So now that Kubo's wild ride is over, should we talk about manga endings in general?

So now that Kubo's wild ride is over, should we talk about manga endings in general?

Why everyone usually seem to play it save and just make an ending where everyone just
breeds with eachother and everything is just fine and dandy. I would still rather take
something like Sket Dance's ending where the MC goes like: "Fuck you bitch, i will go to
somalia and become a wizard!"

What manga endings are the most satisfying and what are the worst possible? Axed series doesn't count.

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This is getting more ridiculous by the second.

are you me? same number of hidden threads

Kirino, Chitoge, Hinata and Orihime winning is all fine and expected. Why are people mad Rukia lost, I thought everyone was trolling when they said they liked her.

Maybe or maybe not, who knows? The only thing I know for certain is I'm getting fucked tired of bleachfags and/or crossboarders with their constant threads.

One of the few shonen manga endings that actually felt definitive, with all the build up paying off and not feel rushed or forced

Was Yu-gi-oh

Think about that.

>The only thing I know for certain is I'm getting fucked
That wasn't on purpose.

>should we talk about manga endings in general?

I realized that after the first post, but I still want to complain.

>Why everyone usually seem to play it save and just make an ending where everyone just breeds with eachother and everything is just fine and dandy.

Because that leaves it open for any kind of followup or next generation they want while providing some closure.

>Now they're making an epilogue movie to play on nostalgia

Rly makes u think :o)

Bleach shouldve had an ending epilogue arc, not just one chapter. I wouldve liked to actually see some more bits of chad's fight and new soul society shenanigans. I guess kubo didn't have the time.

That's because the series that came before was disconnected and disjointed until Kazuki settled on a single narrative in Millennium World which was built from the bits of the first half which made it flow smoothly without it being dragged by previous plot points because it was largely self-contained (Atem's backstory) with a satisfying resolution between Atem and Yugi filling out the climax. YGO is one of the very few shounen manga or hell manga in general in which the last arc is the best arc of the series.
Which ironically is about how Atem isn't coming back and how Kaiba should move on already.

Fullmetal alchemist was pretty good too.
Reborn's on the other hand was fucking awful. Just read the first 3 chapters and then the last. Nothing changed.

Kubo announces new manga!

Here's the summary: 一人の少年がとある少女に恋をします。直接告白することはできず、なんとか彼女の電話番号を手にした彼は、変な電話番号にもあまり気にせず電話をかけるのですが、実は彼女も彼のことが大好きで、両思いだったのです。このことに気づいた彼は大喜びするのでした。しかし翌日、彼が昨日のことについて話そうとすると彼女は困った顔をします。昨日彼が電話で話した相手は今彼の前にいるその女の子ではなかったのでした。実は、電話機の向こうの彼女はこの宇宙には存在していませんでした。彼女は並行世界の者だったのです。その並行世界では、逆に彼女が彼に片思いをしていたのですが、並行世界の自分は彼女のその思いに気づいていなかったのです。何だかんだで、電話で知り合った二人はある取り引きをします。自分のもっとも深く、プライベートな秘密を分け合うことで、相手にいわゆる「並行世界の自分の必勝攻略法」を教え合うのです。その作戦をもってそれぞれ好きな人を追いかけまわる間に、彼らは自分の世界よりも電話機の向こうの相手のことがもっと好きになってしまいます。お話はそういう恋の本質について問いかけます。

Ruroni Kenshin ending was satisfying
KHR was just awful


>Ruroni Kenshin ending was satisfying
The last arc sucked

enough of this shitty meme


Now that " Kubo's wild ride" is over, can we stop this retarded KUUUUUUBOOOOOO meme? It was a shitty joke forced by the few idiots that actually liked Bleach years ago, to make it seem they liked it ironically and that their favorite manga wasn't trash. This was in a time posting Naruto was a banable offense (which unfortunately hasn't been enforced anymore) and the insufferable Bleach fanbase was desperate to prove they weren't all a bunch of tasteless tools.




>Keit-ai by Kubo

I don't think Sup Forums could handle such happenings.

Kenshin canonically ended with Shishio Makoto bursting into flames because he got too hotblooded during the duel with the hittokiri battousai, didn't end?

it was a strange ride. you realize Kenshin would've lost, if Shishio Makoto had functional sweat glands instead of melted scar tissue. And then he vowed to take over Hell with his best bros.

Fuck yeah, Shishio Makoto.

Kenshin Ended with the Jinchu (Revenge) arc canonically. The anime only went up the Shishio arc and the rest was shitty fillers.

A pretty good arc imo.