Can anyone explain what national socialism is?

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It's socialism but on a domestic scale, not an international one.

patriotic commies

>Can anyone explain what national socialism is?

>Can anyone explain what national socialism is?
and another.

National socialism is just the DNC but instead of hating whites and Christians they hate Jews and Blacks

Individualistic mindset, with a common goal to better it's homogeneous society. Basically think libertarianism with the removal of hedonism, pointed to goals that more "tangible" (what I mean is you hear all kinds of different interpretations on what the constitution means, and what it is to be american, natsoc is easily identifiable because of the homogeneous nature of it). Still too much government involvement for my liking, one thing natsocs never have an answer for is the transfer of power. So Hitler dies who would step up into power? They had no one else that seemingly could have done what hitler did. Look into the founding fathers, they had the right idea I'd classify them as ethno-nationalist libertarians by today's language.

>think libertarianism
Kill yourself you American retard.


severely underrated and checked

>it is a vehicle to a White ethnostate
>NatSoc works under the roof of every functional White household, where the family unit is only as strong as its weakest link; thus, it is important to make the weakest link as strong as possible
>the White way allows nature and biology to be the most cruel, unemotional, uncaring Eugenecists they are by selecting only the best of the best while allowing man the self determination to be selective about who stays and who doesn't
>NatSoc is a discipline, highly restrictive in that it does not allow degeneracy to flourish. the first sign of actions which are detrimental to society, and the individual is purged
>financially, NatSoc is the antithesis/anathema of globalism and globalist ideologie; i.e. Communism, Global Communism, Global Socialism such as the US is today squarely under the Jewish spell which places the focus on materialism, as opposed to focusing on the health of the soul

Nazism is what social outcasts cling to when society rejects them.

It's kind of a long read, but it's worth it.
Most """national socialists""" today are gentile tribalist zionist useful idiots who unironically support the american (i.e jewish) propaganda version of National Socialism. ( ). White Nationalism is gentile judaism, simple as that, and is precisely the kind of shit Hitler was fighting against.

>"Whoever doesn’t become sickened and nauseated upon making a closer acquaintance with the Talmud can put himself on display in a circus side show.” - Adolf Hitler

>“For a time perhaps we might be successfully dealt with by a coalition of the Goyim of all the world, but from this danger we are secured by the discord existing among them whose roots are so deeply seated that they can never now be plucked up. We have set one against the other the personal and national reckonings of the Goyim, religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into a huge growth over the past twenty centuries – Protocols of Zion

with one exception; it is not civic nationalism, wherein the vassal has no obligation(s) to society such as is seen in the US.
>a move towards civic nationalism within the US is at least a step in the right direction as it removes all energies from Jew-centric action & thought. the US needs some 'Me' time
>CN will not work unless all peoples/citizens are required to add value to the state as a whole
>CN will need to begin with requiring each vassal to successfully fulfill the duties of National Service before ANY benefits are gained

It has nothing to do with socialism just like DPRK is not a democracy. Economically, fascism is extreme far right but unlike democratic conservatives, fascism uses totalitarianism to advance political control motivated by extreme nationalism and racism. Fascism is the sworn enemy of socialism because socialism is about redistributing wealth to help disadvantaged groups (often minorities) while fascism promotes a xenophobic fear campaign scapegoating anyone that doesnt fit their brand of nationalism with the aim of excluding them from the society or in extreme cases destroying them. National Socialism is about nationalism and state control not tax and spend socialism or the freedom of liberalism.

No, all that you need to do is fan the flames of patriotism, and Civic Nationalism works.

If most people are interested in bettering the country, then things will work out.


Third Position. Takes the good ideas from every ideology and discards the garbage.

>“We have this folk of ours that is not to be defined as a race, and this is now clear to millions. However, when I began my career twenty-five years ago, this was not the case; then I was always told by bourgeois circles: “Yes, folk and race are one and the same.” No, folk and race are not the same! Race is a component of blood – a blood kernel, but a folk is very often composed not of one but of two, three, four or five different blood kernels.” – Adolf Hitler

Like communism only that they replaced the "classes" meme with the "muh ethno state" meme.

>we need only look at recent history (Operation Desert Storm/Shield, OEF/OIF) to see that "Patriotism" means financing, fighting and dying in wars for a single Jewish ethnostate at the cost of allowing your own nation to become a Lemony-fresh smelling 3rd world shit hole at the behest of the same people who portend to be a 'Greatest Allie' having never done a single thing for the US
>for CN to work, there must be a demand/requirement placed upon the vassals of the state
>what we have today is communists openly calling for communism, nigger-tier blacks completely out of control, Mexicans who feel they deserve to waltz into lands that were previously unwanted swamps under the control of Lopez de Santa Anna that have been transformed into 2 of the worlds largest economic engines; and declare that these lands were always theirs
>all of this while blaming whitey for their own inequities
No. we are far from CN and it shows when people do not understand the purpose of CN

>"Patriotism" means financing, fighting and dying in wars for a single Jewish ethnostate
T. vladimir putin.

No, that's not what patriotism means, cunt. This is a fucking epic strawman.

Communism is a globalist ideology
>Nationalism ≠ Globalism

no. it's the reality of right now, today, here. sorry if that doesn't match your LARP; but at least you were given proof of the reality of "patriotism" in 2017 so that you could declare it an epic straw man
>thanks for reading
>make it a terrific day

>US military is in desert storm
>therefore definition of word is whatever I say it is.

No, you're literally retarded. You're talking absolute nonsense.

>9/11 happens
>"Patriotism" is 10/10
>determine that it was done by 19 Saudi's with box cutters. sounds legit
>so we attack Iraq and Afghanistan, HOORAY!

You're putting the word "patriotism" in quotes because you know you're lying.

You're talking about something else. Many were ok with the war because Americans wanted revenge against ISLAM.

Nothing to do with patriotism.

(YOU) BTFO with proof

Only thing you proved is that you're a fucking idiot schizoid.

>Can anyone explain what national socialism is?
It's that warm fuzzy you get when a coal burner pays the toll

Essentially communists who value the traditions and values of their homeland.