What's his endgame?

What's his endgame?

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Did we name him the overseer or the observer? That meme where hes like 5x the size was lulzy


Hard to tell, he's playing the long game is all we know.

We won’t know until necks time.

What you see in that pic is his kidney


I thought he was the architect?


Why was this guy invited to the debate? You might as well invite a guy with downs syndrome or a guy with no legs or arms.

He's the father of the Bogs.

Cardiac arrest.


Can I get a quick rundown?

stroke or heart attack

He's the architect you newfag fuck

Myocardial infarction

The 400lbs hacker? Or was it 500lbs

you have summoned me?

>Can I get a quick rundown?
Did you get the call?

his daughter

He's actually a heart surgeon I think.

rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs,
in contact with aliens,
rumoured to possess psychic abilities,
control france with an iron fist,
own castles and banks all over the world,
direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line,
will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city),
own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth,
first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies,
both brothers said to have 200+ IQ

hello nyugen



The Architect


alien frog species, probably wearing human skin


C'mon you faggots post some rares i know you have them



the world may never know



Fuck I think you're right. I actually have a job so I cant keep track of every single facet of memery, you cock.

i'd expect nothing more from a wagecuck and a syrup nigger

you would think this is a joke but you probably really do take yourself this seriously

holy shit

The Bogdanoff Twins formed from the Architect's dying mass after he lost his wager with the Demiurge


World domination

his redemption arc is coming soon


The Architect is one of the most under appreciated memes from the election. So fucking good

What does that even mean?


Oh shit it's true

Fuck I miss the election. Sup Forums is just rage and sliding these days.

i know oney has ties to this cult


this thread again

His neck will devour the kikes

Yeah, man. Was always a personal favourite. Theres just something about it.

he is a neurosurgeon

he seems like a pretty good guy to me

is this the white supremacist cult the aryan brotherhood or some shit?

Not if the Brothers have their way

Yeah that's the one, neurosurgery is just a front though. We all know what he's really about.


You don't understand! He is the sapient key to power the weapon!

>so, I really enjoy sports

Gas as many Jews as possible with one fart.

I used to wonder why muslims wanted to kill all white people. I say they should go ahead and do just that.

400 pound hacker or the architecht, that green text with him doing surgery and eating hamburgers was one of the funnies things i ever read in my life

Does anyone have?

Was hoping to see a knee or 2 blow out.

>son I am disappoint

I remember that! Someone post that shit please.

requesting some1 post, havnt read it

if you ever wonder why people are muslim it's because of these idiots listed here and their rivals who try to police the world


To sell child porn on the deep web under the name "Kingpin," according to an user last year

Not a Bog. Look at that nose, it was clearly a Jew.

Fuck I need to see this


Consumptor: eater of worlds

I'm drawn to, yet repulsed by this man. He's mesmerizing, yet sickening. I want to shield him from ridicule, I want to be his catcher in the rye, while he dances joyously in a sunny field. Yet, I hate the fact that he exists.

Severely underrated