Scientism Thread

We need to spread awareness of this nihilistic belief system posing as and infecting true empirical science. Most anons here can get behind that, right?

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Wise man.

so which science is allowed on Sup Forums?

Only the one that affirms YHWH. Praise Jesus!

Also the nu atheists and scientism debate feels a little like it's 2010 again

Flat earth and creationism

Listen up polish subhuman speaking

Theism =/= dogmatic religion for retards. Learn the difference christcucks. The fact that you can't seperate theism from the dogmatic text written by a collection of men over a period of time, just goes to show that you have no genuine philosophical, spiritual, or theistic inclinations, you are just children who want an overarching and indisputable legal code by which to live your lives. That isn't to say that religion has never come up with good moral principles, but it is wise to analyze those principles from the perspective of what they actually are: an assortment of rules invented by men to order society. Some are good ans useful, some were warped, hypocritical, and obviously political from the start. Religion also tends to turn the average person into a thoughtless drone with no ability to think critically, absolutely no different from a libtard or a an adherent of scientism. You say that science is like a religion nowadays, you are correct, and that is a BAD thing. This applies to all religions, not just christianity. I single out christianity because the religious people on Sup Forums are mostly christian.

>t. member of the "I fucking love science!" crowd

Science based from actual evidence, repeatable experimentation and observation. Not Reddit-tier "I fucking love SCIENCE" non-research and lies.


Here we have it folks, a perfect example of a religious person with the ability to read an entire post, miss the point utterly and completely, disregard what I said that was even relevant, and make a half-witted remark about "le fedora" or something along those lines. Let me direct your attention to one specific part of my post, you utter fucking mong.

>You say that science is like a religion nowadays, you are correct, and that is a BAD thing.

Did you read that, retard? I admit that science today is used as a religion for the masses. The scientific method is not the issue here, the issue is what "science" is used for, politically and sociologically. You have no argument, moron, since your post was based on your lack of reading comprehension and a knee jerk reaction.


Truth Threshold

its time you really understood that evidence in the context of which you use it is faith.

The one proved by empirical evidence

>You say that science is like a religion nowadays, you are correct, and that is a BAD thing.

Yes it is. Especially when "science" is synonymous with "fact" in the minds of most. As someone who unironically calls people "christcucks" on pol, isn't it amazing that even you admit to this Scientism problem within mainstream (((science)))?

'Scientism' isn't the only problem. We are too ethos-based in our knowledge; much of what we 'know' is based off of facades of truth that aren't really there. These exist in the media and social sciences, where what is assumed as 'truth' is really someone's opinion. Not only does this facade serve to misinform, but it also rejects dissent.

>As someone who unironically calls people "christcucks" on pol, isn't it amazing that even you admit to this Scientism problem within mainstream (((science)))?

No, it isn't. Only if you are a braindead christcuck who is incapable of comprehending a world outside of your small preconception of it. Christcucks and other religious idiots are in no way different from the adherents of scientism, aka your average libtard. Just because I realize that scientism is used today to mislead, lie, and propagandize, and that "scientists" are like a modern day priest class, doesn't mean I am going to turn around and retreat into the arms of another, equally retarded way of looking at the world, with the help of a literal priest class and religious dogma. The issue with both is a complete lack of critical thinking and desire to have one's beliefs contradicted. It must be reiterated however, that the scientific method is not at fault here. There are some things that are "real science", and science still remains the best tool we have for discovering truth about the material world. It just means that just because some guy goes on TV and says "Scientists say..." doesnt make it true. Or even reading a study published somewhere doesnt make it true, due to human error, bias, corruption, politics, etc. And yes, unless you have personally verified a study as being valid, there will always be an element of faith (in other humans) involved. But better to have faith in other humans, as long as they consistently provide objective results. Since science has on more than once occasion provided real world results, unlike religion, it is stupid to throw the baby out with the bathwater and reject science as a whole just because it has been corrupted and used for nefarious purposes under the guise of "truth".

Looks to me like you just want to argue. I agree with your posts, aside from all your bizarre hostility towards Christians.

There is nothing bizarre in my hostility towards christians, and ALL religions, especially the abrahamic ones. Dont think I am singling out christians here, I already stated that this is merely because they are the most common kind of religious person on this board. There is no point in me addressing this towards some tiny religious minority which has two or three posters here. My hostility is based purely on the inability of most christians to think critically or outside of their bible/dogma. This is proven in every single thread that pertains to christianity, they come in and argue like absolutely fucking retards, no logic or rationality whatsoever, just utter devotion to dogma. It is the behavior of a subhuman animal, period. No different from what muslims or some retarded african witchdoctor does, the only difference is that luckily christianity has cuck undertones and therefore christian dogma in the modern world leads not to mass murders and mass savagery, but mass cuckoldry and suicide.

science is a theory. Jewish Academia stipulate that a body on earth is submitted to a force - called g - with a mathmatical value. That's an approximation based on bs formulas to sell you muh ultimate scientific truth.

scientism is the pompous idea that theories are the ultimate truth, which are not.

Scientism is why people hate atheists. Be objective. Their is more proof of ID (Intelligent Design) than there is of Evolution. It's why I went from atheism to Agnosticism. No proof of macro evolution, no proof that life can come from non-life. But hurr durr lightning struck mud and created life - thats a) literally retarded and b) scientists have been trying to do create the same process in pristine laboratory conditions for a hundred years now and cant (and wont).

Science has nothing to do with judaism you fucking retard. All objects on earth are under the force of gravity. This is objectively true. And that value is the same for all objects, in a vacuum, a feather and a person will fall at the same speed towards earth. Scientific theory does not mean hypothesis, this is just another example of retards deliberately misunderstanding words. Scientific theories are supported by tons of evidence, theory does not mean "we think this is how things are", it means "all evidence points to things working in this way, and this is how we can describe it". A hypothesis is what is yet unproven, not a theory. Stop equating the incorrect colloquial usage of words with their proper meaning.

other than einstein that picture is full of pretentious cunts

>ctrl+f satire
0 results founds

>linking to a flat earth channel

I don't blindly accept a lot of science stuff but still I think flat earth/young earth shit is retarded
Also evolution is better model for explaining how things actually happened than "lol god just made it xD"

I was in your exact position 3 years ago.

You seem open-minded enough to actually watch the documentary posted above, user.

Im starting to believe there's a consolidated shill effort to undermine Christianity on Sup Forums by posting insane bullshit. Like that crazy pro-racemixing baptist faggot, now flat earth. Looks like a false flag.

But liberals only worship fake TV scientists who feed them easy to understand and wrong opinions passed off as "science". Libshits don't worship Einstein since they can't understand anything he did or use it to push their liberal agenda.

Modern "Scientists" absolutely BTFO


Bonus points for those with stem degrees.

Good post, Ahmed. Have fun submitting to the anti christ.



Scientism is part of the NWO plan. It's a core principle of technocracy. Huxley all but outright warned us about this. We are seeing the rise of a scientific dictatorship that rules not through consent and dialogue but through manipulation and deceit. The scientific method is a powerful means of discovering truth about the material world but it isn't the ultimate truth. We can look within ourselves though meditation, prayer, shamanic rituals involving psychoactive plants and so on. Those experiences are subjective and nonrepeatable but they already just as valid and all humans have similar experienced from them.

This is so cringey it hurts.

In all fairness you can engineer birds with dinosaur mouths.

>lol god just made it xD
Agreed, i like "lol it just made itself and blew itself up and remade itself and made itself come to life and improved itself (it all took a long time guize i swear) xD" alot better.


You have literally not made a point yet other than screeching and punching the wall over your irrational hate for christians

Hundreds of PhDs against modern-day Darwinism.

Don't worry according to science we are all intelligent