I saw my first Swedish muslim girl in a burqa today

I saw my first Swedish muslim girl in a burqa today.

Blonde as anything, wearing a hajib or w/e they are called. She was driving. I was looking at her in disgust

I can't believe what I saw

Is Sweden lost Sup Forums?

it was lost a while ago

>What nose

Also no, we have religious freedom in this country.

>Is Sweden lost Sup Forums?

But I have seen the same shit in Texas. Blondes and redheads wearing hijab bullshit. Money hungry bitches do anything for money, arabs get freebies from our government and oil money from theirs to be here. Women are going to flock to them because they flaunt cash, cars, jewelry. Same reason the go for niggers. They dont give a fuck about black dick, just green paper.

looks like an undercover jew to me

Saw this in leafland too. Truly we are at the end of days

Yeah... freedom. You deserve to lose all your ancestors build just because you don;t deserve it. Fucking swede cuck, I'll shove religious freedom up your ass. Degenerate fuck. Reap what you sow faggot.

Odds are your grandma used to wear something similar.

odds are she didn't breed with shitskins

We're being invaded and women react to the invasion.

>Is Sweden lost Sup Forums?
are you kidding? YES!
Pack up your brothers and sisters and head on over here. There is still hope in these parts.

so how do you know she was blonde as anything when she was wearing a hijab?

I’m an austinite and I’ve never seen a white woman in a hijab. A lot of muslim women, not whites.

White sharia is the only solution to this clown world.

Is she even allowed to drive?

>I saw my first Swedish woman that was cucking and betraying my entire race

What sort of hole have you been living in OP? Do you go outside? I can see them from America.

Maybe, just MAYBE, a strand was visible.

There are a lot of them near Rundberg/North Lamar, but I saw one on Brazos downtown a couple weeks back.

Sweden is now 20.2% non Swedish as of January this year.
Your last legal peaceful way of solving this is the election in 2018. Otherwise the only solution is revolution.

she is probably northern swedish, that means swedish sami finn and in this case mixed in with the "potatid" phenotype, to top it all of those eyes+brows screams Borderline... she is probably more insane than the moslem she is with

>Is she even allowed to drive?

She's not even allowed to be in a Western country, under Sharia Law she's a traitor.

>Is Sweden lost Sup Forums?
Sweden is the museum of failure.

I Fixed your shitty chart.

>green paper
You're full of shit, asshole.

That doesn't mean that there are religious equality.

>is Sweden lost Sup Forums

>we have religious freedom in this country.
BWAHAHAHA. Yeah, well, with more converts to Islam that's soon gone.

>Is Sweden lost
since like 2015, lad.

Don't you understand that women don't have opinions or ideas? They believe what their father figure or dominant male figure tell them to believe. If she's a Muslim, she's either rebelling or some shitskin Mudslime scooped her up.

It's that simple.

You're just mad you didn't get any bobs and vagene picz

>Is Sweden lost Sup Forums?

what are eyebrows?

Sweden is a fucking failure and the main reason the North is not united today. Could have been a superpower to rival Britain or Germany, but noooo... It's much better to thirst for achmeds cock and then proclaim that if any kind of new union needs to take place Sweden is the ideal leader... Just fuck my shit up senpai.