How deep does the Hollywood sexual assault culture go?

They keep coming out of the woodwork and they seem to be largely liberals. It really disgusts me.

I found this image on a dating app of a woman who is clearly being sexually assaulted by ultra liberal Ron Perlman and she kinda looks terrified. In fact, Id venture to say this has been going on some time for her and the stress from his sexual assault has driven her into a morbid eating disorder. Her life looks at risk perhaps.

Balls deep.

>How deep does the Hollywood sexual assault culture go?
All the way to Israel.


Great minds think alike.

im a big fan of your work here

Kek compels me to make infographics and red pills.

This is important see this, see honest and moral Jews like this.
These guys need our support. These honest men are the biggest ally humanity has.


Ok but this requires abandoning Spencer, the Alt-Right, "White Nationalism" and every other Zionist scam.

Israel shouldn't exist.

The pedophile ring in Hollywood will be massive. We're talking about generations of generations of pedophiles with money and power.
There are huge amounts of gays in Hollywood. It's something nobody really wants to talk about. All the pedophile priests that took over the Catholic church and got done for pedophilia all (if not, most) admitted to having relationships with men. This same trend was seen in the boy scouts. The difference was these pedophiles didn't have money and power.
We've known for a long time that gays and Jews hoarded towards jobs in the media. It's hardly surprising with the amount of homosexuals there are in one location that a pedophile ring was going to be exposed.
This could be the "final boss" pedophile ring though. A Jewish backed pedophile cabal raping childhood stars and spreading their perverse ideology all over the world. It might also be untouchable with the amount of people they've taken in. We may never know either.

Whatever happened to that dude? He was pretty based.

Hollywood. Hollywood never changes.

Gay Mafia = Deep State = Intel Agencies (Mossad/CIA ) = Pizzagate = Israel/Rothschilds.


>be young girl
>spend childhood hearing about how women have to sleep with men to get parts in movies
>don't listen
>go to hollywood
>find out men want me to sleep with them to get parts in movies
>pretend to be surprised

I never insinuated any of this lol
What I did insinuate was that once again we see an industry with a lot of homosexuals, and surprise surprise, there's a pedophile ring.

No that's what im insinuating and that's what going to be exposed.

why does corey feldman not speak up? He says something about being sued, but... theres no statute of limitations on child abuse correct?

Balls deep

aside from the pedo shit, i'm continuously surprised that people are so fucking naive.

these libtards who have no self-awareness or survival instinct believe that hollywood is some magical place of fairies and elves or something.

its full of soulless zombies, crushed by reality and 100x more backstabbing, immoral garbage than you can find anywhere else.

at least in Vegas they'll treat you to some good, cheap food and cheap hotel rooms along with good customer service before they fuck you and take your shit.

>Perlman 2020
>implying Jax didn't achieve landslide victory

Fuck off, Clay.

>haven't thought about Jax since premiere of series finale
>waves of feels now
>mfw I didn't ask for these feels
>mfw I have no face

Make failure your friend. Once you do that you can't lose. What to I mean by that? If you regard every failure as a victory, all you will ever know is victory.

-ron perlman

what a cuck.