the jew's influence by force despite every other culture having kicked them off their land and business beforehand. You injected the virus, now live with the epidemic.

Ahem, OP...

You're still a spic and your country sucks.

TFW you realize you just fell for niggers lies.