At least 9,000 software developers are needed urgently in Finland

The demand, it estimates, is projected to rise to 15,000 by 2020 due to, for example, some of the existing workforce retiring.

In April, it started training asylum seekers in specialized programming skills as a fast track to jobs that require no Finnish language ability.

“In software companies, English and coding skills are all you need,”

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Still banned on KC?

Why would there be software companies in finland when the investors could simple outsource the jobs to a cheaper neighbouring country like russia

no one want to life in Finland, it's depressing

I'll apply to some jobs there

what about jobs in the health sector

You'd have to pay a Finn anyway to fix the c(h)ode they've made.
t. Software developer

>Hiring rapefugees, third worlders and russians instead of natives

>game development

Employed Haskell programmer here

Brings a whole new meaning to the word code monkey



do pros in excel count?

As if rapefugees have the brains to become decent programmers.

but you have to work for the Jews?
no thanks

Most jobs are meaningless most companies are ravaged by incompetent asshole kept up by a minority of hard working, usually whites.


We'll send you all of north americas top female programmers


If I had a meaningful job, would I be fucking around on Sup Forums at this time of day?

Help me immigrate so I can code for you

I don't know that your policy of importing a million monkeys to type code in the hopes they make something workable is really the best course of action.

Wouldn't it be much easier to take underemployed native Finns and do this? Likewise for all other western countries whining about tech worker shortages while simultaneously maintaining ridiculous skill / experience requirements for native workers that imported foreign workers aren't required to meet?

People don't understand programming is immensely complicated and if someone is not knowledgeable or if they don't care you often have to spend far more time and money cleaning shit up.

Which is why no one hires Indians any more for any serious dev project. They shit up the job and we have to spend months fixing it.

Sorry I'm a recent graduate and probably don't have the experience you're looking for

They'll still hire thwm because HR and accounting look at costs not ability.

Seen a lot of if(true) from thesecode shitters

I worked for a Finnish software company. Nothing ever gets done because you guys are so introverted and depressed. It's like every single employee is in a silo of his or her own ideas and projects are all over the place. And don't get me started how you take the entire summer off and work 4 hours a day.

>They'll still hire thwm because HR and accounting look at costs not ability.

This. All these WE NEED MORE TECH GUYS is bullshit. 90% of the time it's just a ploy to keep wages down and justify to the government how they're going to bring in some pajeet.

sounds horrible, having free time

Who do I contact to get a job and work visa to move over there?

I wouldn't mind living in the Canada of Europe.

same. wouldnt mind interning there for summer. would not for winter tho.

Yea I started my own software company and made sure to personally vet each programmer. Nothing is worse then dealing with 300 pages worth of shitcode with zero comments that looks like it was generated by an obfuscator.


There are jobs, but if you are nurse or stg you better go Norway. Finnish wages suck.

yet they think muslim migrants would be smarter than those Russian coders? something like 70% are functionally illiterate in their OWN language

Ehkä Suomen kannattaisi muuttaa asennetta työntekijöitä ja pienyrittäjiä kohtaan ensinnä.

This guy is correct


>In April, it started training asylum seekers in specialized programming skills as a fast track to jobs that require no Finnish language ability.
do they have 0% unemployment in FInland? why train these pirates when they have no place in Finland?

Training locals doesn’t give you the free publicity that training refugees does. The finnish software consultancy industry thrives on public contracts (cities, churches, the government)

Ok, fine, pay "coders" more and you'll get more people wanting the jobs.

Till then le STEM shortage is a meme and a scam.

You'd need to be able to speak Finnish. Good luck with that.

>public contracts
guaranteed to be shit.


Brb, packing my bags.

>4 hour work day

can I be an autistic fin too?

No one knows your language, so no immigrants.

what do you do exactly

right, and I'm an unemployed PHP dev

Easy money. Mostly simple CRUD stuuf

Literally flooding your country with pajeets




I'm 50 percent finno-ugric and learn how to code atm. Will I be accepted?

How much fucking software is needed in the damn world?

We already have twitter and steam. Are they making an ass wiping software?

You fags speak english up there? if so, I might put it on my list of places to look into in the coming year.

P.S - I don't consider web development or fucking phone apps software development. So, if that's what you guys need, train some migrants.. It shouldn't be hard.


Finrand people speak engrish quite werr

we can't have wages go up to incent more fins to choose programming, no we need to push pro-immigration propaganda so the market gets flooded and wages stay low

i can't code but can into english. am fenougric mongoloid too


Anyone know where I can apply?

For ever 15 developers, 5 write actual sound code, 5 write shitty code, and 5 are fixing bugs. A considerable amount of developers work on the sheckle-sphere code at the Application layer. The further you go down the stack, the harder the work and the less people needed.

Fucking idiot.. both of these are shit examples of code.
The ground is where good coders are found. I have worked with competent female coders. There's room for them on various teams and they bring unique skills. However, you'd have to be a moron to flood a team w/ them. No developer likes commenting their code or documentation that includes females...

I can't code for shit, but I will come to your country and shit post all day. I say sauna as SOW-nah

Cool, I'll see if you guys have systems level Software development available as opposed to LARPing code development using frameworks.

>paying natives a fair wage instead of importing millions of brown people

>that exception handling

but neither of them is made exclusively with JAVA or a fotm meme framework

we can't have that, user

let's see who got this

Fuck I should have chosen another career. Finlands autism resembles mine so I would be comfortable there.

>canada of europe
That is sweden

>In April, it started training asylum seekers in specialized programming skills as a fast track to jobs that require no Finnish language ability.

It's pretty obvious they are hiring "asylum seekers" just so they can pay them less than a finnish person.

>“In software companies, English and coding skills are all you need,”

I got those but why would i wanna live and work in some frozen shithole and pay taxes to support neets and niggers?

They should, but you can't change the attitude of the administration in a minute. Some of the employers are also old school jerks.

>fast inverse square root is bad code
ask me how i know you only "code" js

who /helloworld/ programmer here

As if the asylum seekers would quickly become competent coders. Or ever. This is just some companies shilling for tax payer shekels.

>frozen shithole
Oh yeah, living in a post-soviet shithole filled with inbred spud eating communist offsprings, where 90% of your population has HIV is far more appealing :^)

Kys Sergeis

Hi Sopsy!

Eipä ollu.

Don't act like you didn't/don't want to be one. It was my fucking dream until I realized that you get shit on by everyone when they find out you work in vidyas. disgusting

>both of these are shit examples of code
Kek, you don't know what the code on the left is do you?

>Create fast tracks and specialized training to niggers/muzzies when there's unemployeds
>pay them less than Finns, increase competition in labour market,
>wonder why Pekka and Matti go full 1488

There's more than enough devs in Finland, what there isn't is people willing to b program for low wages. Everytime you see one of these alarmist "WE MUST IMPORT WORKERS" bullshit it's because they want cheap labor and would rather fill Finland with migrants than pay real wages.

This. Software developers is literally code for poos.

Kyllä oli!

But....But the refugees have the advanced skills needed for a modern nation like Finland.

It's a fucking trap. Finland is literally depression land. The only reason to go there is if you want to kill yourself sooner.

Good luck. Literally all good positions have a mention about Finnish language skills; if for nothing else than to weed out "unwanted" nationalities.

Yup, I see it everywhere, even in Oil and gas which was mainly a white person/Americans only gig.

how urgently? will they starve if they don't get some damn software to deliver food to them? or will this tech company just go out of business? something tells me it's definitely the first: and good riddens. finland btfo


>if (a > b && b < a)
seems legit.
>emoticons in code
good code has emoticons!

Also, The code on the left had its comments removed for smaller source releases.....

Also, code on the left runs on every computer on the market today. code on the right is a first year woman who will probably leave the major because she is not suited for it.

>/*else return 5 because I'm so random yay :D*/

I would fire this bitch for that line alone.

>PHP dev
that is why your are unemployed

Holy fuck I want four hour work days too

I code in systems level c faggot and no one ever codes any of these interview meme functions in the Real world. P.S - I was speaking about the absolute absurd level of comments found in the code on the right and the lack thereof on the left when I referred to a middle ground. If you pay attention to the context of the tweet, that's what it was about.

Ask me how i know you're a fucking brainlet who crammed and maybe passed an interview screening and thinks he's a sound code developer...