How do you feel now that Trump is currently blowing it?


How is it possible you can't figure out some thing as simple as "Don't treat widows of soldiers like shit"

Are all of you really that stupid as well?

Please tell me you idiots didn't realize what you were doing

Pro be an actual cuckold, you would need to have actually had at least a girlfriend.

So you would have to talk to a girl.
Have sex with a girl.
Have sex with a girl more than once.
Paying for it, sex dolls, and meeting a tyranny at the adult bookstore does not count.
So the upside for you bunch of basement dwelling neck bears wearing underwear crust stains is, you will never actually developed the skills required to be chucks.

The bad news is you're actuallynfaggots who are in the closet, you just like looking at big blackmdicks



Oh you wish.

The truth is, trump just prevented a massive terrorist attack in Las Vegas when he sent blackwater mercenaries in to thwart a CIA/Mossad operation to kill 1000 people. Now he's sitting on a mountain of blackmail material and the top members of the deep state are forced to bend to his will or face immediate assassination on national security grounds.

They're throwing $hillary and her crew under the bus to save their own asses, checkmate.

funny thing is you are right in a way- Mueller is be shitstorm to hit CF really hard, salt merchant.

stop projecting your virginity on others pls, I know it gets you all excited thinking of your purple hairy feminist friend with strong abdul.....but it's just you thinking how progressive and advanced you are to have such noble fantasies..but you are just brainwashed child in almost adult body watching too much jewporn

3 years from now the democrats will still be screeching "MUELLER IZ COMING!"

I can't stand how Trump seems to be above any sort of criticism on this board. I mean, if the guy fucks up call him out. This ass licking is the surest way to get someone who eventually knows he has your vote and can treat you like his bitch. And right now, this cheeto is ridiculously close to Israel, exclusively. People should worry.


>How is it possible you can't figure out some thing as simple as "Don't treat widows of soldiers like shit"

Trump is a legit American Psycho sociopath

he'll never have a pet and he'll never be able to feel empathy

btw many sociopaths do have pets, so Trump must be an off the charts psycho

This was obvious to anyone who followed the campaign and wasn't retarded. This nigger dying in Niger investigation is a nothingburger conveniently hyped up just as the new information on the Clinton Foundation and uranium bribery is coming out, along with FBI finding Comey's draft.


his kids turned out to be OK, that is very unlikely to happen with sociopathic parent.

>Sociopathic parents instill fear, shame, and a sense of worthlessness and self-blame in their children.
>A sociopath parent is what a child fears: the monster under his bed and everywhere, and he can't turn to this parent for comfort.

You're mad he doesn't give a shit about you. That's cute.

the kids were raised by their mothers

he is always bragging about this how he wasn't involved just provided the funds

Great slide thread you kike

Sage and move on

how do you feel knowing that fake news is lying to you nonstop?

>trump said mean things
>therefore fuck the bill of rights

Why do the left think this is a good argument? Is it that they are so conceited they assume we think mean words are as important as they do?

I am withholding judgment until someone posts the audio from the actual phone call.

Same here. We've watched the libshit corporate McMedia raise one fake shitstorm after another over Trump's actions, or the actions of someone working for him.

Ever since that dumb bitch reporter Michelle Fields went after Corey Lewandowski "OH MUH ARM! MUH BRUISES! OH THE BRUTALITY!"

Aaaaaand when the video footage/audio/whatever finally came out and showed Fields was a lying whore, proving the whole thing was just the media shitting its diapers over fake allegations....

Then a week later, the same thing again. And again. And again...

The fact that the media isn't saying exactly WHAT words were said is very telling in itself.

"Oh, but never mind the dozens of times the whole media shitstorm turned out to be completely based on lies, because THIS time it's REAL, goy."

>this timeline

Wtf is the US even doing in Niger.

saged (in options field, bros)


Bye felicia