Is Asuka jea,.lous of Rei's bigger breasts?

Is Asuka jea,.lous of Rei's bigger breasts?

They are both very ugly so it's fine.

probably not

she's disappointed at how small your dick is OP

it's too small for even 2D


She's just pissed that Shinji loves Rei more.


>try to make a point about not running away from your problems and learning to accept yourself and others
>fanbase can only discuss the female leads' breast size
This is why 3.0 is a thing

We should ponder the DEEPER meanings behind this

>shitting on Asuka
Are you trying to start a fight?

That's pretty inconsistent.

bigger dick

She doesn't need anyone to shit on her.


Can chalk it up to thermal expansion.


I chuckled.

>Shinji acting heterosexual

Plot hole

>Not being able to appreciate both the male and female form

Must be a padded top.

Which one has breasts?

This guy gets it

I think her face is just stuck like that.