German defamation movies

Hey Sup Forums, I'm compiling a list of movies in which Germans are portrayed as the bad guys (and most times downright evil), here's my list so far:

>Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade
>Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark
>Schindler's List
>Inglorious Bastards
>Die Hard

I know there are many more. Send em this way. Alternatively, if you know of ANY movie were Germans are portrayed as heroes, drop that title.

>P.S. Looking at American movies exclusively

Other urls found in this thread:

Real question is why should Germans be treated kindly?
Frankly, they probably like it best this way anyways.

try to stick to the point goyim

Only positive one I can think of is Django Unchained.
The only "good" German is one who helps a powerful proud black man kill whites.

germans are always the bad guys.

The irony is, watching those movies where some US actors portray germans or even nazis without being able to speak our language without a heavy accent and plenty of grammar errors is kinda hilarious. Last time I've heard somewhat proper German in a US production was that cop in Breaking Bad and he was off screen, so most probably some hired voice actor from Germany.

I don't even know if you guys do that on purpose for the lulz or just don't know any better. In the first Wolfenstein the nazis you killed would shout "mein Leben" (my life) when you killed them, wtf? When you get shot, do you spend your last breath with words like "my life"? Ridiculous.

I know. I'm on your side. I'm American, but my heritage is German, and I wouldn't mind seeing Hollywood sink into the Pacific

can't wait until all you white pigs kill yourselves off lol you people are dumb af

There is a new film in the movies called "Goodbye Germany"

I'll look it up.

>I'm American, but my heritage is German

>so most probably some hired voice actor from Germany

Amazing effort for a show with such horrible spanish speaking scenes.

to the ovens. Oh wait, there were none. To the gas chambers. Oh wait, there weren't any of those either. Contribute something jew

I don't really speak spanish so I can't comment on that. The scenes they filmed in Germany were pretty horrible as well, except for that one cop who was knocking at a toilet door offscreen. That guy was a native speaker, but invisible.

you are not german
you have NOTHING to do with germany

getting mad? typical

The boy in the striped pyjamas.
Enemy at the gates.
Fly boys.
Beady Refineries 1 & 2
Dresden: The Musical.

none of these movies portray germans as the bad guys, because they portray old germans (ww2 era germans) and not modern germans (faggy nerds, turks, mixed race) who are less evil

Modern Germans aren't a thing.


I don't know senpai

The world would be a better place if we won

I have wolf in my last name, am german?

>unironically spouting antifa catchphrases
kill yourself


He is back, is a new one. They meant it to make Germans look bad but they failed. The only bad part in it is Hitler would not have shot a dog


Wonder woman. The ww1 Germans were the bad goys and the hero had a multicultural squad that was very tolerant.

I noticed this shit too lol

I actually felt bad for the Germans throughout the movie. Like German every solider had a family and wife to go back to and yet they are shown as the bad goys.

>modern germans
>Modern Germans

I would add Saving Private Ryan to the list - all the regular German infantry was shaved headed - and they were always referred to as Nazis.

Add U-571 as well. It depicted a German U-boat commander machine gunning survivors of a torpedoed freighter in the water, and the German Uboat personnel were referred to as Nazis. The German sailors were Kriegsmarine, and infantry were Wehrmacht, not Nazis.

>the terminator
yes i know he’s austrian. but it still makes germanic types look evil and soulless. yet efficient
>saving private ryan
need i say more

Didn't you actually call us Jerries anyways?

Every (((Hollywood))) movie ever

>Saving Private Ryan to the list - all the regular German infantry was shaved headed - and they were always referred to as Nazis

Morgoth had a nice post about this:

Also more in the comments.

The original novel was nice and a commentary about how politics is not serving the people anymore. The movie is just shit about how Germans are one bad moment away from gassing people.

Oh fuck off.

Saving Private Ryan

People keep mentioning Fury, I didn't watch it, any examples? I only know the SS song scene.

Fuck man... there are hundreds. It seems to be the most common trope in Hollywood.

Saving Private Ryan
Schindler's List

Top Secret (The Movie)

Thanks for the link, reading it now.

Germans all have a black fetish. This is common knowledge. Kraut bitches crawl and bleed for the bbc.

Morgoth is one of the greatest writer for the reactorsphere/WN/alt-right or however you want to phrase it. He gives great insight into how most of the bullshit we face now follows downstream from New York money and think tanks.

You could add any documentary about the Greek debt crisis. Germans always get portrayed as the bad guys in those.

>common knowledge
And yet no data supports that claim.

> Prays for "her" football team's victory.
> Doesn't go to church or pray for her race, her family, or herself.

She's actually finnish. I mindfucked all who replied to my post.

>Germans are portrayed as the bad guys
Harts War (2002)

>Germans are portrayed as heroes
heroes no, but as human beings
The Flight of the Phoenix (1965)
The Eagle Has Landed (1976)
Cross of Iron (1977)

Hi muhammad

You nailed it.

and this movie makes me cringe so bad so many times

Good guy German movies

operation valkyrie showed a "split" in nazi party.
der untergang, humanized the nazis.

Bad guy Germans, pretty much every WW1 or WW2 movie ever.

still no argument or data given. Sad.

Nothing surprises me from Hollywood anymore

Saving Private Ryan, forgot that one.

>Hitler: Rise of Evil
>Boy in Stripped Pajamas
>The Book Thief

You know that meme was literally created by ANTIFA?