WTF! It's like every 'sex-positive', promiscuous feminist is a rape/sex abuse victim

EVERY time, a feminist lectures on how she fucks whomever she wants and loves BDSM and other girls should emulate her, she'll reveal later that daddy/uncle/former bf/teacher etc raped her or sexually abused her. What is this crazy epidemic of batshit insane traumatized women with no boundaries whatsoever running our national narrative?? Why don't they get intense therapy and medication first before telling the rest of us how much sex we should be having?

Other urls found in this thread:

This "#MeToo" shit is just an excuse for women to share their BDSM/rape fantasies.

It's really not surprising at all. I mean, previous partner count is highly predictive not only of likely hood to cheat, divorce, etc. but age of first sexual encounter tracks with likelihood of being promiscuous.

Remove (actual, not legal) consent from the equation and imagine how things spiral out of control.

Women can't into ascesis. They don't fix themselves. The problem is always someone else.

These people are so disgusting and gross. Whether they're lecturing other women to be promiscuous like them or oversharing some 'trauma' with a bunch of complete strangers online just to get some attention on social media, either way they simply cannot stfu. Ugh.

They feel bad about themselves and so they want to shame you. "Rape culture" is just an excuse to bludgeon men over the head and make us feel bad and insecure. Men are taught that we're disgusting cavemen every day and women are taught that their vagina is a "secret garden" and that they're beings of light/life givers. Fucking PUKE!

It's almost like they can't put 2 and 2 together, realizing their being raped is what fucked them up and they should get professional help for the trauma supposedly caused rather than celebrating it in a morbid fashion, by encouraging others to travel the same path.

Ultimately I think it's just bitch's propensity for devaluing other bitches, so the relative market value of their cunt goes up.

It's a poor attempt at reclaiming power after trauma. Being raped by one man, especially somebody in a position of trust, leads to a complete and utter lack of trust in all men. So now she needs to repeat "sleep with whomever you want, however you want" - and have it reaffirmed - because that enforces choice which is what she didn't have when she was raped.

#MeToo is the equivalent of putting a filter over your Facebook profile picture (France flag, gay flag, etc.) to show everybody you're part of the "it" thing somehow. Thing is, it's only important to people who live on social media.

>believing any of these women were raped outside of their fantasies

Agree but they're fucking glorifying it. And even worse, they're pushing and pressuring other normal, non-promiscuous women to behave like them. It's one thing for them to shut up and cope. It's a whole other thing for them to publicly glorify their disgusting new lifestyle and tell every other woman she should be the same or slander her as a prude.

I remember reading an article on HuffPo denouncing chivalry (1950s interpretation) as an antiquated and condescending system. I browsed the author's other articles and found out she identifies as a "masochistic submissive." Hamster wheel.

You hit the nail on the head with your first post about BDSM. These women CAN'T STAND IT when men refuse to treat them like absolute dog shit.

Women and men are differently wired. Needs to be mutual understanding on how that works and forgiveness when people go outside of boundaries, instead of all of this blame.

It's trying to make everybody as fucked up as them which would result in it being the new norm and not fucked up anymore. Bettering yourself requires much more effort than dragging everybody else down into the shit.

But it's not just women - there is simultaneously an emasculation of men. I have started to suspect it's a systematic production of complacent men that feed their ego, reaffirm their bullshit and treat them like a "princess" while they fuck the men that resist the programming. It's ultimately self-serving and somewhat hypocritical (say they want men to be respectful, actually want to be degraded) - but they get the emotional and physical whenever and with whomever, as long as it satisfies the respective itch. Once they hit the ripe age of 30, they can just settle down with one of the complacent ones for security.

Something so sick about their constant craving for degradation and their glorification of that degradation. These are sick women and we're supposed to put them on pedestals.And later when they finally reveal someone raped or sexually abused them and they've been traumatized as a result, we're never supposed to bring up their cravings for degradation.

>she'll reveal later that daddy/uncle/former bf/teacher etc raped her or sexually abused her.

No no, listen. Don't fall for that victim shit.
There's a difference between rape and (((rape))).
The former causes serious trauma, the other one involves daddy not buying her an iphone.

Of course there are serious exceptions. Sometimes rape does turn you into an idiot.
However, most feminist "rape" involves either their own broad definition of rape(ex:fart rape), or is often a blatant lie in order to attract sympathy, or gain some sense of authority on the issue.

I've seen this with my own eyes.

The degradation itself isn't so much as important as everyone knowing that they were degraded. The ego gratification they receive from being the victim truly is bizarre. This is the reason I think most of these women are lying.

Recall Mattress Girl did a BDSM photoshoot. No doubt, sadomasochism and rape accusations are outlets for some women's immense egos. They can simultaneously make themselves look sexually attractive while lowering men's status by making us out to be disgusting rape beasts. Perfect tool for narcissists.

based gypsy

>sexually attractive

Pick one


But it's true. They're playing into cultural archetypes to make themselves feel better. Read this article:"Women_are_wonderful"_effect

Right but either way, my point is that promiscuous women, women who are into BDSM and women who brazenly and defiantly glorify their bizarre or disgusting sexual proclivities and act as advocates for promiscuity and BDSM are ...almost always damaged people who have been raped or sexually abused.

My point is that these women act like they're amazing and awesome and strut around with so much self-congratulation.

But all they are is just people with some bad trauma with a really distorted sense of judgment. There's nothing AMAZING or AWESOME or BADASS about them at all.

Literally everything you posted is correct. I'm actually impressed.

Ew, god, is this real? Why are these women so crazy? Why does our society enable this shit? And the best part is every guy in there leering at her is AKSHUALY a Male Feminist Ally in their sick world. And of course any guy who's grossed out by this and does not participate in her sick delusion is a Bad Patriarch.

I dunno about other women lying about rape desu. What I have found though is that a lot of them will shriek from rooftops about how amazing and cool they are for fucking a different guy every week while they're drunk. And then they'll gang up on non-promiscuous women and shame them and call them prudes and what not. Basically they act like feminist sexual experts who know all about how women should get laid. And then later, they'll admit sadly that they were raped or some guy touched them when they were kids. And then there'll be some long-ass stories about therapy and meds and what not.

And then it's like 'oh so you're not an expert at all. you're just a dumb idiot running her mouth and in deep denial of your personal problems from being raped'.

Wrong way around OP, they think the claim of sexual abuse insulates them from criticism of their current promiscuity
How many girls have you heard claim they had an abusive relationship with an "emotional" abuser? Same thing there

>But all they are is just people with some bad trauma with a really distorted sense of judgment.

I have a background in psychology! No they're not!
I've met a LOT of women who've been through serious abuse and it doesn't turn you into a feminist. It turns you into a wreck.
When you finally go back to normal, you have a hell of a lot more experience with the issue and understand why the feminists are retarded.

Feminists are the complete opposite.
>no empathy at all
>no willingness to understand how the world works
>intellectually lazy, willing to adopt any stance that serves their purpose
>deep sense of entitlement which would have been the first thing to be lost in a rape victim

You know how you're more afraid of an injury that you never had than one you've experienced? A rape victim wouldn't stand on the street corner screaming how all men are rapists.
She knows fucking better.

This whole thread is proof that we do infact live in a rape culture. Women are now speaking out about the problems that they face and you all call them whores. Disgusting

>girls who failed/can't pair bond because of sexual abuse/chad walking out go full femnazi crazy

You're just figuring this out now?

Good point but the claim of sexual abuse comes much later. It comes way after the 'sex-positive activism'. I'm saying initially and for a long time, they'll go on and on glorifying their promiscuous lifestyle and drunkenness and drunk hookups. And then after a long period of that where they 'call out patriarchy' and what not, then there will be a brief interlude where they shamefacedly announce that someone raped or molested them. And that announcement often happens in an entirely different, much smaller group.

And then they're back putting on their dumbass 'drunken sluttiness is feminist!!!' act before the previous larger audience.

STFU. You have deliberately misread my post and you lack all reading comprehension. Go burn yourself in your own straw man.

It's almost like sexual promiscuity is the result of trauma or something....

Feminine nism is an ideology based on false accusations.

Yeah, you should consider that there are major cultural differences between the US and Romania, buddy. Our cultures are not the same.

I have met a LOT of women who ARE feminists and who HAVE been through 'serious abuse' as well as rape. They're often extremely promiscuous and some of the most vicious, nasty, cruel people I have ever met.

Your theory is really hard to believe because it relies on unobservable factors hidden deep within their subconscious. Everything I'm talking about can be observed directly. Everyone knows women lie about rape; the hard part here is figuring out WHY women lie about rape.

In one of Naomi Wolf's books called "The Beauty Myth" she gave the statistic that 150,000 thousand women die in the United States every year because of anorexia. The real number is like 100--400. She artificially inflated the number thousands of times higher because she's a twat obsessed with being the victim.

Yes if you don't already know that feminism is just an acceptable way for men and women to convey their fantasies of violence against women, check out this new movie called "Brimstone." The Dutch feminist director says it's a feminist film but the entire thing is about women being raped and abused and it's so excessive that even other feminists have called it out.

Tumblr, the hive of cucks and other sexual degenerates, even created its own fetish called the "patriarchy fetish." Look that up when you want to puke. Common themes there are, AH-HERM, "roleplaying" as people who believe women's natural position is in slavery to her husband/master. This is why so many feminists wear chokers.

Ok, so why are these women glorifying it and acting like it's the most amazing thing and every woman should behave exactly like them or publicly shame non-promiscuous women as prudes?

If you wanna be promiscuous because of 'trauma', fine. But why glorify it?

More importantly, why pretend like the trauma didn't make you promiscuous?

>we do infact live in a rape culture.
Cry me a river. The "rape culture" exists amongst Women just as much as it does amongst men. If there were zero women that fantasized about rape or domination then 50 Shades of Gray would have sold zero copies.

Also, the worst recorded rape rate in the entire United States is 1-in-12 and it's on the worst street in Saint Louis.

>they'll go on and on glorifying their promiscuous lifestyle and drunkenness and drunk hookups. And then after a long period of that where they 'call out patriarchy' and what not, then there will be a brief interlude where they shamefacedly announce that someone raped or molested them.

That's shame, they feel shame and dishonour, which they call depression and other mental issues. I've been tossing around this idea in my head for a while now but I'm certain this is what depression is to most people, we've just forgotten the original name which explains why everyone is "miserable and depressed", even fucking 13 year olds are suicidal, because we've been shamed and dishonoured by our own doing or our families
Nature came back and bit them in the ass for being slutty with bad feefee's which after having the definition of rape softened due to feminism they can now insulate themselves from criticism, call out rape culture, be an activist and contniue as normal from the temporary dopamine rush from a single act of self preservation

>Had a pretty, close, intelligent friend when I was 13
>My first love even though she denied me because we were 13
>Remained friends
>Go to freshman year
>Becomes a degenerate because she was abused by some hipster Jew boyfriend of hers and her degenerate, Marxist teacher she had to spend hours a day with
>Turned into a retarded whore
>Came running back to me and tried to establish a relationship
>Pretended to be 'cool' and was a feminist
>Back when I was highschool Chad, I saw right through the bullshit and told her she needs to stop
>On and off for around 5 years until she gave up
>Love her to this day though I'd never be in a relationship with her again

They are the victims, pol. Even the 'smart ones' are retarded.

>Everyone knows women lie about rape; the hard part here is figuring out WHY women lie about rape.
It's not as complicated as you think. If they can sell the concept of them being victims/martyrs it further absolves them of the consequences of their actions.

They're constantly asking themselves why they feel bad about themselves. If they can convince themselves and others that it's the result of an outside force as opposed to something they chose themselves, it abdicates responsibility for those choices to anything other than themselves.

This is just women being children. And wanting to be coddled and placated while putting on an act of independence and adulthood.

>It's not as complicated as you think. If they can sell the concept of them being victims/martyrs it further absolves them of the consequences of their actions.
You could just as easily say it's simply about obtaining federal funding. Which it is. But there are other factors as well, my theory being one of the major components.

But no doubt feminism is more commonly used to assuage women's guilt. Fat positivity is the best example of that.

>And wanting to be coddled and placated while putting on an act of independence and adulthood.

This is what I was alluding to. These feminists with their pussyhats and their 'sex-positive activism' and their crazy bdsm fetishes and their love for drunken one night stands put on this huge show -whenever they TALK about any of this - as though they're adults. They talk like they're tough, strong adults who know what they're doing. They're full of self-congratulation. But look at what they're doing and the degeneracy of it all. And every time they partake in this degeneracy, they expect to be applauded. And the whole time, they're actually just really crazy, fucked up weirdos who are badly damaged.

>Our cultures are not the same.
I think we're both still human, and I'm telling you how humans react. Human response has nothing to do with culture.

Feminism, isn't the product of rape, it's the product of a lazy sheltered existence, lack of clear goals, mixed with heavy propaganda.
Unless the post-rape shrinks over there are absolutely shit, then that doesn't happen.

>I have met a LOT of women who ARE feminists and who HAVE been through 'serious abuse' as well as rape.
Well shit, I don't know what to tell you. Either you're extremely lucky or extremely gullible.

>They're often extremely promiscuous and some of the most vicious, nasty, cruel people I have ever met.
It fucking doesn't!

The only cases of extreme promiscuity related to sexual abuse come from non-violent child molestation, and only if they don't receive proper care.
Even then they don't automatically turn into nasty and cruel people.
Nastiness and cruelty do not stem from abuse.

Listen, you keep saying they're damaged. Stop! Those sob stories are all made up. I can't tell you how many women I've met who introduce themselves like this, "Hi, my name is Becky, I'm a rape survivor!" It's a badge of honour for them.

These masochistic women use feminism as a tool to convince everyone that their fantasy of oppression is real. Because if women aren't being oppressed, they can't get off, now can they?

>depression is actually shame and dishonor
I'll be using that, user.

What a load of bullshit. Get out of Romania and travel a little. You need to understand how different people from different cultures handle their experiences. Either you're extremely dumb or you're extremely sheltered. Or hey, could be both.

You're seeing all these stupid cause and effect statements that I've simply not made. You're just making shit up. English comprehension is not your strength.

Also funny example:
I have a relative who's a feminist. A nasty fucking person too.
She kept boasting about how she was abused by her family and is now damaged.

Turns out the "abuse" was actually her dad spanking her with a slipper for a minute PRECISELY ONCE, after she went on a rant about how her entire family were just worthless assholes.

During the time this happened she was an undisciplined tween that would bitch to anyone, ever get work done, and had a low sense of empathy or restraint to begin with.

And now she's bitching about how she got abused and says she has to go to a shrink(which is fed the fuck up with her, mind you), and is slowly tormenting her own children with her bullshit, just because she needs to feel "in control" after her husband left her ass.

Literally yes, it's a conscious coping mechanism to feel like they have control of their sexuality back and subconsciously they've been imprinted from a young age that their sexuality is worthless.

However keep in mind that in the US 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys have been sexually molested before they turn 18, so the surprising part isn't that sex-positive feminist lecturers have all been sexually abused, it's that 20% of the population aren't sex-positive feminists lecturers.

Same with intravenous narcotics users, literally 100% of them have been molested as children in every survey ever taken, that's not the surprising part since there's way more molestation victims than intravenous drug users, it's that most molestation victims don't fall into injecting heroin. So it's sort of an upside in the sense of something worse happened to them when they were kids but they didn't let their life get fucked up with drugs or feminism.

Nietzsche postulated that "slave morality" (compassion, pity, etc) was primarily a means for the lower-class to try to usurp power from the strong. The idea being by fostering the concept that winners should feel guilty, the losers can then elevate their position (its actually the only way they can elevate their position since its proven they can't compete otherwise).

Women doing #MeToo serves two purposes: First, as above it paints them as victims (usurping power too weak to get otherwise). Secondly, it makes them appear "attractive" (ie. men can't keep their hands off of them).

The fact that #MeToo ticks so many boxes for weak, low self-esteem women is a predictor that we will see much more of this.

So are you going to refute any of my points or not?
I travel to the US quite often by the way.
Most of the academic literature and the people I learned psychology from were foreigners as well.
I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about.

Also please specify what I made up.

And calm down, it's not good for your nerves.


Good job, user. You get it.

These stats are actually probably out of date and it's more like 1 in 5 boys and 1 in 3 girls but it's not been confirmed enough for charities to start using them yet. And this is just people who will admit to it in the US, imagine what it's like in third world countries and then you'll start to realize why humanity is so fucked in the head.

Something terrible happened to them and they want to feel normal again. The left and other (((subversive elements))) in society find them useful tools for their own agenda.

I definitely need to flesh out the idea more articulately but there's something there to be said about why so many people in the west are on fucking anti-depressants, do they all have brain disorders? Rubbish of course not but it tells us there is a significant issue in our society and none of our "experts" know what it is or how to fix it

ITT: whining, which is endgame for manbaby trolls. Can't punch, can't rape, can't shout, can't control. Last option: whine. lol

How many of those children abused come from black families? Feminism is largely a white movement so if we are to assume your theory of subconscious coping is true that we'll see a reflection of that in the statistics.

I feel gross saying this but also remember that consensual sex between a physically matured 14 year old girl and an adult man is considered "abuse." Jailbait.

Not every man is a rapist or dreams of being a rapist.

Reviewing 50shades at my local bookclub - Shiftyeyedgaggle #Metoo

fuck matress girl, i hope she's still carrying that shit, i hope she dies of old age and people still make fun of matress girl, fuck her

it's almost like lots of women get harassed and raped or something, but i've only ever been bullied and never by fags who wanted my anus so

"An ugly man was trying to be nice to me once. #metoo"