Did that nigger on FOX just call the rebel army "traitors"!?


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yes, but he is in the closet don't worry about it.

Yes, what are you going to do about it Sup Forums?

Someone will be called a nigger over this outrage.

well the people who fought in the civil war were basically modern day sjws

They were, but they were traitors for a good cause

You call them rebels, it's the same thing, idiot. They lost, they are traitors. If they won, they wouldn't be righteous rebels, traitors would be the yanks.

history doesn't tend to treat the losing side of a war very kindly

>spend 620,000 soldiers lives
>all you get is statues
and your even losing those

> they wouldn't be righteous rebels,
they would be* damn am i tired

they are traitors you mong

>protecting your property like the government promised would be allowed
>they try to take your property
>they were just supposed to sit there and say okay
And yes. When I say property I mean slaves. Not even trying to be edgy about it. But they bought those people and thought it was okay. If you buy something now and the government bans it tomorrow despite you now relying on it, of course you'd be pissed.

Niggers can't into history.
How do you think "KANGZ" became a thing?



>seceding after 80 years of the Union allowing you to have slavery because you guys were SJWs and wouldn't join the union without keeping your slaves
>attacking fort Sumter
>not traitors


Mainstream news is for nigger lovers and Unionists.

Death to the fucking Union

>morality is relative to the time

And what have you got Nigger monkey?

Fort Sumter was the property of South Carolina not the feral Federal government.

What the fuck else could they be considered

"You no longer have a Constitution in this land. The most vile criminal people that ever walked the face of the earth now reside in Washington DC and they are your masters!!!
And Jesus Christ is going to bless this land?!
How dare you even consider it!!!
I'm asking you to make measly, miserable worms out of ALL Federal Agents! This is our country! When you raise that hand to feel the power, that comes from total absolute unconditional commitment!
We win or we die!!!"
-Louis Beam

Morality is subjective. Only religious extremists think otherwise. Oh, and idiots who can't comprehend one might think differently but cries about how they think like a woman despite being a man.

The real traitors wore blue.

the confederates fought for real american values. lincoln and constantly expanding federal tyranny that followed him are the real traitors.

Constitutional loyalists.
The union were the traitors.

>Nigger monkey?

kek, i'm white and hate niggers just not as retarded as you people who think anything is going to change

No they weren't. You can't betray a country of which you aren't a part.

The real error made by the South was that they thought they could peacefully walk out of the Union and so they didn't make proper preparations to fight a war.

>want to keep and BREED niggers in the U.S
>retards still defend them
Explain this. They were completely in the wrong. You can't even argue "muh state's rights" because we still have them even though they lost.


Not like the US was going to ship them off. Breeding them would have been fine if you always kept them at the lowest caste with no rights. They were pretty docile from captivity and not smart enough to revolt.

The south were a bunch of cucks

>we still have them even though they lost
We still have what? States rights? Fucking lol at you.
Marijuana and same sex marriage laws both prove you fucking wrong.

All the War between the States established is that, if you want to leave the Union you'd better have the military capacity to give the U.S. Army a very bloody nose.

You ever hang around confederate sympathizers? They can be decent people but fucking obnoxious when it comes to this. I literately had to sit through these chucklefucks sing Dixie to a Filipino mail order bride who doesn't know any better about the war..

To sympathize can mean two different things. To understand their feelings (empathy) or do feel bad for them (sympathy.) I sympathize in the sense I have the empathy to understand why they were pissed off.

Subjective morality is an oxymoron you vapid relativist. Either Morality is objective (even if everyone is wrong about it) or morality doesn't exist.

No Confederate was ever tried for treason after the war, not even president Jefferson Davis.
Yankee scum, BTFO

Or it's like mathematics, it doesn't exist but it's useful as fuck so use it anyway

No, to sympathize means to have sympathy and to empathize means to have empathy.

Except mathematics does exist you materialist retard. Existence isn't chaotic.

Yes, it was one of the disappointments of his life, but, the Lincolnite regime didn't want to refight the war in the courtroom.

well technically they were. Why does that bother you though? That isn't necessarily bad

Mathematics come from the human mind applying value and order to the universe.
If we didn't exist, mathematics wouldn't either.

Yeah, you're right. Then everyone is wrong because the idea of morality can't be based on one thing. This is why religious people claim Atheists have no basis for morality.

Logos exists irregardless of Nous.

> wrong because the idea of morality can't be based on one thing

Sure it can. The idea of morality isn't a difficult concept, it's the substance. The substance too could come from a single code of ethics, the difficulty is knowing for sure, it may be that having rational certainty may itself be immoral, it may be that we don't know that code of ethics or it may not exist.

All atheists can do is fake it.

I'm impressed that your meme uses the Stars and Bars. A+++ historicity. Good job using an actual flag of the Confederacy.

well, I mean you guys technically were traitors, regardless of your feelings on the war. you don't deserve to have your heritage stripped from you though. we're on your side up here in gettysburg.

They didn't do anything to betray the union, they just ended their participation in at, as was their right.

They were traitors and it was for a horrible cause

Logos would not exist without the nous to found and establish it.

>you guys technically were traitors
So fucking stupid.

>leaves union
>attacks US military base
>comes into northern territory and presses US citizens into slavery
>not traitorous

>states rights is a horrible cause
Un-American as fuck, fampai.

So, those Yankees who planning to secede from Union, whilst it was at war with old enemy(war of 1812), were somehow not traitors but loyal patriotic Americans?

Also all that shit with southern bandits coming up into Kansas and executing entire families (women, kids, and all) in cold blood for being abolitionists. Hell you guys were fucking ASKING for John Brown.

>betrays the constitution
>not traitorous
Keep trying to appeal to emotions though.
You almost get an edge on actual facts if you do it enough.

>Keep trying to appeal to emotions though.
how is pointing out that invading your own country and taking its citizens as slaves is traitorous an appeal to emotion?

It was their constitutional right to leave the union if they wished. It's not treason.

the war didn't start from the south leaving. it started from when the south attacked a US military base.

When the nation was founded, it was designed so that individual states could leave the union. The North was NOT in their rights to oppose this.

The rebel army WERE traitors.

The Confederacy was actually a police state during its existence. They had a domestic passport system for travelling civilians, a tax-in-kind for 1/10th of a state's agricultural goods, forbid states from in any way interfering with slaveholders from other states even if they forbid slavery for their own citizens, the Confederate Presidency had more powers than the US President at the time including suspending habeas corpus and issuing military drafts which Lincoln didn't truly have the power to do so, etc. All their restrictions on federal Congress and state governments were about protecting private slave property but for anything else it was actually more restrictive than the Union.
>Overall, the CSA constitution does not radically alter the federal system that was established by the United States constitution. It is therefore very debatable as to whether the CSA was a significantly more pro-"states' rights" country (as supporters claim) in any meaningful sense. At least three states rights are explicitly taken away — the freedom of states to grant voting rights to non-citizens, the freedom of states to trade freely with each other, and, of course, the freedom of states to outlaw slavery within their borders.

>Burgers promoting backstabbery and treason
Sounds about right

I'm not talking about any of that, though.

>I literately had to sit through these chucklefucks sing Dixie to a Filipino mail order bride who doesn't know any better about the war

Story please.

Occupying foreign territory without permission tends to incite some form of combative retaliation, as it is an act of war.

Secessionists BTFWO

I get your point. okay the south technically *werent* traitors in the textbook definition, but they still started it, from Bleeding Kansas to Ft. Sumter.

...says the traitor to Her Majesty's government of the United Kingdom.

You have it incredibly backwards. Very incredibly backwards. It was an economic war turned territorial.

>but they still started it, from Bleeding Kansas to Ft. Sumter.
>Foreign army refusing to leave
>Retaliation of this oppression is "starting it"
Okay, user.

>Supporting ISIS

so sick of people posting Sherman. he wasn't even a good general. post some good ones.

The Confederates were afraid of having their slaves freed cause they thought it would mean equal rights for niggers and that ultimately entailed rampant ravaging of white women and miscegenation. Sure some slaveholders took nigresses as concubines but they thought freeing niggers meant racemixing would hit the ceiling. During Reconstruction there worst fears started coming true as the Civil Rights Act of 1866 overrode the black codes and white Confederates stripped of suffrage for a few years while niggers could vote, so they fought it by forming the KKK, Red Shirts, etc. to scare nig nogs away from da whyte wimminz. Segregation was done as a security measure for both races. During Reconstruction many niggers voted and held public offices and they were corrupt as hell and that's where the voting restrictions like grandfather clauses, poll taxes, literacy tests, etc. of Jim Crow came about. Luckily the election of 1876 was such a mess they were able to have the Compromise of 1877 with Yankees to finally end Reconstruction and not interfere with white efforts to regain dominance in the South.

>Dew's analysis of the commissioners' message yielded one central finding: the absolute centrality of concerns over slavery and race as the prime justification for secession and hence the coming of the Civil War. As a white person raised in the South of the 1940s and 1950s when the Cult of the Lost Cause stood unchallenged in its assertion that state rights was the cause for which the Confederacy fought, he relates that he was "stunned" (2) by much of what he had found. But there was no mistaking what was first and foremost in the minds of those who led the drive for secession. With passion and anger they never wavered in proclaiming their belief [End Page 366] that slavery and white supremacy were doomed in a Union headed by Lincoln's Republicans. As the South Carolina commissioner John McQueen told the delegates at the Texas convention, the policy of the "Black Republican party . . . was to be the abolition of slavery upon this continent and the elevation of our own slaves to an equality with ourselves and our children" (48). If Southern whites resisted the designs of the Republicans, the result would be a race war as abolitionist infiltrators spread across the South enticing the slaves into open rebellion. William Cooper, Alabama's commissioner to Missouri, prophesized that "the time would come when the scenes of San Domingo and Hayti, with all their attendant horrors, would be enacted in the slaveholding States" (78). Worst of all, the Republicans would insist on racial amalgamation, the complete equality of the races in all areas of social life. Inferior and loathsome former slaves would now be able to defile the very embodiment of Southern virtue, the sexual purity of white women.


I don't support John Brown and consider him a terroristic zealot. But it's not surprising that it happened with all the southern aggression in Kansas that was going on. Plus the Sumner caning.

fun fact: the first person Brown's posse killed at HF was actually a free black clerk.

lol at your fucking source.
Find any other source to back up this cucks claims. I'll wait.

The man literally went to Kansas to kill and terrorize slave owners from Missouri and he was far from alone. Fuck off with your one sided shit. Abolitionists were violent scum driven primarily by warped religious zealotry.

It's literally just a side-by-side comparison of the US and Confederate Constitutions.


His massacre in Pottawatomie was in reaction to Quantrill's massacre of Lawrence. Not justifying it, terrorism is terrorism, but it's not like there weren't bad guys on both sides during Kansas.

>Abolitionists were violent scum driven primarily by warped religious zealotry.

few years later...

He reacted to a raid made years after his death? Wrong raid but same town. You didn't say both sides. You slammed the Missouri slavers as if they alone were violent when armed thugs from jew england were doing the same shit Brown was from day one. The Kansas–Nebraska Act was one big fuckup but dont pretend the abolitionists were some peace loving group just there to sing hymns. They were there for blood.

Away down south in the land of traitors rattlesnakes and alligators look away

look away

look away

doxie land

whatever came of the cedar creek debacle? did they reveal if those devices were actually pipe bombs or not yet?

>Litterally leave cause a what if
>Self fufil your own prophecy, by taking all those against abolonists with you
Nigger south is retarded

>Kill. The man who defeated you ,before he could send all the of them back to Africa.

Fun fact: Thats in Chicago

And your argument is that it wasn't because of states rights because they had practically the same constitution?

>I've never read the Constitution
There is literally nothing indicating states can leave. In Texas V. White the decided they could with consent from other states or via successful revolution. The Confederacy attempted both as they tried to secede peacefully at first and the war was a war of independence. Of course the other states didn't consent and they lost the war so it's no duh secession didn't happen.

No precedence set
>Create a precedence, so now Texas cannot leave
>California still thinks it can

Must be the smug in the air.

The Confederate states lost a few substantial rights like deciding who can and can't vote in their states while gaining a few miniscule ones like taxing ships or issuing their own bills of credit. There are several clauses about slavery and by name unlike in the US Constitution where they used "persons held to service of labour". The federal fiscal restraints and distribution of power were about protecting slavery. John C. Calhoun who influenced the secessionists directly by the time of his death, straight up admitted his famous opposition to high tariffs in the Nullification Crisis was about protecting slavery's interests.

I was arguing with a black administrator at my school a few months ago. She asked me where in the Constitution it said the country was for whites. I explained to her it was in the preamble, where it says "secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity." She asked how do I know our posterity means whites. I said, "well it damn sure doesn't mean the ones they counted as 3/5 of a person."

Oh boy was she mad.

Theres nothing indicating they cant leave and as an document that strictly limits federal powers you would think such restrictions would be mentioned. Its absurd to think that men that just fought a war of secession would immediately bind themselves with such restrictions but yes a post civil war kangaroo court did rule secession as illegal. Ofc today American foreign policy is all about self determination but whatever.

you try to sound le edgy smart but use the word "irregardless" leafposting x100

The Articles of Confederation didn't even allow for secession with it's "perpetual union", the US Constitution was even more centralization out of necessity and it only took a few years for the Articles to be abandoned.

Your queen is shit go fuck yourself dad.