Why doesn’t Sup Forums talk about mind control?

Why doesn’t Sup Forums talk about mind control?


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Used to.
Pretty sure there's patented tech to modulate mood-states via LCD screens and directed EM to induce sleep as well. too lazy to go through my bookmarks though

I'm a Targeted Individual and a direct mind control victim. Fortunately there are more of us everyday but I would suggest looking into it.

I know a bit about gangstalking. Scary stuff.

I'm not gang stalked. I'm under constant assault by electronic harassment.

are you togiff?

I'd call what they do to people in schools and colleges brain washing. Compare what they do with definition of mind control techniques.
"an impairment of autonomy, an inability to think independently, and a disruption of beliefs and affiliations. In this context, brainwashing refers to the involuntary reeducation of basic beliefs and values"
Sound familiar?



I will tell you I thought I was schizophrenic and went to a hospital. Nothing worked and the doctors didn't know what was wrong and just decided I had a schizo-effective disorder and booted me out. Luckier than most who spend years in places like that.

seems scary as fuck to get trapped in government-run psychmills

It is far and away the most terrifying and painful things I've ever even imagined. I didn't think shit like this happened in the U.S.

Because we don't need to talk about bullshit schemes when the best example of brainwashing is the one that happens in Jew infested schools.

I’ve been in one. They don’t let you out until you admit you’re mentally ill and therefore wrong about everything. 1984 is alive and well in 2017.

This thread is about literal mind control.

Wow...that's awful.

We're not schizophrenics. You are thinking of Sup Forums.

wonder how many folks are de facto test-dummy tier gerbils that get "disappeared" within the labyrinth of the institutions

Read the wiki.

Don’t know about that but one of the mottos of the hospital I was in was about God or something. A lady in the room next to me was talking about God to one of the doctors and he said “God has no place here”. Spooky stuff.

after you admit you're "crazy" what else did they make you do before they decide you're healthy enough for release?

Take the big pharma pills. Any resistance is met with anger. I was supervised 24/7 by special nurses for a month. I think they were seeing if I was a suitable candidate for something else.

I actually was referring to the psychological torture not the psychmills

I did. Delgado didn't mind control anyone. He just pressed neural buttons. His work was just a much more sophisticated version of those little hammers doctors test your reflexes with.

It seems that he, like a lot of bad scientists, dramatized his research for attention-seeking personal reasons.

He stopped a bull mid charge and was able to induce emotional states like euphoria. It’s a little bit more impressive than you’re making it out to be.



(Replace entire mission paragraph with "gas old people" & you get the idea).

The banks want you to buy more loans and never question them. Of course they'll want something like computer aided mind control.

Search John Taylor Gatto on YouTube. You're completely correct.

Yeah they wanted to know if they could milk your insurance for another 2 weeks stop giving the data faggots your health info

In the sense of a technical accomplishment, yeah. It's way more sophisticated than the little hammer, dude.

Functionally speaking, it's nothing new. Persuasion via rhetoric is closer to mind control than what he did.
This guy gets it.