Graham Hancock - Most based historian

This guys is awesome - I've read his books and they are scientific in every aspect, but corporate fags are trying to destroy him.


Joe Rogan podcast

The guy is the Trump version of historians. He basically says things that are true and scientific and are confirmed, but has to do deal with corporate documentary makers, who hate the fact he wants to change mainstream view.

Other urls found in this thread:


He's going to change how the world views history forever user

god bless graham hancock and randall carlson

mandatory viewing

Loved the book.

Also give holy grail holy blood a try

Graham is a bitch the fat guy is better

And go figure a goyim is the one spreading truth

this guy is massively full of shit and is one of those guys who masturbates over the idea that niggers did all the things all over the world 10k years ago. swore him off like 15 years ago when he would go on C2C so stoned out of his mind they had to abort interviews.

>Graham Hancock is a British writer and reporter. Hancock specialises in unscientific theories involving ancient civilisations, stone monuments or megaliths, altered states of consciousness, ancient
(((Wikipedia))) or Wikipedia?

Doesn't say niggers created civilization talks about Atlantis and people from far away lands that taught the niggers those things at least read or watch his shit before you spew your ignorant opinion nigger

This - On Point

ill summarize: if we ALL drink south american hallucinogenic poison plants then we can tap into our human collective consciousness and when the time is right we can untangle the clues the ancient atlantian niggers left us to unlock our past and future as ascended beings of light.

hes spends most of his time making bullshit claims and even though he is a brit he spends all his time whining about US drug laws, and how our gubment is somehow holding back his trooff.

ey man plenty of people on this board like niggers in loincloths, you dont have to hide your jungle fever.

He married a Somalian and pushes jungle psychedelics as a way to fix society (because amerindian society is so healthy lmao)

I've enjoyed some of his stuff about massive flooding in the past, but his social community is massively retarded.

Graham Hancock is shit and totally unscientific. Randall Carlson is much better.

Fuck you untermenschen faggot go race mix with some low IQ nigger

>On RT
literally kill yourself

>go race mix with some low IQ nigger
im not graham hancock

I guess you are a CNN fag

Hancock has one of the most pleasing voices in the world. I could listen to him talk about anything for hours.

He and Carlson are best duo.

Lol he has talked about out of Africa being proved false

>ill summarize: if we ALL drink south american hallucinogenic poison plants then we can tap into our human collective consciousness and when the time is right we can untangle the clues the ancient atlantian niggers left us to unlock our past and future as ascended beings of light.

But, that's true.

>talks about Atlantis
pic related

The War On Consiousness

hE iS bAsEd.

You got scientific proof of that?

Can't into Plato's account of Atlantis lining up with the great flood kys idiot

sounds like a crank

>This guys is awesome
>they are scientific in every aspect
>corporate fags are trying to destroy him
Did he said Hitler was right?

HAHAHA of course not.
He knows he's so smart and intelligent that he doesn't even have to explain shit.
Can't you just google Michael Shermer?

>dude DMT maaaaan we are all just monkeys maaaaaan there was a progenitor society that had flying pyramids n shieeeet but not writing

>Graham Hancock
No. David Irving and Kevin MacDonald our /ourhistorians/

>no actual arguments
>meme flag
meme flag posters all need to be gassed

>no actual refutations
>US flag
>dude can't you tell how smart i am from my dismissive tone

hi joe, how's weed feel in that thin colorado air

Hancock is the fucking man. Good post. He is /ourguy/


Brainlet thinks altitude effects your high kys fucking meme flag

Did some 2 min deep research - he's a sceptic? Really easy to be a sceptic, you don't have to proof anything. Funny though they still "believe" in their "scepticism".

>Ctrl+f Stephen Ambrose
>0 results
Shit tier thread

>The guy is the Trump version of historians
So he tweets a lot, doesn’t do anything and blames everyone else?

I've read his books. A bunch of made-up speculative bullshit with no basis in reality.

Treat it as you would science fiction or the bible. A fun read, but fucking hell don't make any decisions in the real world based on anything in there.

>Trump version of historians.

He is a writer a journalist at best.

he's cool

Also he is a pothead.

He makes ayahuasca sound interesting. Too bad muh war on drugs prevents me from having those experience. I can't travel to the Amazon.

Hancock said Antarctic COLONIZers were blonde nordic people with blue eyes.

he quit you stupid fucker

So were Carl Sagan and Richard Feynman

KEK has confiermed this post as valid

no one that has ever gone on the joe rogan podcast is really red pilled

He totally buys in to the mainstream potrayal of Trump though. It's pretty ironic, given what he has to deal with himself.

>Hancock makes absurd and completely unfounded claim and states it as fact
>someone asks him to support his idea

Also loved on JRE when he spends 30 minutes talking about how much willpower he had to be able to quit smoking pot (because he was addicted), then smokes pot twenty seconds later to look cool on camera.

One of the educated hippies, I always believe we should take people like him and mckenna to be representing the hippie movement bot actual hippies

Yeah but Sagan didnt act like a huge fag about it

>i never read past the gre into Hancock
That's why its easy to spot the plebbitors

This is one of only two Ted Talks that was censored and hush-hushed.