Boomers made every Faustian bargain possible, they did it all within a single generation and the planet is completely destroyed. There's no future for anything, mankind is finished -- just nigger ghouls shitting everywhere and eating each other until the stars burn out.


rundown of a faustian bargin?

From the tale of Faust who made a deal with the devil or something.

faust accepts mephisto (the devil)'s aid in using black magic under the contract that his soul will be dragged to hell in "four and twenty" years

>just nigger ghouls shitting everywhere and eating each other until the stars burn out.
so your a optimist i see. by most scientific accounts the earth wont be inhabitable in about 5 bil years when the sun goes red giant

the atmosphere is thinning. thats why the boomers sold out the younger generations. they decided they wanted every one to die with them not another couple hundred years later

global oxygen levels are dropping to fast. 5% in 20 years means humanity might not last another hundred years

Sell your soul. You could also draw parallels with how Faust then spent the rest of the life that he bargained for trying (and failing in some versions) to cheat the devil and get his soul back.

I can not. digits confirm

I'm gonna start weening myself of oxygen. When everyone else starts gasping for air I'll be laughing heartily

You are absolutely and 100% correct. The question we need to be asking ourselves is, how do we fix it?

>the planet is completely destroyed. There's no future for anything, mankind is finished
>You are absolutely and 100% correct.
>how do we fix it?

implying those lsd hippie libtard fucks were smart enough to figure out the atmosphere was thinning and all agreed to sell out and never told anyone the plan.

i laughed way harder at this then i should have

Holy shit same thanks Mattias

This is correct. Boomers fucked us every way imaginable.

He's right though.

You're foolish to limit your thoughts with a presumption of defeat. Even if you think you'll lose, you should still act as though you'll win.

This goes in line with another thing they did. Neutered their young so they wouldnt have the balls to reciprocate any justice. The worst generation of any civilization man kind has ever seen.

Forgot Pic

They also raised Gen X, a feckless bunch of retarded manchildren and hippies.

The generation that spawned millennials. The generation that started the "I wanna be the cool parent!" fad. The "I want to be my wife's son's best friend!" fad.

Faust traded his soul to the devil to acquire knowledge and power.

>until the stars burn out
We'll be LONG extinct before our own star burns out.

Also, the white man did this to himself. Being the tip of the evolutionary spear means bearing the consequences of social engineering.


Boomers were a weak generation.

The child-to-adult ratio was completely out of balance.

A significant percentage of the good men who should've served as role models were killed in the war.

All these kids were basically left in the care of a feminized nation that had its post-war economy and politics practically seized by a foreign power.

They never had a chance.


Hey sonny
You uh
*coughs up flem*
*jean button flies off as belly protrudes*
Boy you
*eats McDonald's*
Hey there uhhh
*shops on QVC*
I think that there uhh
*votes for globalist politicians*
So uhh
*votes to raise taxes*
You're saying
*eats Chinese buffet after church*

poetic i like it

There's no fixing this timeline.